.consclentiçus .e-e To be always thought of as true and trustworthy. The OldestIIatablished Umadrtahers on the Immeédiate Nort,4 Shore Superior, Ambuilance'Ser#ice. Licensed Lady Assistant WILMETTrE il118 GREENLEAF AVENUE Phono Wilmette 654 WINNETKA 554. CENTER STREET Phone Winhetka 404 UNDERTAKER "The House of Personcd Sert'ce" Chandlr's, E va ns9to0n, h e ate d .wth Braun Bros..«'Siver Flash"i Anether Castemei Write.s . ~ "Your firm supplied my heating oil requirements for several seasns ... just'to favor another oil concern, 1 gave it 'My business without having. any- cause of complaint against your service or the quality of the oil. The service 1 have been getting during this interval, f rom the other concern, has flot been altogether satisfactory . I amn now convinced that my trouble was due to the quality of the oil and bence my decision to return to you witb my present contract." Original of ibis unsolicited lette, is on fle in ourofftce. LAUN BROU.Iý OIL CO. 1222 Central Avenue: Wilmette: Phone Wilmette 831 e ___ I Wilmefte Cu>aI Material Yardtv 1301 LAKE AVENUE PHONE WILMETTE 4200