Illinois News Index

Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 5 Jul 1934, p. 10

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I espite dlecliinig appropriations, 'the iitumibers .ami use of public recrea- lioni facilities iii 1.036 cities of the (Jnitedl States anid Caniadla leavii3 increased ii) 1933, accordiing to theY veahti f lte N.ttinal Recrea- )tnt(dcor playg'romids, n îruîibered 7.434 iii' 1933 as coniared l iî .9) in i1932. I1.a schah diiaînundxs iarae irouîî4.l10 4.224- laygrounld bail diamiî<kfromî 4,75() to 5,572, bathing beaelies froîn 472 to 530.ý tennis courts: front 9,207 10 o9,921. ain(l ijeuskatinig rilîks 1trotta 1,659 t#0 1,740. 1i n(loor recreat ion centers totaled 3,702. l'le ninhmer of niew areas ami centers opeincd düring the year wvas 551.ý 'l'lie iitl.titber 0if înuniiiîl). golf courses savi1( iiiiwing' pools r îruiiini nsu . ightîIv. leclinied. Recreation Buildings Attra ct *75 pur ceiit iiîcreatSe in, participa- t ion in r(>creat ioni I)il(dîngs %vas re- l)orted as complare(l witlî 1932. aI- *thoîîgl t'lhe iitutubur (if buildinigs iii use remain(e(l practically the, saine. *School b)uÏiligs .11)( otie~r inidoor recreationi ceniters were reported to liere t o bru. Citv aiid -ounty expeniditure for *recréationi felI off to- $21.074.550 iii 1933 as cutltristed witih $28,092,203 ini 19.32, and $30,078,585 iii 1931. Thtis declîine nîliglit have seriously curtailedl recratinalactivities liad not the relief adîinistrators corne to the res-. c ute with .applrop)riations givmng ena- IloYneiit in recreation projects total- inig $5,991,303. These special funds brouight' the total iin 1933 to $27,065,- * 8.34. 4 per cent unider the 1932, ex- Penlditure.. The greatest decrease iii expend(i- tuir. fromi regtular funds 111 1933 ivas i11. the outlay for lind, bildlings, and permanient ecjuîpîniient. appropriations for salaries aîîd iages for stupiervFion ha ving declinied rnuchl ess çopi-lara- tively. IFighty-olne per ýcenit o ex.l)i(idture \vas froint tax fî'd.14 p)u r cenit froîi-fees aiid chîarges. anic .~î>pe cent colltributioîîs frotat private. O.f 1,0.3(o citie.s, tabulatec.l -in the year- b look. 977 reportedl recreation hnlanicedl iii wIîole or Mii part froini'the tusti'l t ax souirces, while 59 were. fiinaiced entirel 'v frorn eniergency fun.ds. The gre'ates;t use Oi enîierg.cîîcv fîuiîd' for ilerr lBaili ulir (î P'. Kaspar, E('lfanri .. eiieîua liii Unlkîowv s (13) ~.S1,aytoîî H(laîn pbell F". Hloper ( Leolla rd f .sterîtel, N. Re3init~iî C. Wîidhî If. Bergb'l E. Mieaelsùî M. Johbnsoln R. Wèleh. WV. Johuasîèîî lioffrin .lîs(> J. Miller I.Schinfler 1). '1uck 1'. Brown I.Alièitnian Y. llardt B. Lange I. <auiger, .1. lHeitinân, B. .Bjoik W. ]Robertson B.' Gauger Y.'-P. C. (39) H. Peters R. Steffens W. -awkins A. Bauer M. Tlhalntann S. Hoffman E. Bleset' M. Kneip P. Fiegen, J. Ciechinnil WhîIerR flrugiq <19) R.R. Meter .R ullivan J1. Harrison V. Wyle J. Ryersofl %V. Ferrarjînni W. Winberg A. errarinni A. 11111 13. tlaige Y. Ila rdt R. <auger T. Saxton .J.1-etimai H. Lange B. <Jauger C, Schmlit W. Yorkton lerr Rand M. Prued ig;at m IL Dethloff W. [Lawii F.Homn t~. Snli~' P.Kaspar N:. 1;1uetlig.11ni .. eininan P. t.V gnuil XV.F.aslnd A. Stilt q.EASY1 PI'l'('FIINO 1LEAGUE FlInal Stannîgs. Iti.Round W~ona;Lost Pet. Wilinberg Drugs .. 8' A01.000. .s.. . . .. 7 1 .875: itfuttiFlorists ...... 6 2 .750 MIethodists ..... , 4 4 .500 V. , c4 4 .50ô nkîo.~n ...3 A .429 . . t. eam wmicn was tucu wîUîil i o first round championship, the Win- berg aggregationî becaine tbe tundis- puted claimant for the title. Tîte score was 23 to 20. Sie fthe Village Green, thiehomie grounds of the Playgkround and Recreation board's leagues was heing used for the girls' playground league that eve- ning.ý the gainew~as played at, North- western ýýUniversity field on Isabella 'street anîd, attracted. a -crowd' of a hundred or, more spectatorto. Both the.Winberg and C. S. teanilta(l won aIl thiir gantes -until that tinte, andi. as a result of trinniing the C. 