Sn' jEaster « sunday,',April. si, baàPtlir *111. be adbin!nisteired, and liew Members, received Itto -thé cl~urch. ?hose desir- Ing :toi untte. with :the chuirch, or who have clidcren. te be' baptized are asked te- confer -with the, minîleter r.tesec- The -S.nday echool wll ihold speciial Eate eeises and distribution of. P-oweirs at 9:46 Jn the ehurch gymnaslum. Itlà-, Wll be a. Joint meeting of a&il t hb- Raptist Ch-urch H:. ilrnette and Fior"t avenues ilev. -;eqi-ge D. Ailison, ziastor T1he' anfnual ev ' i ing, communion of» titis. congregation wiil be heid tonight. * Thurs0ày, lu ,commémoration of .the Lý«t Supper of JesÜs and hie disciples. Thà . _rv!ce will be held ln. the sanctuary at. S noiooiç and .wll conaist..of SrIvture. * Readings, -organ muic, Pahsion hyrnns, are eleoe topartlcipàte. It le a~n hour of hnly meditation. On Good Friday, this church par- ticipates lu two .Calvary services-one downtown at Chicago Temple, Clark ndWashington streets, for tht benefit o! thOse who are Iu the city during the day, the other at St. Augustine's Prot- .estant Episcop:tl church for those Who w'lbû lu the village. B~ach service be- gins at 12, itoon and lasts uxîtil 3 clock, j cnmmemorating the Three Hours' Agony of Christ on the Cross. Friende of Jesus the cburch expenses. the ealary of our mls»ionarY and the relief ýof the poor wifl be received.2 .Tne Choir Guild will have their an- nual banquet on Thursday, April 25, at the home. of Mr. and Mrs. A. V. Grujhn, 953 Ramona road, and ail members.are asked te imake reservations promnptiy. Ai unueual service wIlli be. held on Wednesd4ay, April 24, wheàiîa group of Young minIsterial students fromn thel AmerIcan Seminary at Nashvilleý wili brinig us.a program. of neégro.9pirituals and other lnteresting- interpretations of the!r race. Sea Scouts, GirlI-Sceouts, and other groupe will ineet at the iisuai hours next week. St.A uutn' Dr. Hiubert Carletcni, rector. Sunday, April 21, Easter day, there will be Mur services at St. gistlpe'e; Itoly Communion at 6 and Ë, plain cele-, brations with no music or addr ess:; Moly Communion at il a. m.-thls wlfl be a Festival service vrith special music and a short F.aster sermon. The chul- diren's Easter Fiower service le at 4, p. mu. Tomorrow, Good Frid*ay, there will be a Village United Good Priday gervie in St Augustine's fromn 12 noon until 3, lu remenîbrance of the three hours In which oùr Saviour hung on the Croqs. 1'here will be seven.addresses of fifteeî-, minutes each, interspereed with hymne andA urvers Tv ~he oddresses. .illhave~ 1.111,11 Ea ste yorensemble Rxquisitelysheer or. Çoniservative service F.easherueight chiffon $i .00 Cr-ytaL. ctear chiffonz 7 also service f7C 1fl01ib11 1161-1 163 Wilmette -Avenue PJ --- I . 4an. xnunon s kuatAof the. Firet Congrega- tiônal' church ami yc.utb Dr. Johan -G.' Hïndley wIll preslde anud young people w111 act ae deacons ln the service. The Church School PEaster program wiil be held at 9:30 lu the Junior-lnter- mediate roon1 whlch le now so attrac- tively decorated., The High School and Aduit group WÎIIi join .!hem on this oc- casion. There wili be speclal Blaster ,messagee bY boys and girls, uew music, and other exercises planued by Mre. Harry Burnslde, chairman of the Eaeter e0mmnittee. byterlan church:- Rev., Fraudes J. Tromrp Of St. -Augustilee'e - >Rev David I. Kabele of the Engliefi Lutheran church; Rev. George D. Allison of the Baptiet church; Rev. Hubert Carleton, and 1tev. John G. Hincdley of the Congregational church. 1This joint 'service has been lp.rgel.y attended.-durIing the gast few yeare. In addition ýto the above there wl 1 1 AUOSUPPLY iond iSERVICE STORE. liée 1165 WIImff. Avenue Mhme *3'pm.$28 Romans 5:2 4 ST. JOHN'S LUTHERAN CHURCH, Wilrnette and.Park AvenuesJ.H GockeI; Pastor