Aiiicrica J'Irskiine-Pachelor of Arts Fishier-lin Tragic Life Fislier-Passion Snsthe Plot M-ulford-Trail Dust StrbliT~Unfiniishied.Cathiedra.1 Tiioniason-SaIt Winds of the Gobi \raddell Peter Abelard. V~an WVaters Parents oni Probation. F-.igell)recit-Merclian.ts of I)eath Hiuebnter-Iife instirance as .11 I4ndi(efîani-.Nf eaning' of Adtitf Educat ion Forest Trees of IlinIIOIS Borsodli--Fli.ght Froni the City \\riglt-Sto.rv of (;ardiiig I.ovesConcntouand( Revoit in Pbetrv, 1-*,Ii-After Strange Gods S Ill pso -Att ending 'Niarvels Cravn-NlderuArt Wilmette, Mani to Sail for Germany 7Tî'ioxîîa., A.! Goimer, 904 Chesîutii avemue, aita to Presidlent WVal- ter D)ili 'Sc0tt, president of North- ~veserÎ uniersîvis. sailing froin -\e\\ York Siiidax, july 1. on the lirenieii for Germian'. He is goingý wvitl à grouJ) ofa a(lnhiistrative offi- cens. professors. and stuidents'of se'v- eral colleges iii the .United States to studv educational, method s throug -h-, oui' Germiay. The group Nyill ýbe g-t.,t;.s of the Germani goveriiienit -und %vill retturn to .Aimerica on Aui- TO CONDUCT ORCHESTRA (Gec>rge Swvigart, 1037 Ashland ae plie, W\ilmete, vvi1î conuidt the North1 Sliore Symphony orchestra thiis sm meiir. Hle rcqùests that ali of the mueeiliiers who arc interested in con- tiiiig thieir ivork withi the orchies.tra let -him knoiv. The -orchestra wvill ine verv% Monday evIening at :3 o'clock at thé Comrnity House, \Viiiiuetka. -M \r. Sivigart also, an- noinces that lie e%«ill -tonduct eusen.i- Mie classes ai his honte. Mrs. Herbert MNesick and datglm1 f ter, -Marion, 3,31 Essex road, Keni- wort h. left \Vedinesday to imuotor to Godfrcy and Mit. Carroll, Ill., InilinJ aplollîs. and St. L'ouis. to visit Monti- cello scminary, Frances Shinier; 1166 Wil 'ATRONIZE REVIEW AD VER TISER S JUL~ DRESSES White. and Pastel Shades Many styles and sizes-includling large smes with jackets, $19150 reduced to Smart Summer Cottons $1.00 to $8.75 * Theres Many a Slip ...for Summer sheers. You'il warnt sfiadow proofs, most ikely.. This collec- t ion of slips is guaranteed uncondition- ally. Neither wear nor washing will hurt their pure-dlye finely> woven silk, or pull open their seams. Ladce trirnmed or tailored styles. Pack Up Lots of Hosiery... and Go Don't think of goinq away without ai- l east half a dozen pairs of good silk *h ose.. You'lI need them these tropical days. Choose the very 'shadle for thSe E. Sheridan otf Evanston, another daugliter, accompanied them; -o-- Miss Lucille Saris of Beloit, Wis., Ieft Monday aiter visiting ber sister and. family the John J. O'Briens of 841 Oakwood- avenue. Il 61 Wilm.f. Avenue Phone Wilmette 4406 Note: 1W. stili bave somne World's Fair boo s - $3.75 value for $2.50