N Mr. and Mrs. Frederic Bond of 0227 * intnetka have "done" this. book en-1 tirely theinselves, Mrs. Bond rnaking the fifty illustrations, and Mr. Bond writing tiue.text, doing the binding, anal -ettig the type. The book '*an in-, formnai presentation ofthe -aùthor's im- pression ,S of the most significant epi- sodes ini the* birtb, struggles, and growth of the Wonder. City of the Worid.". The attract ive illustrations were made f rom old prints, which wer laoriusy collected by Mr. Bond. Book WcII 'Illustrated The illustrations portray more tha n just an historic site. -Each isAthe vie-' ible evidence of a draina, the separate acts and scenes.of ivhich have resulted in the greatest developient and prog- ress aüy city ever made, anywhere, in any one hundred years of the world's history.1 In order'to carry out the atinosphe re of 'old things-pictures in. the past teîise--considerable èxperimenting was done with mediums and processes. The resit bears a pleasing resemblance to (>ld lithographis on stone, a character that seems especially fitting for tht subjects. The same mediumi with a more modern technique, on the mod- ern subjects, has a modern feel, at the saine turne retaining a harmony with the subjects of by-gone days. Drawings on Exhibit ty 1.1 vweo mu li - * &c- for the air of thé times, and the ac - the 1 Oe evr o mchstronger. cuiracy a-nd interest of the period cos-, Marne positively contains no hella- tuming, etc.-that they asked the priv- donna or other harmful ingredients. ilege of exhibiting the .drawings for .Therfore yon may usne ih freely to the duration of, A Century of Progress. bright.n and invi4orate your eyes., A separate room is .devoted to the ex-, Alto use k mitier prolonged exposureý hihition and ,thc Society reports an. un- toe ou., wind and dust to Prevent a usual amount of interest in. thé sertes. hloodshot condition, The book is puhblished- hy The Book and Print Guild, a group. organized by Mr. and Mrs. Bond for the pumpose II)IAI ~ of publishing special and. unusual edi- t ions of books and prints. The same ronis now producing etchin2gs anid On the rîqhf of this picture is see'î Clit ica.q</s lamjons E.rpositioi build- iuq iiitc'hich thec Itr-Statïc lidiisfrial Pair i7'as heîd eacle auIueiii. The 'litildinq t<'ûs pccdled li» 1873 anîd was forii dow» iii 1891 to ,nake 7(wy for fiiArt Jnsfituic of Chictaqo, Thîis illifs fai ion is 01111,mieof iail -v 'iii. "A I.iltlfe JlistorYv f ii Grea:. Cif.v- bY Mr. and AJUS. prcdc ric [William iBond of Winiietko. Americas out'tanding eoaieii- JOBS FOR GRADUATES ustrators and designers.. Sil<lt and ýChUStcr' rcceiitly au- About -Athoýri nounced the 1uhlication of Walter -Pit- Altliough ýMrs. Bond is best -known. ki&ýS nev book, New Caî'c<rs for I*oiiti.- for her portraits of north shore chul- lr. ..Pitkiin.whose Life !3cyiins ai dreti, she has, in this undertaking,. re- Pr was a l)est seller for mlonths. turned to her experiences as instructor no undertakes to guide the. millions in Historical costume at the Art Insti- 0f igh school anid college graduates tute to adcl an especially interesting to the jobs that exist under the new CHANDLER'S Fountain Square, Evanston, put away in a rather ghastly mariner. Wai5 111 Agatha Christie. author o)f IMiird,,, and tht -fhe Calais Coach, breaks mysteryý needed )ry precedent with a new character, - rker Pyne, whose business Àt is, to, Pysse h ýt people, out of jains. Mr. Parker1 Mead. could ,none has, just been published by D)odd, PdATRONIZE OUR A D VER TISERS *eyes for old, 1