REAL ESTATE SERVICE 663 Lincoln Ave. Winnetka 3450 111LTNSltp SPECIAL VALUE, ATTRACTIVE 7 RM. BRICK, 2 TILrf BATHS, oïl ht., In estate section, Realiy priced to seil now. Mr. BAIRD & WVARNE'R,Inc. 346 PARK AVENUE, GLENCOE Glencoe 1554 Briargate 1855 111LTNS-1tc wANtED TOBuy-ioUUiEs BUYERS FOR 3 flOUSES WE HAVE '1 CUSTOMERS EACH wantlng a 4 bdrm., 1 bath house for not over $7.500. Cal Ruth Drayer. NORTH- SHORE RE ALTY 523 Winnetka- Ave. Winnetka 81 113LT2N -lte «5 OR '6 ROOM HOUSE. WILMETTE -to Winnetka, well lôcated. 'Nr. trahsp. Wtth nice grounds. Suitable for re- modeliiig. Not to exceed $8,00. O'wtei'0 reply Mr. Orth, Greenleaf 2701 or Wil- mette 3319. 113LTN8-Itc F Ro SALE-VACANT $29 PER FOOT CHOICE 75X18T -FEET WINNETKA lot In neigbborhood of reoently built homes, .ail taxes paid to date. This price represents littie more than assess- ments and taxes paid by present ,Ôwner. SMITH & GOSS 725 Elm St. Winnetka 3500 114LTN-ltc SUMMER RESORTS OF*F BEATEN TRACK. IN SCENIC So. Wise., good dirt farm where kids live in overalls, ride, swim, fish, get *.good country fare, plenty of it. Genuine *relaxation for wjhole famiily. Rates. easy. Corne for week end. See for yourself. Ref. Uni. 61~539, Wilmiette 2471 *or write Zada Hulbert, Edgerton, Wisc. 116LTS-l7 FOIR RENT-SUMMER ÇOTIAGES VON HOFSTEN'S CAMP AT LAKE~ Leelenau, Lelanid, .Miich. 2 caps.i; rented separate, If desired, furnished. $200 each for season.>Beauty spot an lake. Address F . M. C ase, Iîubbard Woodq, Ph.*Glencoe 132. _____________116-A LTýN8-ltip 2 SUMMER COTTAGES, 7 RMS. '%OD- ern nt Petitteake 1.. 1 i rm .a. #ned IFOR SALE-HOPUSEHOLD 00008 WASHER and IRONER LARGE THOR. WILI, SACRIFICE7 for cash. Phoneý Greenleaf 4646. 129L'PN8-ltp TIIINK, LAIUNDRY STO-VE, ..-KITr- ichen table, dresser, mirrors, bed (-om- plete, rocker, Mforris chair, stair carpet., Ph. C,;Ieneoe 1134, 1075 Bluff Rd., Glen- Coe, Ill. 129LTN-tc FRIGIDAIRE ELECTRIC REFRIG. 6 cu. ft. sîze. Perfect condition. Sim- mfonis single >bed with springs. Brand, new. Bargain. Ph. Greenleaf 7709. 129L-ltpb PORCH FPURNITURE FOR SALE. 5 pieces Marshall Fleld's bestý peeled cane. $17 the set. Phone Winnetka 236. 129L-ltp EL4ECTRIC REFRI1ERATORý FOR sale-capacity 512 -cubie feet. Perfect condition. $50. Easy termS. Willm.>tt- 919 129LT8-ltp) ELECTRIC 'REFRIGÈRATOR,- BED complete, dishes, books, dresser, desk aind inirrot,. 1035 Blff kôad, CGlenene,' 111. Ph. Glencoe 1134. 1291,8-1tp TWO 3 FT. 6. ALL HAIR MATTRES- ses. Very good condition. Cost .$40 each; $5.each. Wlnnetka, 1459.. 54-INCH.ROUINDr OAK DI:ý!NNO SET, 6 cathedral chairs. Excellent condi- tion. Che4p. Also odd chairs. Phone Winnetka 3129. 129)LTlNS-ltp FOR SALE-2 4 POSTER BEDROOM sets. 1 Mahogany and 1 walnutt. Phone Willrette 3309. 129LITN8-Ilp FOR SALE-MISCELLANOUS Po\Neî.i4aw'n iMover-,$7 CoIdwell Cub. $210 'value. Pet-fect condition. Sllgbtly used WINNETKA 1706 or 2915 131LTN-ltp MUJRALS 0F IORMANDY TEA ROOM an dG Niee, also Knight Soda Fountain, Brolei-, Stove, Sinks and Pink 1ishes. Cali Briargate 6667. 131 LTNS-ltcý 3Used Sectiopal; Boilers for- H., W. or' iteam housîe-heating. C. A. Ellis Co.,* Winnetkca 265. Iý31LTN8-ltp) NEW 22 HORSEPOWER ELECTRIC starting EN-inenide motor, or niight: trade for new snialler inotor. Phone, Clencoe 1452. 131LTN8-ltc .a n m. .. iC r a W*. LII -A. p ADMINISTRIATIVE 'UND. l.. OAftee rent for12 ninnths. £d 3 10 per 2. 4, 5. 6. PARK. 2. 3. 4. 7. S. 9. p:. Al. 12. 13.: month......................:$,120.00 Ofice supplies .(teèlep hone', *st ampa i se.)- 240.00 Office equipment.............150.00 Insurance (trucks, buildings and work- men's comipensation) ........... .......600 Salar3- (secretary).................... ..300 Salary (treasurer) at;$100 per annum. 