- ------ * *%aylt;ýI CLD- o 'cill tnoîg othe .celghtecl *Aye! 1îast. )aturday for a month's inotOr daytgt svii~ im. Sco~d-erod ye t"ofthe crew that was sailing t 0 rn which she will return to campers leave for camp on Sunday ber out. Wilmette to go into, business. evening, july 8, at 7:02 o'clock and Witb a smart ship, plenty of "grub" G OMCIA wtt! arrive by breakfast time, whenlG OMCIA a hearty meal awaits them. Second aboard, a good cook and the open Mr.a.d sElotYuigegf perodisfihedupto heto, bt iirewater ahead-what more could any- MradMs.Elttongegf pi ;illem in the t u thir prodwh one waiit! 419 Washington avenue, and their begns uly 23 n hid ds August 4 Theavailable space is being taken nieces, Doris -Younglove of,,Wilmnette, up steadily and there is every m7 n ni ezr f hcagop, lf The following is a list of the WÎil dication that the "Albatross' w Ill. be Saturday for their cottage at. White mette, Ke nilworth, Winnietka and filled up for the seasoi. .it is the Lake, Mich. Mr. Younglove stayed C.lencoe boys going to camp 'second ol sgaur ntedottedline" over tbe Fourth. Bieriod: , that* really does tbe business and 15T INCLRD Wilmette-Troop 1: -rukr seals tbe berth,. se if, any of you Sea VST NCLRD Mark Follansbee, 'William Graham,1 Scouts plan to go cruising ýthis *Mrs. Conger eeytiolds, .602. Earl- John ýHale,ý Marvin Harms, Frank summer, you'd better hurry and sign ston road, Kenilworth, is leaving -to- Stecker-and Kimbaîl Urion; Troop 2: up,eahoeirendd etyu day for Denver, Colo., to spend a. Richard Andrews, Fred Bird, Robert 'reserv atiens in. now! You'Il neyer month. with b-er moèther, Mrs. Mary Ferrenz, Clifford Goodman, Charles forget acus nteAbtross.' Goodenough'. Her' son, Conger, Jr., Gregory, Robert HaIliweIl, Joe Han- Gerald W. Shipman is.the Sea Scout leaves today for their, farmnear* Laj nen,, Carl Hotge, Jack Pètter, Har7old director of the North Shore Area. Porte, Imd., to spend three weeks. Ray, Ted Riley and PtrSewart;- council and will, command the 'Aiba- Troop 5: Sprague Chapin, Frank Con- tross'-if there is. any information *OEâTOCAM dit, Bernard Flood and Charte s Mooi 1; you eiegti ouhw i t Bilt Spinntey, son of Mr. and s Troop 1Il: Jack Coyne, Bob Gallagher, Scout headquarters, 21 North Sheri- Fred Spiny 19Frs venue, left1 and Jim Gallagher. da road, Highland ark-phone 62. on Sunday, .June .24, for Cam.p Owa-ýî Kenilworth-Troop 13: Norm;ii n_______ _konze at Baril Lake, Canada. His Bemis, Scott Campbell, John ix sister Sue left on Wednesctay of last1 Waren naurFrak Koop R B- oys Hiave Fun L4lrlfg week for Camp Meecarnia at Bald- I ert Landon, Robent Moss, Jonathan Train Journey to. Camp wn ih yS oo serwroradt. i! Since Sunday night (June 24) Mrs. Charles W. Moody and bier1 Stewart.scouts of the North Shore Area Winnetka-Troop 15: Henýy Rich councit have been having the t'mne. fm othes ChenuespE. lls of and Stanley Rich;. Troop 17: Ingby of their lives tip here in the 70 ors veu, pn ts we nrhmotoring in Wisconsin. They visited Anderson, Henry Anderson, William woods at. the great Camp Ma-Ka-Ja- Madison and the Deils. William, Leslie and Hobart Ogden: Troop 18:, Wan. Moyi natu ftews Don Ganretson, Ed Greenilialgh, John1 The funx began about 7:15 p.m. withDr.. T.nto ur's te camp Latimer and John Rodgers; Tnpop 19:1 when the train left Highland Park ihD.TT.Qrkstaecmp Leon Drumrnond, Gordon Laughe'ai ýfo~r amni .The. firçê a Aszueet, hcat'e0 Mto zxvild But