Illinois News Index

Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 28 Jun 1934, p. 53

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I.. Pi;,E ÀSANT -ROM -IIIAIR Y. Private home on east side.. Near trainsportation, Rteasonable. 1009 Oak- wood Ave., phone Wilniette 824-J. 82LTN8-Il LARGE NICELY FURNISfE ROOM, *~block to Elm Street Station.. Rea- sonable. Phone Winnetka 1867. S2LS-ltp PLEASANT SINGLE ROOM IN PRI- Svate borne, close to tranisportation. 467 .Chestnut st., Winnetka. Pbone Winnetka 3558. 82L81tî) ATTRACTIVE FURNISHED ROOM includlng fireplace and lav. Central location. Phono ýWlmhette. 2399 or 2427. 1 SINGLE AND 1 DOUBLE ROOM with <'onneoeting Grg.3lls Hul.,lard Woods station. -Ph. Glencone 1935. ___8LN-t NICELY FURNISH l),I ROOIM SUIT- ale fo>r 1 or 2. Kitchenette optional. Near transpotat<>n. Ph. Wiliiiette, 2158. ____ ____82LTNS-l tp LAMIE, NICELY FUIZNISHEI) FIRONT. roouin, with twvin heds. vor én venlient Io(atlon: Pli, W.Innetka . 1.56. P LEASANT AIRY EOOM IN. HU13- bard Wteods, s'Ùitable for 1 or 2. Cloýse t<osiîs distric-t atnd s.tatio)ns. phone Wiuta1815. 821,TIN8-ltc COOLWELLFUjRN. ROO1M. EAST side quiet -hoife- . ari tiratuS. and beaeh. Sniall adult, faîmily. Garage. Ph., Wirnîette 955. S2LTNS-ltp. 1'LEA$SA NT Fl URN ROOM FOl Il( F1TI -housekpg. Also sinîgle roonm. G;ar1ge-. 633 Park Ave., 'ilmetti.. 'X21,TNS-Iti) NICE LARG1(lE ANI ML fOM 210. .SLN-~ PLEASANT AIRY SLEEPING ROOM, single or double. 1 block to stations. 1'on innetka 3135. 82L,8-ltp ONE LARGE ROOM, NICE FOR 1 OR 2. Alsô 1 single roonu. Phone Winnetka 23 56. 821,S-Itp WANTED TO__RENT-RDOM$ PR MOTHEIt AND t J'IIE roitwvin leds, lileasantlcti. Box 40ý, Wln8tII 3[àTN8-lti> FORRENTr-Lit. HSKPG. ROPOMS 3 Utfuiiished lRoomis-$15 PER MO. (;AS, LIGHT, WATER IN- clutded frce., 1-car garage, Winnetka :,677. L-ll LIGIIT 1HOUSEýKEEPINC AND ALS() sleeping rioins* East s hie, hucartrns lairta tioui. Ph. Wiinîette 6. S-1 1T.'I1S.t VFIRY ATTRACTIVE UNFURNISHED apartment, 2 or 3 rooms. Humphrey Bldg., Winnetka.. A lso Weill.located office. Phone Winnetka 97. or, Wlnnetka 3328. 9LN-f 4-ROMlAPARTMENT IN THE LIN- den Crest. Ail beautiful outside rooms. East and west exposure. Free .refrig- eration. Reas. 'rent... Phone Wilmette 500. > roll & Smilth, Agents.. 92L'ÈN8-tfe TWO UNFURNISHED ÀPARTMENTS, lncludinig Frigidaire. AiPply at 819 Oak St., Winnetka. Phone Winnetka 407. VÉRY DÉSIRABLE APARTMENT, 5 rooms, exclusive front and back en- tranice. $45 wltb heat. .loOs Oakwoéod, Ave., Wilmette. 9LN-f WIUMETTE -. FURN. OR UNFURN. 51~roons $32,50 Bautifully wooded lot. PhoneWilniet.te 1367. 92LTNZ8-1tp ROOMS OR 3 ROOM 11APT, EAST SIDE. Phone. Wilmette 1671., 92LTNS-ltc Or i' RFN-ýFýURNISHED A^PTSr.--- 1 BOOM IIKiTi -CHENETTE A PART- .nent, .furn. or unfurn. Pr 'ivte bath and entrance. Gs light and refrigera- tion furnished. $3.5. 