O'clOck i Central Miss renes at netka a, this wet D)ouble, hon'or ha$ 'COuiC 10 Fred- erick Bric hhoI:. (abo'e> fourmer GIeuîcùr resident ami brother. of Mrs. Stiewart 1,V. Pnerdy. 716 Green- 2 tOod avenue, GIejtcoié. kecently .1! r. Bruchirol: was lectei vire- president of bot/i the----C1ijcago Ass~oiation 'of I.ifr Unl;dep,îyeiers (md lu'Liîw!,oclî<pter of flic. cIîartere<f iftUe der-writers. The formr oganiza w»is coin posed of (11 il tie adioly hfie mnsî,ira,ice meunii 1«)i anda itielutteér is, miade zup of meun w/mo hold the C .(.kev gmtarhît btihe '. I>... fr pulicaccooi»tits. Mr. Bruchholz is agency dîrector of tlhc New Vork Ufe Inisurance companyv's Clearing House branch ini Chicago, une of1 the leading branches of the couintry. He recently celebra- te(I bis tenth ainiversary wvith the New York Lice, having joined the company as agency organizer in 1924 and in 1928 being advanced to bis pres- cnt Position. Prior tu thatý he wvas with thé Mutual Benefdt Ufe Insur- ance conipany. Mr. Bruchholz is a graduate- of 'the University of.Mni esota and bas a master's degrecc from H-arvard uiversitys graduate scbool of business adinistration. Christia Siec I iCan cenc Ihi. U.w 9v.you ail th0 m odAe r convenienco feéatu.res plu pv.t.catom on seaied-in-steol mechanisnu Pstandard i1 yeur warranty Plus 4 mre yeurs for only $5 .Aliaeoecablsehaadi are <uti a biuefor aiifed0«e eouch of e. e. wihgI.aming por- on te. pedal swings celsia la te riof ad door open. aItham moarcelain or -a Christ jesus' Ili i'm. 1,1 'l'le lesson sermon also included the following passages f rom the ChristianI Science textbook:- "Science and Hlealth with K<ey to the Scriptures," by Mary Baker. Eddy, "The Scrip- tures are very sacreç. Our aim must Jc. z-uI o'clock. .JL. >1 .ýQ 'IL. 5 h