mhe Prettiest Place -the Labo Front - R*aa aisReniai Rates Repoirs 5e3hui $1 day Span*ish ýCourýt Spor tShop. 910 SpiiW Court No Maum'aLLMd r.CADIýLLA>C"LA SALLE TROUBLE SEO@TERS Cadillac and, La Salle owners now have two experienced mechanics available ýto locate, and- selve their automnobile trouble. Cati Us-Today SERVICE fl -x STATION LIIBRICATING MOTOR FUEL M0 Green Bay îRond KemiIwortI, SM0 The Perfect. SUMMER.* DESSERT Photo by William B. Mathew.; The accomilPqsivitng picittre. is. a tiewc of thé Skokie rivýer lookiiig South front the Wilou road bridge beforL' a:y work uasî started in. connection uith the drainage aizd iînproveme,,t of the: Skokie by, the -Civil ian Conserzation corps. Photo by William B. Alathews T*iis photo grapk teus taken froint he zvésî end of WViIIow roadbridge and Iooking south, shotving the wi4dexed and deepened chanitel of ihe'Skokie river 7eith the excavaied material /'Iaced in the Iow -ivide dikes and previogis :bt spreading the black soil ozer te dikes. REPORT CONTAG IONS ot MrS. William Terwill iger' Contagiousdisease cases as repor- 1i~ i