100.00 Total.............. ........ $ 1,560,00 MAINTENANCE' FUND: Hardware, supplies and materials. 400.00 Geroeral unskilled labor:.............5,400.00 Sala ry .<park foreman) . . .......... ..... 1,800.00 Salary (park gardenier) ..... ;..........1,800.00 Lighting parks .... ..............320.00 Painting and repair .to, park structures. 1,500.00 Vehicle maintenance ............. ........ 500.00> Replacemnent' of park equiprnent......5010.,00 Police protection in parks............. 900.00 Maintenance of greenhouse, tlowers and plants.......... ................ ...... 300.01) Hauling and trucklng ... ............400.00 Water used, in parks..............0.00 Spraying trees and shrubbery.. ....... 500.00 Total.......................... $14,820. 00 BEACH F1'ND. 1, Salary (beaceh master for scason).... $ 2. Salai-y for life guards for ,season.... .3. Salary «natron of beach) for season,. 4. Wages of checkroom help for season. 5. Wages oif ofrice clerks for season .ýý. 6. Wages of beach combers for seamon 7. Sflary (poilcemOn) for seas'-on...... 8. Prlnting and supplie,......... 9. Haullng rubbish and lvln beach. 10. -*liscellaneou,; expense including light, extra help), repairs, etc.) ... ........ M1. Water, showers and toilets...... 600.00 1,500.ý00 200.00' 700.00 700.00 7,00.00 400.00, 40000 100.00 150.00 $120.00 240.01) 150.0.0 600.00 350.00 100.60 $1,560.o0 .$ ý400.00 5,40 0. 01) 1,8000<> 1.800.00 320.00 1,500.00 500.00 900.00 400.00 500.00 $600. 00 1,00.00, 700.00 500.00 700M 1,000.0f) 400.00 400.00 100.00, 150.00 Total................. ......$6,250.00 -46,2à0.00 The above and 'foregoing items, ..aggregating $,5.0 obe. paid I. out of funds çlerived f rom the (,perlation of. Wilmetté Bathing Beach and Beach Hlouse. PERMANENT IMPROVEMENTS: 1. Grading and seeding iawn, p lanting andl 2-.Due. on lightlng system installation con- tract, Washington Park ... ... .........410M0 Due on paving contract, W.ashington Park.....................760.00 4. Park structures an.d erections......1,500.00 Total.............. ...$3,470.00 $ EQUIPMENT (PURCHASE OF AND REPA-'IR O01,D): 1. Purchase of mower equiprnent...... 300.00. 2. Sharpening lawn -mowers and miscella- neous repairs to ail equlpment........100 Total ...............s 400.00$ LEGAL AND AUDIT EXPENSES; 1. Retainer for attorney ............$ 200k0 2. Auditor's- fees ....... .............100.00 3.For extra legal' services and foi- costs and of litigation as may he approved by Boar-dof Commissoners . 500.00 Total..............$ 800.00 GENEIRAL MISCELLANEOUS EXPENSE N11OT CLASSj.FIEtD: 1. Cost and collection of taxes..........$ 2,000.00 . 2. Special assessinent against Park District real. estate....................... 00 3. Miscellaneous...............500.00 Total.................... ......2,600.00 .$s TOTA L appropriation for- GeneraI Corporate Purposes.........$ BOND .AND INTtEFREST. RE.DE-MPTTON: . 540.00 ... 540.04) .10,000.00 112.50 112.50 2,740.25 .2,741.2,5 .16,000.00 $ 4 10.00 31,470.00 100.00 400.00 500.00> 100.00 500M0 ý3,450.00 7540.00 p'ARK D T:I.STRICT. 23 acres. Beau scaped grou breedlng. 2 lar comnpletely eqiu Electrie water Seeretnry of AND EUTATrÈs THE WILAIETTE PARK DISTRICT. OR FOR RENT Buflton Çedric Smith, son of Mr. Daite of publicittion, June 2S, 1934. RYESTATE - adMs erçH mt f25L8-1 te lut 8 rm. bouse. Land- adNr.Cdi .Siho 0 s. Ideal for horse ýiEssex road, Kenilworth, left Satur- horse barns. Building day , lune 16, with the Park Hill tour Mrs. C. A. Keith. and daughter atraywhrteysnttengt ed.01 hatig lat.for a western trip of, five wk' H-it,30Warwick road, Kenil- Mrs. WlimTyo fKnlot mps. Çall 1Holl-imofcourtrt 1248-tp urtio. w rth, mtored to Eaui'Claire, Wis., accompanied, themi.