Leison is a nçw W. eau smbiply, yeur faveilte brani on short olle. .1 etanharI prices. cases $165 Cod .p MALT MARROW l'hg Tonie a*, HraltlA Driook Phon,e BEN ERICKSON waim.tte '4092ý and Weclnesday, April 23 and 24. The creation of Oscar Hammerstein Il and Sigmund Romnberg, wbo. gave the' ,world ',Ne wMoon,!'" Desert Songi" and, other ouitstanding bits. is a haunting story of the Imperial ballet, in which spectacle. bea rt initer- est and gorgeous song hits are blénded into a dramùatic themne. -Basedý on.an. original story byý Vicki Baum, who wrote "iGrand Hoôtel," "The. Nigbt Is Young" boasts a brilliant cast., Ramon Novarro is teamed with E-velyn Lay,ý singing star from, London who. won outstanding success in "One Heavenly Niffht," "':Mme. Pompadour" and. hem Novarro plays a young archduke and Miss Laye a Viennesé ballerina. Gorgeous sequences in the Royal opera, in. the ernlpror's palace, in quaint Viennese* wine-gardens and other continental play-spots .figure in the haunting blend of music, comed'y and draina. "'Red Hot Tires," eirst National's 'romance of the speedWays, is sched-, uled for Saturday, Apiil 20. TLhere will be noperformAnces on Good Friday.e The, picture is*a dynamnic. story of thrilling auto mobile races, in which daredevil. drivers battle for* racing, honors, and two of tbem fight at the same turne for the hand.of a beauti- fui girl. Breath-taking racing. scenes Iwere filmed at the American Legion ITTOýWER Iý 4CWKTA]IL- LOUNGE' f.rmeprly quantuimnLibel (No %Man's Land), DINING Boom -SPECIAL WEEK END SALE- IIODUCTS 0F PIflLIP BILUM & CO. 0.ODMOUNTAINUER StraiglitWhîskey 90 Proof AStraight Whiskey, un- usually mnelIlo0w and *SmOoth. One of Amer- ica's f av or i tes, both straight and as a mixer. per pint 8850 GRAND" Bieunded Bouarbons Whiskey 90 Pro@f Better tastes soon recog- nize the genuine good-. nless of FIFTY GRAND for ilt"Tastes Iletter." Aý Blend,'that 18 rich, meté- Iow and smooth, ia exceptional bouquet. This nation bas two classes of persons: those who have seen "'Rug- gles of Red Gap" and those who are acb ing to see it The Varsity theater offers exhila- rating effnancipation from the- latter. class by showing- "Ruggles of Red Gap" for five days starting Frida,. of this week. Experiencing this film. really puts a movie fan abreast witb the be-stin modern talking cinéma; failure to sée this picture means tfhat one is "out of the swimn." .Laughton Master'cof Paritomnime. That's 'only onîe of the maniy mca- sons why crowds will seek the'Var- sitv those, five days ta see. Charles Laughton in bis.first straight comedy mole. The movie patrons. will 'revel in Laught on's priceless use of panto- mime, which almost became a. lost art %viththe exit of silent pictures.- No* pantomime returns ta hein make thîis talking f1l,11 the height of fine comnedv'. But the coinedy isn't ail: this pro- duction lias a Vitality and muscularîtv that onlv rtal dramna can provide. No ane, will forget the huishi that fal' oyer the listeners. while they share deeplv the destinv of a nation, a s Laughton rmiindls ,thern of "ýhat, 1lincoîni Sàa( at ettVshurg." These Deserve Platudits Manv will say they like Laughton. thle lest ever ini this filmr. And. there are others who merit laurels-Chiarlie, Ruggles, Marv Boland, ZaSu Pitt' Roland Youing. -A big rouind of ap- plauïse too. for Lea McCarev %whc directed. .A Busby Bemkeley 1triump h, "Gold Diý,gers of 1935." will entertain Var- sity patrons lavishl. ,Wedie.sda-3 and ThtrsdlaN' of next week. hsfilm, starring Dick Powell, Gloria Stuart. Adolphe Menjou and manvotr screen- celebrities, is said to 'strik.e a new high in spectacular surprise . -Ifs,, thé successor ta the. world-famousý' "Gald Diggers of 1933.' BRIX NEW TARZAN boy and Il selected and, the is being The 1ower is iocated aa' about two blocks south 992 u5 RUDE- O of Central Street. Ev7- anston on first road.N L SýC N E west of Crawford ,OPPOSITE MEMORIAL PARK Niles Cenlfer 25 22 Esxtra Dry Ginger Aie. caise of 24. botl-ls ..-$2.0 rior Qulck Dllvery Phone Enterprise 1212 Fox Head Sales Company.