Illinois News Index

Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 5 Jul 1934, p. 36

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n ln al ibre. paperr. Average of Ove.wors ton aluli »hadvertise. Ave., Wl3siette., or 561 Ivertlseanents run tour Deadine for Inserton-"'"tý ad WILMETTE I.JFE or al- three puprs; W say9P. M. fr WINSLET"C TALK and Thuraday Si P. M.I for GLENdC N NEW'U. TWlephones: WlIme tte t3OO, Winnetka SM0 (Wlmnotkaà 500 aiter 8 P. IL), Greeinleaf 4300 or Shoidrake 1311417. Lot*IoB?.,AND OUND LOST - IULP - GROWN ENGLISH ste. White with blàck. marks. Aneorsnamo »'B1aIse.le Roward'. Cal, WInnetka 3240. 3LTND-ltc PINE HUTOR AÀND 8 LG DROP Joui tables, corner cupboards, desks, dressera, spinining wheels, old quiltu and coverlets. Windsor and *Hitchock bannis- ter back and Chippendale chairs. MARY ANN DICKE,, 808 Washington. 1blk. S. Main at Sherman, Evaniston. 7L9-ltp CEMENT CONTRACTOR AUl kinds of ceniont and brick Wok I.aky Wseuients relsired JOSEPH KNEIP 1714 Washingtn Ave.- Wilnette 3118 15LTNS-4tp aUSINEsSSERgVICE NOKIBBAN - CARPENTER, HOUSE repaire.painting, çement-plasterer, patehing, mreens, porches, cabinet-work. plns., estinates. Wllmette 2434. 1BLTN7-4tp , Ras',RoacesEtc. Igengineer. Ph. *ilmette 3867., 1SLTN17-tfc CLOCK RKPAIRINS CLOCK EXPERT, CHIME, HALL,' AN- tique dlock repalring. Loarned tradel in Europe. (Formerly wlth Tiffany and Fleld's.) WilI cali. Free, estimate. David .ohnson. Phono DlverseY 3041. 2OLTN52-9tp bAlINTINe AND DeCOBTINO CEILINGS CALC~, $1 'UP ,Outoide wind. ptd. 50c. Any other dec- orating or painting very reas. Will, pay you, t odo. it now. Best refs. Lake- Bde Decorators, 'Wilmnette 5034 or Win- netka 2611. 42LTN9-ltp .IRISH- SETTER PUPS Peg's Kennel wlll oeil (for private oWn- er) one maie and one fomale, 3, menths oid. If you want ýa fine dog at reason- ablo prico, this Ila:your, opportunity. Ownier prefers to ,have doge placed, with north shore familles. Drive te Peg's Kennels, % mile eat of Waukegan road. Tel. Winnetka 3006. 44LTN9-ltp DR. P. C. BUSCHBO-m Dog and eat hospital, plucking, clip- p ing. boarding. with outdoor mnz. 1000 Ridge Rd. Wilnette $004 44LTN6-4tp BOST'O N TERRIER PUPPIEIS 7 .weoks old; perfect beauties of Cham- pioný brood, roglstered. 7835 S. Union Ave., Chicago. Phono Vine. 1227. 44LTN9-ltc PIANO TUNiNSi I1333 Wilnette Ave.1 EXPERT PIANO TUIN pair work guaranteod. ering,. Boston. a. C. Thq view. Park Ridge- 699-R. SEWING MA( AND VACUUm CL] kinds repairod. Es3tabli flit tYeyars ago. Now i mnette.- L. B. Blunt, Tel ýNG $3. RF,- 2 yoars Chlck- mias, 517 Pair- 4SLTN7-4tp 109 E. Sup.1 .4th &1 l St. COMPETENT HELP NO CHIARGE TO EMPLOYER. Uglilent Service for North Shpbre Moins WRa INVESTIGATID REFERENCES. wu AR THR ORIGINAL, Pauline's,,Emp. ,Agency WILMETTE'2171 . futh sd ine Opposite '"L Ter. EXPERIENCED HELP WB, SPECIALIZE IN,11HI lGRADE domestie help *au, nationallties. No charge to employers. References investi- gated. Under State supervision. Reinhart's Empi. Agency 48Elin St. Willnetka3399 68LTN25-tfc EXPER. AND RELIABLE WHITE woman wishe0 day work of, any klnd. $3 a day. Refs. furnished If dosired. Cali Wllmette 2719. 