DOMESTIC HELP BELI.ABLE EFFICIEN'1 Sh ay Employment Agency Estabiished 20 years Two offices In Chicao 109 E. Oak St. 14 W. Wahlngton Sùp. 6608 Central 9800. 68LTN50-lte DOMESTIC'HELP EIXP. AND WELL" RECOMMBNDED No Charge to Exployer Lindgren Empi. Agency Established 25 years 79Elm St. Win n. 1047 6SLTNl9-tfe Carlson's Empi. Agéncy M4 ELM STREET WINNETKA. 3à28 REL-IABLE HELP Ail domnestie positions; NO CHARGE TO EMPLOYEilS First cla. wait>ress atnd parlor ma id '$15 * CENTRAL EFMPLOYMENT AGEÉNCY Formerly Fred'S Highland Park, Ill. Glencoe' 160 SITUATION WANTKD-MALE Experienc.ed man wants * GARDIN AND HOUSE WORK References Wlnnietka 1552 69L50-îtp MAN WOtTLD LIE PART TIME work in exchange fo-r garage apt. Prte1-178, Bo(x 4o, inte Illinois. _________6ý9L-TN50-ltc, EXP. MAN VN~HUi RGR den work. North shôre reference. Catli *Wilimette 307?,, 69LTN50-ltp 71LTN49-2tc GNERAL. MAID. - IF EXCELLENT cook, $10. Laundress employed one dayr. 3 aduits. WInnetka.3168. 7lL50ltp GEN11ERAL AID 3 DAYS 'A WFEC $5. Refs. Very near 1 transporta.tion. 786 Poxdale Ave. Winnétet 1778. 71L5-ltp EXP. WRITE MAID ÊFOR -GENEIRA&L housework. Must be good cook and have good refs. Like chil1dren. $9. Win- netka 3672. 7L0lp NURSEMAID, WRITE. $7. 4 SMALL chiidren.- Only one wlth good disposi- tion need apply. Phone Wilmette 1154. WANTED-COMPETENT, RELIABLE rnaid for general housework. North Winnetka. 3 in famlily. $7. Go home nights. Winnetka 155,. 71ê1N50-ltp EXE.WITE MehAID FOR- GEN- EeraI h2useork. Must be good cook and have good ref. 9. Phonie Winn. 3953. 71LTN5-tp EXP'ER. WIT IR L O,'1R .WOMAN for general housework>I. Laundry, cook-. ing. 2 children. 6 rooms. $9 or> $10. Pho'ne ,Wilmette 4089. 71LTN50-îtp WHITE GIRL AS MOTHER'S HELP- er, assist with housework and care of children. Ph. Wilmette 957. 71LTN5O-Itp.,' WRITE 1r- AID FOR GEN. HOUSEWk. Family of 2 aduits. No washing. Win- netka 3826. 71LTN50-ltp. MAID FOR GENE1RAL ffO0USEWvORI.ý Small , famnily. Near transportation' Phone Wilmette 1436. 71LTN50-Itp HELP WANTED-MALE' FOR BE ACH SCHOOL Young jman of atrctv FRIDAY ONLY North Shore Buick. Pontiac Authorized* Bulck and Pontiac. Dealers 1572. Maple Ave. at Davýis Evanston 7A.-LTNý5-ltc SPRING CLEARANCE, '34 Chev. 4 door Sedan........... ..$560 '34 Chev. Town Sedan, trunik'.......50 '34 Chev. Coach, low mileage....525 '34 Chev. Sport Coupe %............ 510 '33 Chev. 4 door.Sedan ............. 445 '33 Chev. Sport Coupe .... e...:425 '33 Chev. Sport Roadster .......345 '32 Chev. Landau ...........325 '32 Chev. Sport Coupe, 6 w. w.....335 '31 Chev. Sport Coupe23 OTHER MARES INCLUDING23 Fords - Bulcks' - Packard$ Pontiacs - Studebakers - OIdsmobiIéeý ALL MARES AND MODELS $2.5 UPl North Shore Chevrolet 6,11 MAIN STREET, WILMETTE 4414 77A-LTN50-lte FOR SALE-AUTO BIC. '32 BUICM, 7-PAS.SEDA* BIlack. A.-1 condition, chrome side rnts., upholstery like new. Excellent for large famnily or taxi, Prlced right. Ph. Win- netka $85. 77LTN50-Itp .930 FORD COACH, IN GoOD CONI-) tion. Here is a reai bargain at $95. Phone Wilniette 2623. 