Mr. and Nlrs. Herman G. Seeley and Marcia Seeley, have returneci to their home at 700 Kent road, 'Kenil- worth, after three weeks in the east. j While there they vsited Mrs. Hig- gin.son and Vibe K. Spicelr and enjoyed their. lovely sea-side garden.' Mr. and MNrs. A.* T., Payne of Pasa- dena, .Calif., are guests. of their dauhtr.and family, the Raymond Iheelýocks, «89 Robsart road.* Their daughier Priscilla bas Lois, Haswell oSan Antono, Texas visiting her. Mrs. George Jones,, 318 Oxford road, Kenilworth, entertained at a luncheon. aldý shower. Iast Monday in honor of Mfrs. joseph Converse of Evanston, the. former Sue Carpenter of Kenilworth. Mrs. Edwin.Anthony VoUma n and rher daughter, Dorothy Joan, 6f' 715 Prairie aveniue, left last Saturday on, a two months' visit in Washington, D. C., and Providence, R. 1. 0o James Clements, son of M.r. and, Mrs. John A. Clements, 381 S.terl'ing road, Kenilworth, left last Sunday for the Sky-Line camp in the southern, part of Wyoming. 0o M r. and M rs. Max Matthe 1s of Shaker Heights, ýCleveland, will ar- rive Saturday to visit the J. L. Wilds family of 244 Oxford *road, Kenil- worth. A. C. Buehier and his son, Cari, of 151 Abingdon avenue, Kenilworth, left on Tuesday of last week by mo- tor for New M exico to. be gone until juIy. 15.ý Mrs. (la-on Seaman 2106 Beecl- wood avenue, entertained her.bridge club at, luncheon Thursda'y of' Iast week. M rs. Oxford ed at a Friday; Robe rt, Lee Megowesx, 197 road, Kenilwort'h. entertain- suiail luncheon and musicale june 22. 1331( Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Ross, 1321 Chestnu.t avenue, entertained at a picnic supper iast Tuesday in honor of Mr. and Mrs. 'Richard Wolfe of Shaker Heights, Cleveland, formerly of Kenilworth.> Mr. and Mrs. William Sears. and their daughter, Marabel, of' 556 Greenwoüod avenue, .spent Iastweek- end visiting Mrs. Sears' parents, Mr. and.Mrs. Alexander jerremfs at their summer home at Holland, Mich. Mr. and Mrs. Hlernian Zibble, 2116 Birchwood' avenue, left Wedniesday of last week for* New London,Wi. to attend the wedding of Mr. Zibble's. cousin. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Rapp, 1125 Elmwood avenue, went onu a motor tnip for several days las t' week,-.dri'v- ing. to 'Canada 'and Camp B ray, M ich. 0o Miss Peggy Nolley of Richmond, Va., is visiting Miss Kathryn Benson, 210 M1eirose avenue, Kenilworth. The girls were' classmates at Briar- clijf. 0o- Mr. and Mirs. Harry Weese and family, 141 Kenilworth avenue, Ken- ilworth, Ieft Iast Saturday for their summer place at Barrmngton for the remainder.-of the season. a magiîc car pet to ECONOMY ý.LAND0 l'oit~ toiJinote the poaïit 4and éhaps of the eekliy advertiaera' direct ori#is acehaxged thia week. Rach tweek hereaf Iter trrnto thse back- of Your Home Paper. It twili te 1g- cateid o4 orne o!thse las't pages. Look for it thoee . . . a.rd use it to aave your .ti e. Manythrifty shoppers dep.nd upon, this weekly directory to whisk them' in, no time nt ail to big money.-saving bargains. ,It takés only a few seconds to fin down the, aiphabetical.listing and find just the firm or. service, you want amont the messages of OUR ADVERTISERS ADVERTI SERý PAGE ADVERTISER Are Motor Saàeq ...... Adams Electrie -Shop ..... Albrilbt Beatuty Sbep Beach, Floreure,.CAadies.....1à i1smrck Motel . ... ....19 nBisan Pharmaey ... ..... Ilonnem, The Taller. ...... 14 Bjr»um Brou. 011 Co. . 1, de Carpeuter, Ueo. B. *Co. .......u Central Shoe.Hepaîtor 1 Cbaniaderlé. .... . .... 80 Coffey Auto RepaIr ........I Communlty Tittre ......3s , t4à PAGE glase :Mereer Lamber Ce . .Cvr 5fonartb Beer ..>............... 84 'MoteT. Service, lue. ý...... ....19. IlMurine Co.- .. ........ ....... se Necw Trier IMig1a Seiool -.....1l .North ShrOe Balek Co. ........ 88 ~North Shore Qulty Lu*rles. 88 011 of Salt ... 0.KI.Mi Stables ....$7 Pmaillarulo, »1 Peacork Ire Crean........... 14 Persona]! FinanceCo.. ...1 Publie Service Co er 11,1 Consumer§CeCo.erIV' Joseph C. Cormack .......on .18 U.X Service Station ...... .12 Evan8tea Acadteinay ofFlne Arts 2; Eveetws .. 19 Evergreen . . .. . .. ... 32 Store .. se as. 8 iamary ......... ... . . . . ig Store.. ...... 9 -o-' Mrs. Henry B. Cowap of Glencoe returned Saturday from Oshkoshi, Wis., where she visited at the home of lier sister for a fortnight. __o- Mrs. F. R. You ng, 333 Cumnor iaoad, Kenilworth, 'entertained her. quilt club for, luncheon lait Friday tores.... . Llndstrom's Lock SIRop Lord's ....... .... .......0, 21 Lymfan Pharnaaey.........., 12 en lng . 88. . .. . ..s e State Bank ... ýCover U e Theatre ............. S PZ: 00-100