Plant Sale Featured Friday Witk Girls of Park Ridge School as Anovel notewilb ito duced'into, the next and last-f or- the-year sewing day sponsored by the philanthropy departme nt of the Woman's Club..of Wil- mette Friday of this week. Because it is spring,. and because the committee believes that a flowering tulip, daffodil or byacintb can carry a bit'of the, new season'into Wilmette homes, potted plants, fromn the green- house w'hicb tbey themselves tend, will. be sent from the Girls of the Park Ridge sch ool to. be on sale. The school is itself the beèneficiary of the sewing day Friday, whith, the chair- men hope to have. well attended as it is this year's finale. More than the practical training in horticulture, evi- dencci in the plants, will te revealed about the work of Park Ridge .School for Girls, à scbool home for depend- ent, not delinquent girls, as Miss Ruby K. Badger, who has just celebrated her sixteenth year as superuntendent, *ill ïe 'the lunchéon hour speaker. She wi11 describe the other phases of education and practical training the girls receive to start them out on the patb of self-supportung ndependence. Mrs. Ernest H. Freeman is chair- man of the sewing for the day, to which ait women living ini Wilmette are invited regardless of whether or flot they hold club 'rnémbershtp. Mrs. Robert Bichi, Mrs. Frederic O. Ebel- ing, Mrs.'R. H. Henderson, Mrs. H. At 12 o'clock on Friday, April 26,, the Catholic Woman's club of Wil- mette will open its annal meeting following a box lunicheon. A busi- ness meeting wilI be held at 1 o'clock, and at 3 Arnold Edmnonds will givea recital of - songs: Mr. Edmonds, who is a baritone, bas sung over station WGN. The bostesses -for the after- noon will be Mrs. John Cook, Mrs. Godfrey Gielderman, and l --Mrs. Michael Fitzgerald. At, Shawnee Country cl ub -on May 1, the club will bold its annual luncheon at 12:30,. Mrs. Charles Norman gives-the nextd of ber garden tallks at the home- of Irs. George M.- Beaudin, 726. Elm- wood avenue, Tuesday monning, Ap ril 23, taking for ber subject, "'Rock Garde"." B. Wilson,, Mrs. Albert J. Ny stremx, Miss Frances Gooýdhue and Mrs. Fred- erick Tilt*- are' listed as> members of ber committ4e. Mrs. William Har- ridge is luncheon chairman. Wilmette residents are urged to come to sew if only for one or two hours, to end the pbilanthropy sew- J ng season with a zest. Work conm- mences at 10, is interrupted for* lunlch-. eon, and resumes for an afternoon period. At ail philanthropy meetings corn- forters are made by a connuittee wbose chairman is Mrs. James C. Crossley, Mrs. A. A. Davison, Mrs. bavîd H. Carter, Mrs. B. T. Rood- house,-Mrs. G. W. Rose, Mrs. L. E. Hart an-d Mrs. A. B. Lambert assist ber. Augustinets parishioners to make a last-minute searcb for that olci dress or coat, suit or hat, shoes or gloves, ilmhrelas- urseor scarfs. ruoes. Dessert 8 .Vearl for Memb w Trier .Wol mrie Club Ends llS Noied Disour to Give Womon's Club Lunçheon Pro grom April 24 Frank. Parker, zoho. u411 gwme 1 veon the Woman'sý Club of Wilinette tndly artistic and flnished. He kas wen and in Europe,,is audiences finding pro gram for the annual spr-ing lunch et Wednsaymrset .r aJ< high place for his art of diseur livreI him te4tty and g.,imperessive. i I- bric-à-brac,, chairs, tables or dlocks, Mrs-. Clarke E. Nýolani, 112 rakeý or boe, porch furniture, or cur- tains, anything for the household Or, Seventeenth street, Wilmette,., for a baby, boy or -a girl, a main or-a cntertainment chairînan and her woman to wear,. and se nd it to the comrnittee, are busy formiulating Parish House for the, two-day -Rum-7 plans for the May ffeeting of the mage, sale April 24 and 25.,Ne Tier WomnsD ocai The general chairman, Mrs. S. club whjch will be the finhal meet- Bigelow Haley of,1434 Lakeavenue, igo eya.Arneet will arrange for don ations to bc col- igo hya.Arneet lected if the giver cannot deliver are bcing Made for a compli' them., mentary dessert bridge party f or On Wednesday an d Thursday, of inembers Wednesday. May 8, at next week the doors will. open early, 2 o'clock. at the hiome of Mrs. in the-morning for purchaser an-d George J. I loneýs. contributor alike.. The Associated. The prize chairman, Mrs. Edgar Ë. guilds of- the churcb will benefit from Brand, annouinces tliat prizes will in- the sale wbicb provides usable and clude those. for tables'. -The: members wearable articles at very low price. on the arrangement committees are The Parisb House is at 1140 Minmette Mrs. Ralph E. Sinsheimer of Win- avenue.. netka, Mrs. Thomas J. Lynch and Mrs. Walter A. Rooney, of Glencoé, Miss Sylvia Ullricb of Kenilworth and Mrs. George Scberzer, Wilmette. The hostesses for t he afternoon as- Juniors to Eleci sisting Mrs. Hones, wil be Mrs. 0. . R. Officers for the comning year will1 be Smith of Glencoe, Mrs. Robert eletedtonght(Tursay)at heMebren of Winnetka. Mrs.. C.* J.. del etedtonighoft(hunrsay) at heTaylor of Hubbard Woods, Mrs., dinnr metig oftheJunor axilaryjoseph Stedem and Mrs. A. R.ý Houle, of the Woman's Club of Wilmette. of Winmette. A social meeting and program wilI After a brief resume by the.presi- follow business procedure. The din-. dent, Mrs. Howard -J. Hic-key, of the ner bour is 6:45 o'clock. At 8, work accomplished during the past Frankie Shermnan, pianist and com- year by the club,- the remaunder -of poser and a former orchestra mem-. the afterno.on will be given over to ber wiIl entertain the -members. cards.