The followiing review froni the Decatur Herald of April 12 describes tle very successful concert given by Eddie Katz of Hubbard Woods, boy vio- linist, on April Il in Decatur: "Edward -£,Iis Katz of Chicago, only' 13 years of age, but: already ->i excellent musician, coin- pletely charmied a capacity. audience of almfost 500 persons Thursday night in St. Paul's auditorium, r. and sent' thein aw ay more than ever convi.iced: of the value of musical training for serious chil- dren. Edward is still too smtall to.tusea full sized, violin, but bIi s three-quarter sized in strum ent was handled with the ease and àrtistry of a Neteran of. many concerts. "The programi opened wtih.the Mozart-joacbim .- concerto playeëd as Mozart should, be, lightly and with. style, with beautiful handling ofthe melodic f passages and an early demonstratic'n of the littie boy's man-sized technique. The cadenza in1 par- ticular wa~s plâyed -with ma.turiti and understand- ing. "This was followred by the, magnificent.Mn- delssolin concerto, a wortlhat cails for everything a violinist could giivc it. Edward played: it with' ease aned fine technique and with thorougr' un- derstanding of he rlcily o motional passages, H$ie toiles, particularly fi-, the slow! movemnent, -werc weil sustained, and iii the quiclc tempo oi the last niovement he lost nothing of the melody, the amusing lcgend conccrning wbich Lad been related by i teacher, Ramnon B. Crviii, beforehand. His fingering wvas fast and sure, ilic small lu'-nd mioving with aduit precision and strength. "In the final group lie ivas particularly 9.t i in the Mardi fron- "The Çhoice of )iercules' .î)y Handel-Fleschi, a number with tihc r~~!spirit if youth. The Scliuber-t-Eltuian "Cradic og' "and r. the Popper-Atier "Spinning Song," widely die- .'~'lje.aldie!lcý va~'~ t(ciV .i9~'W .,Omposec;d by M sl.~ ..r Pa rt in i),au e.- 7*he national music sorority, Deta O micron, wJi! spon.4or a reciial by the notedlsinger, ,?e;tald Werrenrath, on thte evening ai April e; at Kintbal hall. Ini 1919 Mr. Werrenrwth -~Is lding barit one of the Metropolitan Opera \ea 'c-n Nex i e.,ti.zsayL b...~otisieason onuesday, Aprii 2, * P!>- .ecteOy ."Blograph>y." 'f is o!ay - irMcn.-;' Iasc 3eascon undi h;s à-o, ty- arga,-'~ Beal of Evanstor. plays- "he lead w-th. - ... ...r~Ti..i z-,~ icacing nrn. Mr. 2rCw', ,- .12C2 'uea. .2ci iii !Nev, Trier and Dramateer -.C r..i- - *->, list season wXÉh th-~Lr~ i-ia"se 5Ca. Stoclebridge, Mass. oý the cast are Katbryn Sotsa - Fc,2d Bri'y. -. - r.- r. r.- r.A ~ . Oîwe of the most 'colorful personalities cf uJý concert stage today, t-be cistingushed baritont, Reinald Werrenra hi, will be. heard iii a rcia Kimball hall on thev evening of April 24. Ve'rrei-- rath; loig a favorite on both the operatie and con- cert stage, is rankeýd by, critics and the public as one of ýthe foreinocst singers today. His concert is. being igiven for the bencfit of the E.ndG-,!.-t-ent Fund ýof Delta Omicron, national' ni'asic s;~. of ivhich Mr. Werrenyath, s a naliona! pat*-zo-:., phoningflier or by calling, iVrs. C G. .Shearý. .7oi Wilmettc, also a mibPr Z. Delta Omicron. Mr. Werrenrath after -'r' 'f2zonceci reeî' juined thé Meti-op&o'. p:i r..inpr. leading baritone in 1919. 3 1ýî ,I. h c-- lured to tile operètt,- f, 1'~ h 0-il 'sc îed marked succtesz Ir' ~oi~7: s>ic in the Ar." io"~;h: ~ c~; stage, and bas chcs-2.- h $IL ýîx his 'recital ne-z , edeýr Dzdg !iC be bis onty Ch-----------rc>c *Some Uiv Ihat.Z.oeY- .: s..'~rr ditional Suïirey Air)..arr. 'ay -r. ý FLk , *Little Mar'y -tz-idy :~!1~~ Fu iPi upc, Ui -.a. -, Biteroli.. . . . . Der Traum...... .. uhci T:auf du~r WeI. .. ........ tichrt .......... .. Piratte Song.. . . . 'rrade Wlnds.. . . . rC~& .,aptain :' - 2 ecst fo. 'ler. !)anaiy Dee-v3r.. . . . - Ç~u(;Ç~: . 'r.-,- - . . r. -. I. - r. - ..~.r. r.. -r. t "'M -4'.'-.. Music associicr,-n o f î!cagic :),e otn' k ) zsLing aac te.' . - ' - will be givei 3tndz"ý,,,, .r~r.r -r ,nu~ ùall in. 3 ý~ ~ :. r by Lh-te Civ: '- r..r r . .., Civie orches. .r. -~r ne. Êda Goedecke was hostess'at a ;ednesday evening of Iast wéek at lier home anston for a group of twenty-four Cbicago north shore friends.. She was issisted by Burton H. At-wood, r.Jr., of WinnctIca and Ruth.Truska. of Wilmette. à. azhieveci at the Auditorium theatre, Iast flu, %wi!i return there for a triumphal spring engage- iuenr of one week, beginning A-pril 29. The com- pany, under the direction -of Impresario Fortune Gallo, is on. the last lap of a record-breaking tr-anscontnental tour that has been, unequalled in its, arti.stic success and the response of the public., tion of Dr. Damrosch's autobiograply, My AMu-ical Life. The new edition, which is limited to 640 copies. 9umbered and signed by Walter Damirosch, is specially bound, contains a new photogravure frontispiece of.-the author and a special foreword, by Deems Taylor., a r.