A voigaing favorite et a special price., Thr.. >smort styles: zipper: top. pouch style 'with handi., or. poa*ch bags with boa& strép. Thoe'I add chic to any Summer costume. I.OR'S-Pirt«ploor If' 'I 4~ Taken.from Our Regalar Stock and Drastically Reduced ftor Clearance $395 $118ç5 $1295 $100 W. wish t'O emtphasuz. that these are dresses to wear NOW, for- Summer travel, for business. for Summer, School, and, far into Fall. ln these gjroups you'Il find a huge variety of fabrics and, colors. Every Dress Distinguisked by a WealtI, of Clever Detailing Thrîfly women have been waiting for this event and ýwill realize the importance of shopping early befor,' the better styles are Picked over. Most ail are one-of-a-kind. Ail siues in group buit not in ail styles. Rvery Sale Final! * .4jparel Sec fio>-LO RDS-SecouJ PtQor Hot Weather ,,Comfort for Baby, Don"t dread the hot weatker on> baby's acco .unt . .. Lord"s bas heIped many generations of babies through diffict Sum-. mers, and is an aufhority on hot-weath.r clothes and comforis. BATISTE NIGHTIES, oh, so cool. White with touéhes of- enmroid- ery. Many eit 59C. k.. Two Deiver.s DoiIy Sleey.l.st Cotton Bands. special 39c Baby's Ozvs Room --ORD,.$cond ç loor Budget. Plan Ai $39.50, LOUNGE CHAIR, largo aà rooy, dwncushion. $2%0%1 Green tapestry cô..... $59.50 WING CHAIR. QuenA desige, upholstered in rust tapestry..... OCCASIONAL CHAIRS, copies expensive desions. beautiful -i mp1sk covers. Values to$4- $65.00. choce aet.......L $79.50 MODERN, SOFA., spring s and bock cushions. 59 Decidedly çlecor.t*ive.,ý$9 ,$42.50 LOVE. SEAT. spin cishio kapolk baci. Green d.nim covoeng.. $35.00 MAPLE SETTEE, ladd.r ba typ. Geentapestry $ seai andbock........ $6 $98-50 CUSTOM-BUILT S OFA, lum iously comfortable, $LQ reversible seat cushions, .9 ODD POSTER SEDS of wolnut a maple. Twin and full.I gizes., Choice. t. ... 565.0 CHST F DRAWERS, Colonial deosigai,: $39 droers, cherry wgooc.... $45.00 MAHOGANY VAN ITYT BLE. Sheridan fluted 1Leags. Pin* Pie top posts on mirr 2 fraçie, to go et....... $4 BOUDOIR CHAIRS, fi.,, sanmpl Gay chintz and deaa i covers. Upwards from.... 6 $32cê fltfr.IF rT -9 - t L Euery Sao le a. LORD'S-Third Floor WI.M:ETTB LIFE $895