68LTN48-ttp NURSE -- PRACTICAL, REFINED, long experience. Good reference.. In- valid or general nurBiug.,$15, Uni, 594 68LTN9-Itp COLORED - EXPERIENCED Ç00K with North Shore references. Tele- phone Wentworth 9248. 68LTN9-ltp RXPERIENCED COLORED M A ID wishes day or week work. R:eferenceés. Phone Davis 8135. 681,TN9-ltp SITUATION WANTED-MALIE Garden and Housework *WANTED BY EXP. MAN or hour. Phonoe Winnetka1 DAY CAPABLE ELDERLY COOK WANTS cookingor other work lu homo. 'Good n. s. references. Winnetka 590. ' FXPERIENCED MAN, WANTS hoüse and lawn work, window wa*h- Ing and odd Jobs. A-i N. S. Refs. Phono Wilmnette 2088. 69LTN9-ltp 88T. WTO.-MALE AND FEMALE 31 WIT} Experieniced Couples [ EXCELLENT REFERENCES er.-French descout, 2% yrs. with family. Very capable. Wife A-i k.Manu lut duss butler. Age 30. n Sta. eul Vernon Ave. Glencoe 261 71LTN13-ttoi CAPABLE EXPERIENCEIY WHITE 1girl, gen. hswk" 3 in family.- Must like children. Refs. Phone Wiimotte 762. 71LTN9-ltc WANTED-EXPE-fIENCED WHITE maid for " genoral housework. 2 adults. Phono Gloncoe 104.' 7lL9-Itp WHITE GIRL FOR ýGEN. HOUSE- work and to assist with care of child. References, required. Call Winnetka 3373. .71LTN9-ltc WANTED - WHITE GIRL FOR GEN- eral housework. Roferences required. Phone Winnetka 1088. 71LTN9-ltc, WANTED - GIRL FOR GENERAL housework, haif days and some eve- ings. Phone Wilmotte,684.,71LTN9-lte WANTED - WHITE MAID FOR GEN- Seral housowork. No washing or iron- ing. Phone Winnetka 3826. . 7LTN9-1tc MQTHER'S. HELPER, WHITE, _GO home nights,,near Liniden *"L" terMinal. Phone Wilmetto 1772. 7U.LTN9-4tp GENERAL MAID, WHITE, SMALL famlly. 1034 Cherry St., Winnetka 3814., 71LTND-ltp. MECHANIO WANTED Ford. expérience. prefored but hlot niec- ossary., SeeMr. Lyncht, 435 Madin St.. WIlmette. .72LTN9-ltc NKLP WANTÈD-MALE AND FENAl#LE DOMESTIC HELIP EXP. AND WELL RECOMMENDED Good Openings at Onice, Lindgren Empi. Agency *EustablUshed 25 years 799 Elm St. Winn. 1047 73LTN1-tfe WANTED -WHITE COUPLE, WITH laIt ciass referonces., 5 in family.ý No laundry. $85. Phone Winnetka 1561. 73LT9itp 1929, CHRYSLER, COUPE, GOOD CON- dition. 'Reasonable.. 915' Linden Ave- nue, Hubbard Woods, Ill. Phone Win- netka 949. . 77LTN9-ltp pou RENT-R*OONS DELIGHTF*UL ROOMS RIEAITTIPULLYT. Roomi DOMK SUITABLE Bt., Winotka. 82LTN9-Itp CROS 1lROM t'Y reasonabie. 82L9-ltp FRONT itOOM, .er fumniehed for mette Ave., ove- 844TN9-;ltp IWANTED WRIlTE GlIRL buwk , Phono Winotka InsmoÏireRd., Wennetka. Plasteri and 's. urt or, lenweo1 ces. Pho q TO DO care of 1- ý fri.

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