tend Atmosphere to Rm>noàaiu* nr)vi% LOWuuWuqmvitUm Auluailla A guard of sailors from Great Lakes Naval Training statioil will be aboard the. showboat Dixiana Friday evening, April ?6, .to. greet their ranking of- ficer, Capt. Edwin A.' Walleson, honorary captain of, the boat that evening*; Mrs. J. Paul'Clay- ton of Winnetka, president of the Southerný. Woman's Educa- tional alliance; and a bevy of eght Dix'ie belles,'nhopsrt and ruffles, and carrying large arm fuis of dogwood, the flow- er that is the. forerunner :of sprinýg-in the south. The belles are Miss Mira Leèe Beno- ist and Miss Lucy Trumbui of Win- netka, Mrs. J. C. Overboit of Glen- coe, Miss Virginia Jeffries of High- land' Park, and Mrs. C. C. Plummer, Mrs. Gordon Stott, Mrs. Philip Wil- win, an d Mrs. Edwin Vennard, of Ev- anston.. T1he alliance bas taken over the boat that evening as its annual spring bene- fit, to finance the continuation of its work of educational and vocational guidance for rural Young people. Mrs.. George L. Wilkinson of Ev- anston is chairman of the patronesses. Her list includes the Mesdames H. C. Bangs, W. F. Benoist, Gçorge Buf- ington, EHubert Burnhani, A. F. Cal- lahan, J. Paul Clayton, Henr.y Dawes, Bert J. Denman, George B. Dryden, Carter H. Harrison, J. E. Hallowell, L. S. Hungerford, William Johinson,, Hervey *S. Knight, Vincent de Mes- simy, J. ýE. Morse, H.IM. Pulsifer, R. E. Wood, John E. Wilder. Mrs ' Burnham bas taken a box for the evening, and is entertainiing at din- ner aboard the showboat before the performance, her guests including Captain and M rs. Walleson. The latter. is a native Virginian, the state in ci1 The Photo Shop Mrs. J. Paul Clayton of Winnietka., at the left, president of the Sou thern Womwns s duca.ional alliance, and Mrs. Rividall Poindexter of WU mette, seated next to lier, wiiI bc two of a number of dinner hostesses aboard the Diriana .howboat Friday eveiisg, April 26, preceding, the performance wvhich is to be the alliance's annual spring bene fit. Mrs. C. C. Plummer, the third member of the group, and Mrs. Cordon Stott of Evanston, at the right, are two of a group of Di-rie belles who will weai- southerncstmsin, keeinguth the character of thceveigsetrauet Grove House White Elephant Sale Apr. 24 The Grove Hotise WhIte Elephant sale, an aniual event -whlicli benefits the home for convalescents in Evans- ton, witl be lield at 604 Dempster stree.t, Evanstofi, Wedniesday,. April 24.1 Grove House, established i 1902. provides suitable care for wvomen and children to whom, during convales- cence. or recovery from serious ilI- Party in May. for Matern,;ty Center Preceding a fashion show and tea at the home: ofý Mrs. Burt -G. Denman- iWilmette next Tuùes- day plans and arrangements, for the annual spring .party .on May 29, of the North Shore auxili'aryl of the Chi cago Maternity center will be made known. The party will be. a danée and midnight supper at -the Lake' Shore Ath- letic club with lots o netii ment interspersed, including ra- dio and theater talent. Among those who will model at the style show next, Tuesday will be MIrs. George Henry Schulz (Mary Dawes), Mrs. Fred H. Wolff, Mrs. G. Yardley, Haviland of Wilmette, Mrs. Walter Wolf of Winnetka, and Mrs. Walter Field McCIellan (Marguerite Watson) of Winnetka. Fashions will be, dis- played f rom the shop of Mrs. Walter Wolf and Mrs. Barrett Wendell, Jr. Pouring during the tea hour .thatý wil follow will be Mrs-. Raymond 1{artz, Mrs. R. M. Hickey, Mrs. George J. Dietrich of Winnetka, and Mrs, George W. 'Ross. The business meeting will staft at 2 o'clock. General ~chairnian of the May party Japanese Art Is Theme is Mrs. Ralph McDermid, Jr., of Ev- for Delta Gamma Program members includes Mrs. Purcell Smnith of Hubbard Woods, in charge of music TIhe North Shore Alumnae associa- ind entertainment; Mrs. Johnr Merriman tion of Delta Gamma is having a of Evanston, in charge of tickets, as- luncheon meeting at 1 o'clock Mon- sisted by Mrs. Fred Schroeder of Wil- day, April 22. Mrs. Robert Blessirig mette and Mrs., Arthur 'Moul1dingof: w;vvll be liostess in the home of lier Chicago; and. Mrs. Willard Grimnm of father, C. H. Chandler, of 1733 Asbury Kenilworth and Mrs. RandalIE. >Poin- avenue, Evan ston. dexter of Wilmette, iîn c harge of the Mr. Chandler ias a very fine col- supper and, arranging, the 'place of the lection of Japanese prints, and it Ws party. around this collection that the pro- grami will center. Mrs. Pauline 1EMoepv. Reading CircI. Hostess The Reading circle is'meeting Mon- day, April 22, with Mrs. 'Edward L. Scheidenhelm at her home at 702 Lake-avenuie at 1:15 o'clock. 12v44W1UII n ZanaIIV Keith, of Kenilworth. IncéLe1>010, Mrs. T. W. Blackli threc are from Chicago. y.The Iast of Wilnette, who is spending her spring vacation witb the Kenneys. Mary is enjoying the- renewalI of acquaintance with former Howard séhool classmate s, wvho are now stu- dents at NeW:.Trier Xigh schooL. ancé,