{dy 01 I4st week iroin iMinneapolis where she wcnt to see her, daughter, Cathierine, graduate from thie Uni- versity of Minnesota. Miss Cathe- rinle il return Friday as she stayed to visit hier sister and family, the Rev. and Mirs. Austin Pardu e, in Minne- apolis. 0o- -N1rs*, Christy Brown, 2228 Beecli- wvood avenue,, returned ,on. Monday of this Week from Asheville, N. C., where she vvent to see hier son, Christs-, Jr., graduate from the Aslie- ville School for'Boys . Mr. and Mrs. Brown are leaving today 'to spend tliree weeks at Trout Lake, \Vîs., --o- Bill Spinney,ý 619 Forest avenue, lef t Sunday for Camp ýOwakonze at Baril' Lake, Canada. His sister; Sue left Wdnesdav for Camp M1eccarni at Baldwin, Mich. -- NIr. and 'NMrs. Idwa'rd C. Hildreth, 20%OO Beechwood avenue,, ret'îrrned Saturday f romi a four weeks' vis;it to Colorado, California, Oregon, Banff,. and Lake Louise. Mr. and Mirs. Edward Henidersoii,l 1200) Greemvood avenue, Ileft Sunitday motoring to Detroit where 'Mr.. [4cn-j derson il attend the Rotary cona- vent ion., -0- -NM rs. E. J. Britton *and1 dat'ghter. Iaîiet. of S t. Louis, w'ill ariv1\e rr'iý: *dayv to visit the Lauirence Scli\\vabs .of~ 627 Warwick road, Kn1vrh D)r. \V. J. Hindley of Seattle, \Vashi., %vas the guest Iast week of his brothier and .family, the R?-v. Johni G. Hindley of 1035 Lake aveýnuie. * Mrs. A. R. Peterson, 227 Raleigh road, Kenilworth, returned Tuesday f rôm the Evýanston 'hospital vhere' shle underwenit'àatonsillectomy._ Wilmette,,1II., June .28, 1934. The following 1932. Tax. Anticipation 'Warrants of the Neiv Trier Townshipý H-ighi School District No. 203 have been called for paymnent and wilI be paid on presentation at the office of the Tow%%n- -hip) Trea surer, 1200 Central Ave., W! mette,' Ill Eàucational Pur-poses fronm E28 to E35 I.neIuýive Building Pu-po.ses fromn B12 to B176 Inclusive J nterest will cease five days froin tbis * datte. * P. A. ANDREW, IMestj-ian Bros. ,1 i Oriental Ruga and Car-pets parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Taylor, jr., 43.1 Essex road, Kenllworth, is le aving Friday for Cheyenne, Wyo., to visit her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lazear, on a ranch. She will be there ail sunimer. .Nir.' and Mrs. Hoyt King, 71.1 For- est avenue, were called to Indianapo- ,lis last week, 1w the death, of Mr. King's. brother's wife, Mrs., Lucien King.I he'y spent Tuesday, Wednes- day, and Thursday in Indianapolis. QUICK SUNBURN RELIEF Sunburn has no terrors. for thoae who Use 01L of SALTm-it cools, soothes, aida, hea1- lh.adcomfortsahanxoat lnstantly. OIL of 8ALT l a llquld. A liquid la better-1b relieves pain qulckly. Eqjuafly ýwo'iderfui for Burns, Scalds. Cuts, Brulses. Ingeet Bites. and sore, tfred, àchiug. burnfoot. anteed or Money Daec. These Trucks at, Your Service anid Conmmanod PENNSYLVANIA. 011., COMPANY 93Shennau v. of EVANSTON Gvomkf 2M:9 Wihn.ftte un M Comwpete Liai. BRAUN BROS. W.L Co* 2532 WEST RÀILROAD AVE., EVANSTON Phone UNIVERSITY 5470, Cet R.<idy for The 4th of JuIy and ýYour Vaction!.. HAVE YOUR CAR P.ROPERLY GREASED SY EXPERIENCED MECIIANICS The right kinds of grease and Jubricants in the proper places are vital to the correct maintenance of. your automobile. Only our experienced mechanics do this work and only Quaker State greases are used. p eGeàise Job, for Fords and Chevrolels 75c Lorger Cars $1,00 Motorola Radio $3 FirestoneIO 4-ub Saprhte$d3i9-, Polishing Cloths, eu. 0