You abould bave this book if yon are planning awnings, tenace cano- pien. or cavas work of aaiy kind. Ask for Bookiet S-N7. Alto Ask for attractive free folder deacrib- ing th ew CARPENTER PORTABILE. Gaàrden and. TerraCe' SHELTERI Deaigned for Lawas, Gardens. Ten- nis Courto, Swimming Pools, Beach-, ca and Promenades. Golf Cours.., or for use as Open Air Nuruery, Cbild'a Play Houa., or Summer Sleeping Quartera. Ask for Circu- lar SN-7S. Se the SA.wing .1 Somémer Foruitur.e unOur' Dispiay Floor Est. 1940 The dig,,il y of perfect --yrnmetry in iantdscapittg is strikingly apparent in the "formoi gardens that arc main- taiied 4asa pajrt aofthe beautiluil haine wkich Gou>4 Mouekeeping magzine -has erected .i»Ethe. grounds i the i Worlds Pair in Chicago. The gardeu,, through ils simjpicity, and its perfectiy baianced color schente of green ansd white, strikes a note of tranquillity, fietingiy symbolied by the grace fui statue at the ,:ortk end whiche, while nanze- iess, mighf vwIl have been cailed "Tran quillit y." In pie niting thse verdure,. a deliberate effort has been made, aid achieved, to use poplars- and elms-seconded by iush eve rgreen groth--to thât a sense of seciusioet sur-rouetds th ose w.ho, stroli or loiunge thereint. The style is iit the c/a ssic modern, the garde,: is 17-5 feet long.a:sd 112.feet tcide. RETURN EAST Mrs. Ernest Clifford daughters, Marguerite and son Franklin of Douglastoi Island, formerly of Wilmc and bier World's fair Displays Jane andi Rare Gladiolus -Gardens' un, Long The American Gladiolus society ette, hoIhas completed its planting of 148,000 Center to Exhibit Garden Sculpture' Ani exhibit of garden sculpture, the work of noted north shore artists. will NEW WAY TO KULL G A RDE N INSECTS Simple as A-B-C 1 - __ pices ot the JNorth Shore Garden çen- weight in. gâld," anid the entire col- ter. Sybel S. Vennema of Winnetka lection is valued at between $75,000 is ini charge, and hias assisting lier and $80,000. There are beds' north Mis. L. A. Weary, Mrs. Rollin Wood, of the Hall of Science and near the Mrs. Fuller Dean, Mrs. Homner Good- Hall of Religion on the mainland, hue, and Mrs. GeorgeParker. A talk and one north and one south of theongrescltewllbginii Sixteenth street bridge on Northerly onngein siulpthre w exhiit. Nncyn Islnd.Thegarensareiiinoway Coonsman Hahn, Barbara King Shawi connected with the World's Fair and Sybeil Vennema are a> few of the 'horticultural exhibit. artists, planning to exhibit. Others in- terested in displaying their work will Mary, Esther, and Richard, children find the exhibit open to them. 'lPhose FLou. 79 i