An dea lihtig aranemet, worked oif for alIkng- rr along tire iewest techneicdltêtes, is itured abovie. By Christinie Holbroolk numbers (house numbers with the Iigbt Bettcr Hiomes c, Gardens* homeI behind them so as to make tbem visible furnishing director ~' ja distance of 30 fèet or morte) are be- coming more and more popular and ~EW things have made such mnterest- iha aI epte rewe r Fing strides during the iast year as Iooking for a friend's home at night. has home 1-ighting. In every conceivable There are lights so installed that they iorm it bas been studied and perfected. flood down f romi the top over the drive, with service t.o the homemaker always giving a Most hospitable greeting. in, view. Trlere are hidden buttons that when The new sight meter alone is a great presscd ligbit the keyhole so that yoU step--tbink of being able to wxander do not fumble ail over the door with arudyour home with an instrument the latch key. in your band that registers the power 'As à mile the average entrance hall of each of your lanips. You sit down 'is neglected f rom the lighting angle. in a chair, and the sight meter tells i Yet by mreans of the modern indirect you on its clea ny markecl dial whether lighting these sanie halls, may becotne the lighting is adequate for that chair charming f eatures. Lights behind muff- froni lauip or fixture, and whether ed glass, well-placed lights near the good enough for 'reading, seéwing, or mnirror, and cove light 'vill help to give writing--or whether it is suitable onlY an air of spaciousness. Cove lighting» for conversation. ineans liglits that are. hidden at the Back of ail this is the w.onderful help top of rnouldings or projecting comnices. that is being .given .our eyes-anything Mv' any of our halls. have telephone that .will, help us ini preserving ou- niches in them and these Mhen proper- e>yesight is indeed a great invention. 111 ihe i n ih anktce i mostshos whre ou g tobuy ourat the top of the niche) need no0 longer lamps you wilI find a sight meter for b ubjgsosi h akwe demonstration purposes, and I woutd the phone rings. suggest that before you close your For good paintings and pictures, lighting arranged at the to p of ecd sheif so that ornaments placed there become a feature of the room's decora- tion, and book tities may kc readily discovered. In the dining-room, corner cup- boards, with their ornaments that have, been lost completejy at night under the old lighting regime, van be brought into the picture and wben dinner is over and the dining-room would ke or- dinarily a dark spot these lights hid- den carefully in the cabinets or in window cornices keen it an attractive, ight, Better Homnes and Gardent James McGrçgor of Oskaloosa, Iowa, arrived Thursday of last week to meet bis wife, who bas been spend- ing two weeks witb ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. William LUII of 119 Aig don avenue, Kenilwortb. >Tbey. wîll both stay several weeks longer." her famnily. This weelc sbe is in Indiana. WILMETTE LA» MOWR SHARPENING Reb$ WAir wer .1.1 hi.d P... Wilmtte M4 THOMAS DEWRATING CO. Paignting and Decorating 1033 MAIN ýSTREET Wilmtte 2318 1~ w- I mmrom w cmffl uay kW ofd . dpi.afh aid bepiilg foe hi boolm or Pu&fer aMy purpos.-,.t w gosi. Lloyd Hollister Imc. 122C.entrl Avýenue9 WiIwntU WJIMRitIH4»00WomuAsU A -i i N. Olivrer leuesorNih 315 &Tyson-, c. un71shormmasmue. u Mt or Night 'U