Illinois News Index

Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 28 Jun 1934, p. 30

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.Chicago0 ces - 10 16-1018 WVVLLOUUL TeIephone CEITRAL 3 55 ýWi R SUBSCurIPTONS $2 PER VEAR SINGLE COPIES 5 CENTS * Al communicatons an'd contributions intended 'for publi- * cation muet bear the haame and address of the author, not niecessarily 'for publication, but for our.files. Such iaterial' * muet reàch the editor by Tuesday nooii to be in time for the current issue. "001) FINANCING In times like these, when, al ,taxinig bodies are finding difficulty in financing operations and econo-, my is a prime requisite to th maintenance of public * service, citizens of. thé New Trier villages are te be congratulated upon the fact thattheý New~ Trier Hîgh. school hoard is embracing every opportunity to 1lighten the burden of the taxpa3yer without injury in, any way to theý efficiency of the school. That' * soîpe members of the board, at least, are "finance >minded," with a special propensity for the solving. of, financial probienis, is an additional cause for congratulation. When $55,000 of 472 per cent refuniding b)onds, were- sold to the Northern 'Trust cornpany last -ekirthe purpose of 'covering.bonds falling due on July 1, these refunldilig bonds commanded a- prenniun i f $3,370, which brings the net intereàt rate, down te 4 per cent. Again, a week eariier, $50,00 iii tax anticipation arrants were soId to mneet Jue avrells ani juIy bond interest charges. These warr-ants bear 5 per cent intercst inisteadi of 0 per cent, as lias becu thec ctistoimirN rate, meainmg a saving oif $5,000 'annpia1ly. li eu it caine te settitig Up the budget for 'Lic C011ung year the' board was f aced with anether prohicîn, ie pening of the new 'building, addi- tionial costs of upra lu ad e(ulipmilenit prescuted a hurdle neot easy to niegotiate. But niot\\wihstanidingý tbis, the budI(get, as tentatively adopted, is actualyivwier than 'last year, thle, aireunt being $517,00U. Hre agaui inanciai skiiiIwas r --id ad apay- ers wii be the benieficiaries. That Ibis -finance ininded" board, is alive tu. every meaus effered te overceme the finaniciai restrictions anid difticuities oi the high school district is showîî by the promptîness with which it recognized the campaigns for reelection. During the interim between now and the con- vening 'of the 74th congress early in january of 1935 the, American pe ople will have opportunity 'to sober 1up and' determine whether, after ail, they want to junk the constitution of the 'United States and. the, government itcreated;- whether they wish. to castaside as of no 'value the.lessons of history, which 'teach that -the principles. of the New Deal, have a clear record of 100 per cent failure when- ever and wherever tried; wvhether tFiey wish to de- part froffi thé proved.paths of safety and 'progress and follow admninistration theoristsand dreamers into the. pathless«, wastes of lefist experinientation. In' employîng this period for the sober, second thought . that b as :seidom failed t'O turnl the American electorate- away frorn the temptations of, short-cuts to. prospçri.ty or recovery froni de- pression, it is well to remember that the voters have not ye t passed approval upon the radical tendencies of the present administration, or' the actual laWs passed. Revolutiofiary' as some of these xneasures are, th~ey are conservative . om- pared to what is to follow, if the President's iast message to congress and the assertions of ex- perienced commentators in Washingtoin are to be given credence. The latter state that1 much more' radical legislation wouid have been,.passed by the' laie congress' except for the waves of protest that rolled over the capital from. "the folks back home." It may be expected ai the next ,ession, we are told. Three acts of th e "Coigress of 'Dishionor" àp- pear to be' especialIy vicious: and altogether un- American.. One is the placing 'of approximiately $10,000,000,000 inmb the hands of thé execùtive. to 'use as he sees fit, wvithouî l)eing requîred to answer to anyone. Another' is the power dele- gated te the Secretary of Agricui' re wherebv he is given .control over every outicé of foodstuffs îiroduced, 'processed or' sold, in this countr- the power to make regulations, designate punish- nients as. may. seem to liii proper, and to act as co mplainant, judge, jury and executioner, oui- 'side ,of and above the courts and 'thie law. That. is usurpation of powý.er with a vengeance. The third act is the communications, bill, delegating to a commission to be appointed by the executive, supervision over the teiegrap.h, telephone, radio Trhe \vel-kno-%tn Mr. Miussolini of ltaly, i., saicl to be watching events with a view to pr.eventing, anly monkey-businless by the Nazis in Austria.' Thiat being the case, it mighit be well for Au.stria to sleep with one eye open. just hen we thouiglit ftat illia(l been buundi initoail impregnable soîidarity in def-ense of mas- culine rights a Jury of twelve of theni found a Chicago brother guilty of cruelty to hiswife, who is seeking a divorce. *AprlilltaifriI). sas cOllege girls make the wvorst .wives. We're two of *. ýem right no* and -warnling the'boys'to, keep away. If that boît of lightning that destroyed a dance hall Satur- '/ day nighit is stil11, . i working- - condition we*cati use itto ad- vantage along the nofth shore. That Atianita, Georgia, widow. who mlade a date With a.,, strange man anid-,vas robbed of $6.000l was old enough te , knôwý better. Still1 $6,0W0i a pretty st iff rice to pay for* a lesson ii deportmient. It.s réallv remtiarkale wha.t Americans vvill cil- dture freiin pe)litical d(emiagogues anid charlatalis. leatr ucvý Lonig rushed froin \\aslliiigtnn tp the L.ounsîana 'caital an(dltook charge of ail state:ý affairs. tellinig evervbodv- tô snialp ilto it anid d( what thcv xere told. The setiator's brother dç-.. mnanded that a speaker at a. park. ii Okiahomla> Citv %Yho had been granted 1a. permit to speak tl ereý be s'unarilv re:noved, l)y the police se thiat Long mnigbt miake ail address. The polce did as reqiestc(l. Hown Lonig, O Lord, lxow Long? The dead body ef Oscar, the baby seal turned loose ini Lake 'Michigan,.lias beeni waslied ashore. We l)eg Oscar's,:pardon for having inirnated that lie %vas onie of a mnenagerie that. ilutided Pink elephant s. te une 'i50,UU p.') s lpv tn Newspapers o.ver, the coi 'it up for NRA eiîttin'g tremendous squa NRA is attempting îto raise bovs from i 12te 14 years. taxpayers interesl charges which eat cleeply - mie incomes. True, the method. gives ne oppQrtunity for eliriinating tax levies or cutting theni down only to' be compelled to .make up. for it aniother year. But, it is conducive 'to ease of mmnd for both tax- payer 'and'.official. probleins catnot be solvec i n the sanie way, with- out tearing down what it has taken generations to build. And in arriving at a verdict the voter should not overlook -the assertion 'of Professor Tugwell, now undersecretary of agriculture, that "we have' 150 years of progress to undo.", as the boozeniaker 'who uses theni. But Tony and Frank and Sani are just laughing. They know that booze can be soid as. easily in tin cans or earthen jugs as in glass botties. But Mr. Morgen- thau hasn't thought that far-yet. vbeexi eal, are Lise the ýr news- w be limit

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