Stults .and lier daugnter., Margaret, of 418 Sheridan road, will attend the convention. Mrs. Stuits is a district officer, and lier daughiter is trt act as Mrs. Grasett's secretary, during thc Convention. .Miss Janie 1-ymers dif Eva-stonr is' the (lelegate of the E-'vanstoni alupinac cliaptier of ýthe sororitv. 'vhiclî includes the iiorth shore. Open Homes for June Events for 0. E. Se. M rs. Roy E. MNc!lrath. 1629, High-1 land, avenuùe, is openîglehoeti afternoon for a sewing ,meneting of miembers of tlîe Wilmiette 'clapter.1 Order of, the Eastern Star. Thiis Saturday Mrs. William E. .Shellmaiî, 707 Washington av en1u c, i s opeing lier home for a benefit even-. ing bridge for the 0O. E. S. Last W\ednlesdayý aftern-00on 5lhe ettertain - cd. the past worthv inatrons -for_ luncheon, with a meeting following. On Wednesday of Iast .week 'Mrs. Earl Orner, 823ý Park .avenue, ý.was hiostess at. libç and bridge for1 a] 1 the: commit tee . ài-nber's 2of the O.E. .S. About f.orty guests were present.' Hosiesses to D. A. R. .Mrs. Frederick O. Giesecke, 800 Greenleaf avenue, 01ened lier home last 'Iiirsulay for a ben -tb luiicieoi and' bridge for the H'enry l)earbori 'chapter, I)aughiters of the Amiericéan Revolution, Fo--rty' inem- 1.ers. anid -guests attended theè party, amnong thembeing Mr.Raymioid C .Kimbeli -of Etývanston,' fornerly of .\Wilmiette, national ,chaplain general. Mrs. Giesecke is on the board:ofdi- recétors. and is, chairnian of- the wav's and Ineans committee for thé comning year. The H-enry 1)earborn chapter! il, the second largest chapter in Ciri- * CagO. ado, and Mrs. 0. B. Johnson of Wis- consin, directors. NIrs. Edward D. Pomneroy continues as president ofý thie club. Guesi of. Honor Betty Joslin, 240,'Essex road, Ken-; -ilwortlî, gave a, luncheon and splash party \\Wedîîesdlav last in, honor of1 Mary Lillian Skirvan, of La Belle, MNlo., wvlo is visiting. Martlia Roberts Of Kei>ihvýorth. J eanne. Cutier, 407 Central avenue, Wvill leave Saturday for Tiiiberliiie Ranch camâp in Arizona. INDIAN TRAIL TEAROOM ý i. StNDAY NIGHT TEA, IServed fro.rn 6 to 8,p. m. &0- Chestnut Street Winnetka 1103 .u.I -e -. <4....' ~> PANAMA ~..Regularly $3-95 Flattering panama In th. soft gensie shade ,wich %blonds, mo subtly with just everythiog in Summer wearl Clever brimmid, models bofrh larg»eand small dozens of types ~ end sls ail aWs chic athe model'iketched. Some $450 models also, included.; Mi!Itnerty Sàl on-Second Floor WEBOLDT'S-VANSTON Ot Dvis Street '.WîUmoel'100 w WUNKELMAN, (HANi> "DE) SHOE SALE Enterta ihsi -%I -- v X Spinneys, iini Iriuvuv Mr. and Mrs. Guy S. HaMmIond, 801 Hibbard road, left last week for Lauderdale lakes, near Elkbiorn, Wis, Where the y bave taken a cottage for the season. HIENRY C.LYTToN &SONS WOMEN'S SHOP-Sherman and Church-EVAINSTON I N ENTIRE. STOCK FOUt0RMERLY $8-58