1021 Central Ave., Wililette, 111. Ph. Wilmette 2791. 931,TN-tc IN NÔ-MAN'S-LAND-ON-TI-E-LAKE wherethe WINDS are COOL, - An botel-type rÔom 'at $27 -a month. SPA1NhSH COURT PROPEIITIES 930 Spanish Court Wilmette 432 TWO ENORMOUS AIRY STUýDIO. roonis with ,;kylight-kitelien and bathroom-rent July and August $60 montb-ly. Phone Winnetka 3531. WVLL, SUBLEASE 41'k1RM. FUR-N. apt. in the Linden Crest. Desirable South & East exposure. Rent reas.. Pli. lirnette 500. Kvoll & Smnith. 931,TN8-tfc .MODERN 4 ROOM. FURNISHED OR unfurn. apartment,. newly decorated. Central location. Reasonable. Phone WVilnîe(ttie 2399 or 2427. 93LTN6-4tp 2 ROO01\ AND KITCHENETTE APT. furnished; garage. East. location, nr. transîî. Reasonable. Wilrniette 676., 9TN-1 tp FOR -RENTr-HousieS __ A1 IAEB E ACHL <;OES WITH, THIS ATTRACTIVE9- ' -o p i houise in NiVinnetka. b~ ath,- sleepi ng l)(ich: brkfst. romni, porçh. 8~ roonis, 3 taths, 1070 Elni Ridge Dre, Glencoe. ALSO MANY OTHERS ALL SIZES AND PRICES. I3AIRD & NARNER, 111c. 523 PARK DRIVE, 1CnNILWORT[i 346 PARK AVE., GLENCOE lCenilworth 47É5 Glencoe 1551 Rogers Park 6151, Briargate 1855 97LTN$rlte E N G L I SH BRICK., ALL-MODERN House-4 bedroonis, 2 hathis, 1-var att. gai,. Good location; available Auq. 1. $100. ARTISTIC 'BRICK AND STONE House; four beds; 114. baths. Large enclosed porch; exceptionally large lot with. beautiful trees and fiowers; ex- clusive. neighborhood. $100. GRACE E. GRANT 397 Park Ave. Glence e$44 97LTN-ltc FURNISHED OR UNFURNISHED - Beautiful home adj. Skokle Countrv Club. If lniterested sénd. postal or phone for plctures'of house and garden. lClrn- ball, 770 Bluff St. Phone Gleriene 170 97LTN8-Itp M ODERN BUNGALOW, 5 IRMS. ýAND, 'unporch clothes closýets, fir-eplaçe, bt air heat, ý2-car garage. Reas. 938* FOR RENT-FURNIUHEDHOSE rnÏ7,s. c, Ser. pb.Ï 3banr. lake. $175 12rins., 2 19s. l. lot, 3 bs. ...... 135 7 ri..2 lbs-, good location . .. ..100 7 1ns. b., nice ioc...............'85 S ris. 1 b., ex. T. & L., 2 pchs..75 5 rii., Bung., 1 b., lg. lot ......... 65 Other good values furnLshed and un- furnilshedl, aIl sîze's, sumnier or longer. 11. H._ A N T 52 T<eter St. Winnitkai 965 9gLTNsý-Itîî AVAILABLE NOW i OIDERýN HOUSE. nicely furnished; near Hubbard Woods Stat.ion. Contains 5 bedroonis, 3 balhs, 2-car. garage. Large wooded lot. Price redueed to $135. _ GRACE E. GRANT 397 Park Ave. Gtencoe 8441 WANrED TO RENT--HOUGUIS WANTED- HOUJSE WITH 5 MASTER bedr-ooins,. 4 nîaids' rooins, oil beat, trent for, two years. John Newhall. Phone Gleneoe. 1554. 99LTN8-lte WANTIED TO RENT-FUR 'N. HOUSEO FUIRNISHED HOUJSE FOR PERIOD .frorn June 25th to Sept. 8th. 5 bed- room.s. Adults. Near beach, screened porch,_excellent references. Phone Aus- ? It. C. H.BRETHOLD WILMETTE 65 921,TNS-lti) WILL S'LAEFRN. ORUNEJUN attractive, sp.tvious, Ist Fl. apt. at 617 Washington St., Wil. Heat, bo(t Wa-7 ter, garage, enclosed back yard. Phone Wilnîette 93827.: 92TNS-ltcý SMALL FLAT, FOR. LIGHIT flOUSE- kepn.