NothShr Book club. Mrs. Robert Mrs.~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ý Gerb'!naM*S ~t~ Wienecke. of Gleincoe will bc chai r- Shearon, Mrs. Harry Finney and Mrs. nnfrtedy.Tesbeti T . fi. Barrett were delegates fro abc "Thrce Current P.Iays," and. the Cenitral-Laurel associationl. M rs Olney Browni of Glencoe wifl New orions and objcties1revievw "Withini the Gates ;" Mrs. Were discussed by outstanding speak-ý, E., J Richards will read "'robacco Crs at the three day convention..Pr "w ùcIMs alter Trewl tent-Teéachei' assoQciations were'held upI revix'T"Ptrified Forests,' in which 4s the chief hopes for -econistructon~lljeslie l4nxv 1rd iýý-.1W plaving in Nev of the influence, of the homne and in the, developmnent of o-nîI~r humn if. phraimi Banning, IV7, of à55 Lin- Mx.. B. 1'*. Lanlgivoitlry, prsideit, 1,n11avenue, i ý pending bis sprili 'the National Congress' of Parents' -acatioîn -witli 'is parents. H-e .ar-m and TIeachers in aia' address at the ived Wedniesday aild 'IS 1 be home openiing session censured, the presentj for- at w"Cek. I-e was recently initiated, dlay taverni. Taverns, said IMrs. l.atg-' h aphP fraternity at De Pauw- orhart a .constant menace to1 mci't Modern youth. "If you.f cît bad overî the old saloon, wvep 'foi- it nov, for \I T ohli. Nuzumn,. 745 'Michigan *tttavemu U S muchin o.-sc." "Girls, j te, ývill bc hostess té her lunch-. >1 113 and 14 are acting as hostesse-S1 oo iadI r;(Igtc club Fridavy. ini these places. She callcd for a, -o- United effort to- abolishi this nie% v v 'i'lhuErskinc P. Clarks, 815 Rose- to. childhood, declaring4 that thei -ood avenue-, arc inoving on, April 30, * W. C. T. U., tile chutrches, thie schoolk ito Baitrami road. Rivèrýside. or the Parent-Te.acher association s cam-iot (Io it alone. Wc ilust Protec taa our youtli from inenacilng cm ecaF ~ C M L iC K amusements.1 1N D 1A N Dr. Wllliian< r. Ogbýurn,,. ofsofo i~cooyat.the UnIversltyý of. Chic-ago 'fPUO OO and Dr. Joseph M. Artmaii, genera The: Homne c lt ao secretary ofr eliglous education anid -dl- tor- of the magazine, OCharacter,- ad- dressed about one-thousand delegates at the convention banquet on "New Hn-riz- ofs in,, the Home.- )r. Ogburn predicted the returu of houle life as inevitable, due tb the t-lt-c- tric-al age just being entered. Coolliess in summner, heat in wlnter, radiio and , television, ail brought by eletit, wil. tend to tek-nit the family crle tsaid. WValter Y. Millard,. Cincinnati, 1kiud sec- retary of the municipa«l league, in a stirring address challenged the tions to ' their -leisure time to bring about good government.ý A n outstanding -new horizon" in the--- local goverlnient field, atM. Millard, is the rising demalidç for the placing of the ,entîre -kdninstration ýof vity d romtygovertimenit on ai) tssional rn aw Y . t bass. *veyoe ,h pafr s:erv- rn w is o a ice for aL city froin, chief officer reý,pIon- sible for the srietth-dy la borer nust be ermploy-ed s.'Ilyon If inei basis uinder the 'new.horiv.on.," and. school education Wasj discuissed b F E C I K V . Cu ~Iow the apenucen asage'. Have fun and comfort in thehéleredSt.Law e S*iay. 1Faut, direct connections wiM sailings at Montreal (DucessadMnshp). t Qbec (Empress of Britain, Empress of Australia). Se. your wnagent- or K. A. Cooki, Steamiship General Agen>t, 71 E. Jackson Blvd., Chicago, 1DI. Phone: Wabash 1904. 0 Attend King's Silver Jubilee starting in London Monday, May 6, celebrating 25th anniversary of the ascension of King George V. L AsIkAbout AlExpense Persoi4aly Conducted Tours ing tley iormeu n - - fl* i...-.ý lf- they worked ln unison. Mi's. Williamls reported inembership in the st:ite congress has Increased from- 90,269 to 112,000, aj gain of 25 per cent ln the past year. Wlth every angle cf "-New H-orizons"0 dISCuused by educators lu,'- the -fleld of SPRINGS MOTEL Amuio «md w*ot miiaR«Oee T. D., TAG GA RI, Presidont 333 NORTH1 ENURAL I AGENT PHONE STATE 5798