I linger too long and thte years drop bel ore me ýW play with our doils 'neath ýt/te aId apple tree, lasmk A tuhite cp a ;Oil and bright flowers are. bending 1»b the soft summer breezir as we Play at, pretending2. Aht, zell, I forgive youi--a' dusty way jarer- 1 kiln now your white waxeit chalicr is, bearer iviolate él- mv long ziishced dreaining, The citchanted child.land 1 Ihouph t pasýt redecming. Judging f rom' ýthe 'amateur firecrack- er celebrations 'neath our bedrôom win- *ow it 'took our forefathers about' tw<i weeks te get through s.gning the Dec- laration of Independence. If only the youngsters could celebrate by reading' their civic books,. instead. of setting off pesky- noise -makers. 0. Sleep, Biessed Sleepý,where art thou .iately?- JULY JI7*TRS.. You know, many. of our jokes hay#' been se old that our friends are ad- vising us to move over te Chestnut avenue. Yes, we're just- that origina!. man, John Dayi Keefe, Erwin' George Murray, Peterson, Rod Sawhill, Frank, and Billy Z'iv. erq vis, -Ld ecH-arrîs, J- 1Moeller, Bill 1m Y, V. P. Qatis, leéric Preston, $berwýin, Glover CAMP PROGRAM In witing this article 1 p ive a brief sketch of the cani ar. The following is 'the pr lich ait of the boys folo* I, Lusui- I e reacnçq /intigo at 4 ar..This -wf , arc6"'PLis inisweek,j ior meix I-aay Wke races. vvnat a 1 of their aunt, 'Mrs. Helen -R. Robrer, laugh that gets out of our pals. After Cusi - . was about the longest day any of the 1133 Central avenue. Mrs. Rohrer they've strangled us blue in the face. oward scouts -ever had.- That night we ala ucenysedyAtral hr' ohn iego entertajned talnho N sedvAtral hr' ohn lk gd .urray. went to bed early and slept late thue for her nieces.woesefelshp Agodjk 'aliace nect morning (7:30, o'clock). It Io-- like1that will break the ice. That's Scout rained the day wve got to camp and È-ls Miss.Ruth Youngberg 419 Wash- vhw %e'rè alwas the ls one te'o Watt r the next day and a 'half, toe. welveington avenue, gge - yant gopa j ri The last threewotooCievelanM', te ohomefrom aàparty;- ýwe're afraid r Te as theeoffou dysspend the. week-end. ith b er bro- 1semeene migbt miss- one of our good badreglarPronm e Pa ther and sisten-in-law, Mn. andMr. toies (and besides it's always' fun to 7 :00; eat at. 7:30; dcean up camp Elliott Youngberg, who were recently. see what's 'left ini the bottomf of the rom 8:00 tro9:00';e go30to mt adgemarried. punch *bowl.) We should be chief 'ic . Prn to :3 ste Iflrm:00 te :30:30; 30wmfromee --'breaker for the Byrd polar expedi - pro 1:3 t i :0;11:0 o ~ 30 fee R. L. Megowen, 19.7 Oxford noad, tien,' but we failed te think of the ,gramn heur; 12:30 te 1 :00, lunch; 1 :00teKnlotrund a Sudyie tnr.f laily: 2:00. rest neriod: 2:00 tnA4-V; tjKnlot eurejls auda ýi i .... - vancement perioci, bys6 o are 'teI 4LhII ,,ageTn prorniJc w , 330String Mr. . P Wgsaff, 203 Woodbine derfoot or second class, work on leaders' period is given bythe mft en ihngcap.avnu, left last Tesday with ber C D Wgs ther ess bie heret f bebos isedin the foregeing paragraph. _o_ two childnen, Jeanne and Charles, to either take handicraft with Mr. An- At the camp fines we have songs and Mrs. Joseph Taylor, 515. Cumnor visit ber partsMr ndMsC.E derson, pioneeing witb Bill Craw- different entertainments....Jim Olin, road, Kenilworth, is at Moer Bath, Bonner ef New York City for sev- ford, camping with Don Toeppen, Camp Ma-Ka-Ja-Wan. Waukesha, Wis. eral weeks. i