1w Ms. erbet XVeed prsi~the club Tuesday, and 'Mrs. Adolph dlent. Wilrnette is represented Luick of Chicago wvon with a 91 in B hv Mrs. Frank WV. Chutrchi of, cl1ass. Nrs. George S.Motony' W\ Iinette, is P chairman, of 189 won in C class.. The class is deter- ~vho inedî bv the player's handicap. Atqerican citizenship. Otliers are: Ms. alter B. Me t- caIf of I)eerfield, Anierican home Mrs. L.avton Gouldin of ELvan1StOn. Farew*el1 PaTty art; NIrs.H. .B.,,Bajruch of- Chicago,1 Club institutes ; Mrs. Hialhcrt. Han-t. Dr. and 'Mrs. C (l elan- of Ingelside, conservation;- [ashington, avenu ,Nfrs., Park Q. Wray, Chicago, 'edu-ý teen guests at an cati ion; Mrs. Leoj. Regan of Nulesl Saturday in honor Center, Federation magazines; Mirs. ser of Wlilmette, Fred IH. Cluttcin, of Highland Park,: JulY 1. for Germai gardens; Mrs. J. Wilson Coffey, of Chicago, Indian welfarc; Mrs..O. F. Paisley of Highland Park,, interna- tional relations; Mrs. Kénneth \ViI- Gives Luricheoi îlon of Evanston, junior; M.ýrs.. joseph Ms alLn Joyce of Higliland Park, legislative; nxue-,v as hostess9 Mrs. A; D. White of Chicago, liter-e:onP last ri*day. ature; Mrs. Hi. F. Norton of Chicago, Richard Lippincoti motion pictures; Mrs. David Giff ord left last Saturday of Ch icago, mrnpsic; - Mrs. James P. nier iii northerni *Wall of Chicago, Park Ridge Scho for Girls; *Mrs. J. \V. Bird of Lih- ertyville. publicé health and child wel- fare; Mrs. Louis .l)ianiond of Xau- For House Gui keganl, pul)lic wvelfarü: NMrs. Johin B. MrX.V.W Boddie of Chicago, radio: 'Mrs. Ken-radKnioth nethlo .veil of 1ibertvville, Speakers tbeo rdea bureau; 'Mrs. H. E. Corev, .Jr.. Of Curvclb u Chicago. press and publtcîty.ofhrosees of Harniltoni, Oli Lake Forest gardens may 'be vis- ited under the auspices of the Illinois League of W'omen 'Voters. The dates are Mlonday. juIy 9, Wednesday, July Il, Friday.July 13, and the remaining Wednesdays, Fridays, and Saturdays throughout July. These tours wvil1 be personally conducted and wiII meet at 2 o'clock at Lake Forest park at the foot Of Deerpath road. Reservations niay be made with Mrs, John Clarke Baker of 347 )aple avenue. mnc. tifn A C. G. Shearon, 403, ue, entertained -six- evening bridge last of Thomas A. Gon- who is leaving. on lly. ,933 Ashland aVe- at -a bridge lunch- in honor of Mrs.ý tt of Wilmette who to -spend the sum- est ' eelock. 132 0Odord wvas hiostess. at a lunicheoni at Skokie esday last ini honor MNrs. J. T. Backus "ERPAOOFi- 'w g? Ail the qualities of a private club, close to home, yÇt* you psy onîy when you play. FREE LOCKER SHOWER CLUB SPACE Wil.2980 for lime rs.rvation LAME AVENUE Wilmtte WEEK DAYS: AU Cui, $.5 8Li. 1 SATURDAYS: AU day, $-%; 18 hli..,$115 SUNI>ATS intl HOLII>AYS,. All day, $1.7S. Moroings (to 1 P. M.), $1W. Mternoons, $1.25. TWILIGHT: Every day after 4PiM., 7se. AT HARMS- ROAD Vernon Country Club Appeats. to (Zolfers Who Want, the Very Best Vernon is eleven years old, fair-. ways and greens are in perfect condition. and. the rolling grou.nd bhas literally hundréds and hun-: dreds of trees. We invite comparison of Vernon with the better private, clubs. WJEBOLDTeS ______VERNO On Davis StreetlE NO C UNTRY CLUB_ Fee Golf Play' Women Volers Sponsor JuIy Tour of Gardens [-irs WATE