'S. group. the ' \ihergs .finislied. the league witli eight 'victories. and no (lefeats, The. C., S. players failed to 'get clicking", until the fîrst of- the fifth inning w~hen they started out to over-, take.,the Winbergs who adiedp a 15 to 5 lea(l. However, they allowed the Winberg boys to get five runs in the sixth, anoth'er n the seventyh and' two more in the eighth. and wvere_ thus unable to get nearer than within' three rus of the' winning teap. Lineups for the teams were: C. S. (20) E. Hardit, 3bi. J. Heitrnn, ss. B. Lange, c~f. T. Saxton, If. F, Heitinîn, 2' G. Gauger, 1). Il. Bjork,1.i. H. Lange, ri». C. Sehint , v. R. Sullivan, If.- J. arrison, 3b. V. Wyle, 2b. J.Ryerson, 'rf. V. Meter, c. WV. Feýrrai!nni, l b! B. Fisher, cf. B. Moran, ';f. SPORT CALNA Tihursday, .TuI> à 7 :00 p.rn. Girls' playground bail. Y, P. Ci vs. cy lass. Village Green. 7 :00 Girls' playground, bail.. Trou- bles vo. Unknowns. Village Green. 7.:00 p.m. Girls' playgrounid 'bail., TNT vs. Brownies. Village, Green. Frlday, July 6 70'p.n. Annual pet show.: Wilmette playgroiind 'eblidren. Vattnian park. 7 :00 parn. Men's playground ball. 'asyv" pltchlng league. Methodists vs. Y. P. C. from ordinary domestic creat1ures1 like dogs and cats to alligators and Î tropical fish, will bave 'their innings t'oiorrowv evening (Friday) at the third annuital village-wide pet show 'conducted at Vattmnan the ' MVilnette playgrounds. Tbe show will hegin. at 7 :o'clock.- More than two hundred P e ts have been registered to dlate ont the enitry' lists' of the. two playgroun.ds,. and Daniel M. D)avis, director of rercrea- ti on, . expects that the total registra- tion will exceed that number by the timie the deadlin'e for receiving en- tries arrives. Wvhich will be at 4, o'clock toinorrow afternoon. Since pedigree, or the lack of ýit, will -be of no consideration inijudging the pets, the milgrel. dog and alley c ai are to have the same chance for prizes as, the blooded chows and unaltese animuaIs. The important iteni ini the judging. Mr., Davis says. is. the evident, care ýthe child bas given his pe't and the affection evident be-. tween the pet anîd its 'master. Ribbons, blue for ,the first place,ý red for. second 'place,- and, wbite. for '.third place, will be:awardedto wîiit- tiers -of--each division.. and the divi- sions fil which the children may co m- peteI are as follows: 1. big dogs, 2. little dogs, 3. ' ces, 4. rabbits,- 5. featherecl pets, 6. miscellaneous. In the latter -.groups guinea pigs, white nîice, field inice, tropical fish,. 'ponies and various othér ani- mals' have been èentered in previous shows and from' the list of previôus registrations, this' year's show wvill inclu(le another heterogeneous array. The sh ow-, is openi to the public without charge, it is announced. Cuùbs to Entertain 250 PlaygroundYo'ungste .rs T1w'o hundred and fiftv children front Wilmnette .playgrounds will re- ceîl'e coîîtplii'nentarv tickets to see the Cubs play St. L-ouis on juIv. 31. l'le tickets are issued to the chitdreni by of the Chicago National 'League Ball club, and oinly childrei who are iii good p'iaygrotind standing %viil be invited to attend, Daniel 'M. Davis, dircctor of recreation. bas an- nounced. îîlaritY *prevaiud :s\%iîiiîag i,(more (MitLS' PL1AYO .ROTTN 1)BALI, iii a mii on), tennis, playgrouind Tii' tafII4IIg ball, basebal coi. t.îiuîit-v singing, ice lJ'wteî * 'w0nl oJIt Pet * ~aiîng lasketball, arts and. crafts, TNT'...........3 O 1.000 socialdîcn olybItbga- iJnknowns.............2 0 1.000 ai anin, oleybaltooganTroubles ......... 2 2 .500 îîaig. folk danunilg .ýaild, lorsesboe Gym ... . .... 1 31.250 * pitching. yvc.... oo Wednesalay, July Il 7:00 p.m. Mei's playgl'ound bail. "at *itchIng league. Village Cleaners vs. Wilmette Tallors. Village Green. 7:00 p.m. Men's playground bail. "Fast" pltchlng league. North Shore Chev- rolet va. C. W.. Welter. 'Village Green. 7:00 p.m. Men's playground bail. "F'ast' 'Tbursday, July 12 7.:00 panî. Girl1s' playground bail league. Y. P. C. vs. Trouble.s. Village Green. 7:00 .p.m.' Girlq' playground bail leaque..: Brownies vs. Gymi class. Village Green, 7:-00 p.m. GIrls' playground baIl league. TNT vq, Unknowns. Village Green.

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