by perfotnalmese and floral tgken, io the reigr!iig ilAceii of the house- ?id~.thz -ý',egioai sceks to add a * 'c ::/. o~sn~ public con- ~;ciou.i~nsýo *'zd. for energetic d'eth ateof motherz :n child- *~Dz *. 2aZ onca Cof p2'irctake -%ý Arnerîcar. Mès -eli .te à* .f iraî -s ed hJe death~' ~ Q* .:tn ç~farc le: . heailef oi ao'e . c r.. ~ - v' ilodK3 ih Pra e uQic iicLc' info,; c.. M., 300%j..oit , .eY 2 l'i -~ d '> ' 1p Sna unec J o I\ew' .40 enc.0'st: pro A'îs C oie si lauze cùi Omo "su Class ~ B r~ Cass drive' aieic a- z* mcei e comte CS2 'Up aforward percheci' dipping *awslant E>emre, aftering, gra- -ý!OU4. fhe. oft broad- brimmed k'allib#umf1 framAs lthe ;ace on Easter /0 ,. b~ ~hovel-hr3r~ ~'tê~* *! *~ 2 attends W eliesieY, spe iI ne sprn . vacation visitingr friends in New York. Larry WVilliams, 205 Oxford road, .Kenlwothis-in, Minneapolis on a bupsiness trip. LO Ds DOWNTOWN EVANSTON FOUNTAIN SQUARE