Iways cornes a charming girl( INorth. Her innocence and ber d ing flair for romance inject a ne, to succeet! into these Southernerý for generations, have entertatind such notions. The battie betwec oit! aristocracy and the new and! fuI spirit introduced by: this sti forms the backgroundfor wbaf to ber one of the outstanding woi sereen bistory. *Mr. and! Mrs. Marvin Har ,ms Miami road, returnet! Sunt!ay, 23, by motor from, Pearson, where they took their son M Jr., Mark Follansbee, Jr., and' liam Graham, ail of .-Wilmeti Camp Ma-Ka-Ja-Wan. 150 Sherman Ave. Uni. 3M WIDE RANGE W' niern E IRkcg,* Son ni 1S c Doors 0 Klonday f. S.tudoy be 6:30 P. m. LABT TIME TODAY. THU»U. Clark uable-P.Iyrna Loy "M ENIUN WHITE' FR. SATr., JULY 0-7 Doors Open Saturday at 12.30 W. C. Feds-Burns and Allen Charles Ruggles-Mary Boland For Phoene Ken- Mrs. Frank Younig, 373 Cumnor, roat!, Kenilworth , will give a bosiery shower and! tea Frit!ay of this week in honor of Miss Lucile Lapp of Ft. Wayne, Ind.., a bride, of the near future. 0o- A. W. Hawkes of Montclair, N. J.,, was a guest of his brother-in-Iaw and! sister, the C. C. Carnahans of 700 Centrai avenue, at their summer home ii Lanes Milis, Wis., Tuest!ay, June 23.' You .wil,say.-. "Hwecan.they'make at mil4 ,K Case' -- *1 Street ctober 1. Spauliifg-GorD- Whose ham's new store will have 140 feet of of the Michigan avenue frontage and 45 feet isarm- on th~e forth, as well as occtzpying the ýw wili present Lord Nelson dining room 's Who, space on the second! floor. Basemfent ie 110 spac e ecuivaient to the Michigan ave- en the nue frontage bas also. been taken. youth- ,Gordon ,Lang, p resident of S pauld- rangcr îng-Gorhamn, stated that approxil- is said ýmately $60,00 wiil be. spent in the )rks Il, remodeling of the new store site. in 1 .order to inake, it ,the most beautiful- 1 ewelry store in the Mid! West.. It 102 0 wiil be, in modern styleý from d!esigns j Un.e byPhilip Maher, well-known Cicago Wis., architect, and ail eqluipment wZiIlbe arviri, entirely :ew. Such important fea- Wilýtur' asaircondtioing nd'ndirctCordon Lang t >t igbting will be inclùded. idrc The main floor will be-connectet! of State ant! Jackson for miany years. with the second floor and! the base- Twenty-years ago the fi rm of> Spauld-. ment space by a private elevator. ing and. company movet! to the .T7he present Lord Nelson din ing room McCormick, buildïng at Michigan anti will.be occupiet! by offices and! sales. Van Buren. space and! the basement will be. uset! In 1929 Gorhamh, Ic.. of New York, for shops. and service departments. nierged with the New York firmn of. TPhe Italian. dining room andI other I3iack,' Starr and Frost, and! witb shops now occupying a part of the Spaulding .and company of this City. Spaulding-Gorham' site will be moved At that timte the local firmi assuniet 44 to other locations in the hotel. AIl of its present -name of Spaiulding-Go'r- -the ground floor Michigan avenue harn. f routage; except for the present Spauiding-Gorham also has stores Fm establishment of Martba \Wethered, at 1650~ Orrington avenue, Evanston, women's apparel, wilt be.taken by. the! and! at 1122 Westgate, the English I jewelrv firm. slae Oak Park. The Oak Park a s Spaufding and company and! main- establishment.,vwas executet! in the j ane a store at the southeast.corner' moderni style by Philip M,\aher. VISITS COLLEGE FRIEND CleeCu none NlsIora Baughrnan of Wilimette 1 I eft last Friday for a three wveeks' Dates of JuIy Programs visit with a coliege friend, Mliss \Irs. James, Walter Marshall of Helen Parmele, in the east. MNiss \\inncitka ill be the speaker at the Parniele's home is in -West Virginia, main j uly programi of the Chicago and the two girls, wvho attended Ober- College club. Wednesday evening. f :in coliege, ar. e travelilng together to! july 25., she vtill give a talk ont "Th e 'Washin.gton, D). C. When M1iss ýSouthwestern Indian and His A rts.ý Baughmanl returns. to. Wilne t e-she and Çrafts."' wilileave'.with berý family on- a Thle club will have rio card. partv western trip that ivi11 -include the juIy 4 or July 11, because:,of redecor- A 3lack Hili1s, Yellowstonie Park and ating which -is bcing donc during the jsotith%ýesteri. Colorado. fir-st two weeks of the month. Par- f , _______________ties and programs are planned for HAVE SPLASHPARTY July 14, 18, 21 and! 25. andA the;,- tvo cpbUAren- of i fl.. nÇ. ofthe. lrte Mrs. FhaiL~r-i î ..