yso -1- -jas .Del'.Hanelen,,orchestrai leader, 7,19 South Wabash Ave., Chicago,-doubly appreciates gas heat beausek ive him more time to rehearse bis band. «Tqi an orchestralader." says Del Hamkle, 7719 S. Wabash Am, Chicégo, '«and I huoso that wlseu l'usauiay in the evenings ny family wilLêbe oerfort- able ana Pny wiebogt havé <o shovml coal and set damPerm. Gas,,heat gîeaus comsfort any. tinteof the day or' uight.' "VfEVE got somneffing now we never ha< lY fore. We've got the ideal heat, nQw thq have gas heat" Del Hamelen and his famili Gas Heating Division PUB3LIC ýSIEIC]E COMPANY. OF NORTHERN ILLINOIS Investigte now Now is the best tiine to install gas .......beore you order your next winter's supply of fuel. Cali yoL pearesç gas office for the facts on heating -your home wihgstogçthet -'th an estimatie-on thecost.