$16, -includ.iig heat. Adults. 2300 Thornwoodl Ave., Wilmette, Phone Glenview 106-Mf. , 92LTN8lt.p - ___ ---- »nUTI1VLA, 6 R1N..CO.ALNIAL tiUMIE'.' 1tMLu-I1-,(îgporch, brkft. WHTITE C~OLONIAL HOMENB. NRLAKE Woocled lot, oil lit., owner a.sking i.porch, oil lit,, gajrage, Ige. lot. Cali, ndtra nsp. 6 bdrnîsi,., 3 baths, r4 fata cs fcnstr.uc- Flood, 210( ra)v ilî4e31 eeononîicaIll heated by ou. . tion. See this before buying. Mr. Or Greenleaf 2700. WîîlltN8î331 VERIIY CHA RMIN( iSAL CLNA Voss- ITN-t, hom. 6Éni., 1/2bats. 75.DON'T MISS THIS!! HATRh ~~Attractive 7-rooni house, intk, home. i'ms, îi,)natas $75.ARbedr s., 1bathlarge porcýh, 70 ft. lot. M74s uller & \Vin. Pickard 523 PARK DRtIVE, KEýNLWORTH ga.,fear depot and*80. 746 Eliu St.Winnetka 3603Keiwtl 47,S5 Rogers Park 6151 F. A. Reid, 954 Linden Ave., Winn. 1300 97LN8-tc 11LN8-tc î1LTN81t> Evaliston to Lake Forest CONSULT R. B. WHITAKER CO. 841 Elrn St. Wlrunetka 3250 WINNETKLA OPen Week -Days fromn 9 tO 9 Originators of "'The',WhltakerPiana" 111LTN7-2te ENGLISH 'HOME -NOW READY FOR YOUR 'INSPEC- tiqn at 299 Vernon Avenue.,- Glenco. This modern brick home, q uite new, bas been recondltioned tbrougbout. Many unusual reatures,, such as, sbihp'.m-cabin bedroomn for smail boy, library in striklng color comnbina- tion, powder-room wlth vanlty. 6 bedroonus, 31h baths. Attached gar- _age.Oil heat. Liberal.,termes,.$5,0 <ahbal.' over 139 months. Corne and cee it. OPEN 2 TO, 5 SATURDAY AND S1UÇDAY, OR' BY, APPOINTMENT. QUINLAN & TYSON, .c 1571 Sberman Ave. Uni., 2600 1L1LTN6S-lte Believe It or Not! POR RENT-8 R. ,house on fine large lo't, east. Garage. $45.00. FOR SALE-50-ft, lot in West Wllmette near tt*rnsportation and schools, $1,000. FOR l;.,LE,-9 R. brick borne in fine sectio n of Willîette, H. W. beat. 2 baths and' extra lavatory. Large lot. Garage.. test buy ln town. $164000. HILL & STONE 404 Linclen Avenue. Phone WVll. 1644 Gooci Values-Winnietka 8 rnis., Eng. brk., 3 bs ......... $25,M0 S rnis.,. brk,, 2 bs., 2-c. g,.... ... 20,00e> 6 mnis., slp. Vcb., 2 bs., mod. .13,500 la> rn -, older hse., gorod eond., mle, extra lot, nr. L ke ,._-.- 12,00e> 6 rnis., nod., oil (eaLSt), sacr.. -....8,000. 6 rnis., older lise., goud cond. >. 5,250 Other good vausaIlizes. See ou- list of fumun. and iunfurniý rentals short or long periods. 1). H. BARNETT 526 Certer St. * inta96.41 COLONIAL. 7BDRMS. ,e BAT1I$S, LIBRARY.. 2 fi replaces, 75 ft. wd'd lot. 4 blks te batbing beach. Interior has possibilil- ties of extrenie beauty, Ovet, 50,000. cu. ft. Ail for $13,500Q. $1,500 less than first rntg. and less than haif cost. new. 'Ask Mr. _brayer.

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