77LTN50-ltp FOR RENT--ROONS 1 OR 2 LARGE PLEASANT ROOMS FOR GENTLEMEN, WITH BATH AND SHOWER. NEAR TRANSP. 824 FOXDALE AVE. WINNETI<A 2010. 821L50-ltp ONE OR TWO PLEASANTflOOMS. Pleasant surroundings, facing, park. .Closeto transp. Large .2 rooms. Liv- ing room 16%24. Bedroom and double cioset s pace. The above apartment tas tile bath, shower, electrlc Icer and.offers fiome- like. quarters at a very reasonable rentai. Phone Wlnnetk5, 1800. PLEASANT, AIRy 4 OOM COURT aPartment wlth' eafit and west. ex-ý posure. Tile wall bath, elect. refrig. $55. Wlmette's. Most Beuttful Building JTUE LINDEN CREST Kroli & Smith. Agts. Wiimette 500 424 .Lindeni Avenue 92LTN49-tfe, H'ighland Park-Ravinia NEW BLDG. 4 AND 5 RM., 2 TILX batha, 'kitchenette. ,Rèfrig - gar. i rear. Rent $4 0 and up. Col;;r. transp.. east of track, Agent on premises. Rojger Williams & St. John. NO MAN'S LAND 5 ROOM APARTMENT $62 Spanish Court Properties 932 Spanish Court Wilmette 432 92tLTN50-1te ITENETTE APART-MENT WITHý in-a-door bed. Frigidaire. $35 per moqnth. R. M. JOHNSTON & CO. 340 Linden Avenue Wllmette 444 92LTN50-1tc Attractive 3Y2 Rm. Apt. ÂTRES BO0AL, JR. 725 Elm St. Winnetka 350,0 92LTN50-ltp 5POSITIONS OPENED) FOR E-X- perienced Domiestic lHelp). Wanted at oflce 16 genieral niaids. .ages froi $8 to $19.. Itegistei' now, positions open,. da.ily. 1I Gernian couple, -no laundry. ..$85 2 'Couples * ...........ý. ;.$10,0 R others.... .. .. $80 to $50 -1 second miad ........ .. . 1 20 girls, maid.s and cooks. $6 t0 $12 CENTRAL EMPLOYMENT AGENCY Formerly Fred's IlighLand Park, Ill. Glencoe 160 70L.0-ltp I WJ-SH To RECO'lI-Nfl 1) OR PflçýI ____________________________ g uech r rusiness woman. 4RO PR WAITED~MAg A D PNM. Atracive, home. Very reasonable. Ph. bat PIVE SALESPERSONS WNE -Wilmette 1644; evenings Wibtta23.eetrh with shower, bi Chieo iecmoiiswhich imet 25.eecrerefrigeration, rei Choce0f lv comoit or 82LTN50-ltcý Wolff-Gritlls Building, phý everybody must have. May seil one or9 LOVELY RMS AND BATH, WITH___________ any cornbinations out of the tive. Repu- .sîp). peu. (u.nfurn.) in. fice neighbor-5 OMAIFL R table lfe-time .position~ with steady In- hood, near trans. Ritchen privileges H.ROW.S, AI.SceNeLOr corne for men o r worfien of ability, and gar. if desired. Very reas. Winn. 1699. H ,ha.Sr~e character and energy. Nocompetition In 821.50-It 1343 Ridge Rd., ýý mile1 some of these llnee. Salesperson should-t Ave. Aduits. oriy. Ph. 'V have car. For further Information write FURNIHRD ROOM, IXEAR RNS -__________ B-165' Box 40,- Wilmette, XII, PORTATION., 893. ELM ST., WIN- TO SUBILET -HALF' 73L.50-îtp NETRA. PHONE WINNETKA 1719. house furnlshed or unfur Paulfine's El. Agencies 82L0.ltp and gar. May lst to Sept. mp.LARGE, WELL FURNIISHED FRONT 1721 Lake Ave., Wilmette. GET YOUR N ON OUR FILIES room,. suitable for one or two. East 570. for doruestic position. The best payingaie 2 blks. from 'L." Garage. Phone FOR RENT-AÏ)ULTS C jobs on the North Shore. St ilmette 1530. 82LTN50-1t apt., oil heat, hot water Fourth andLinden 6314 Davis Ft.Lr--- Mn----~, bave rets. Small adult ra.mi"y. acandi- Ail rec-n-ditio-ned--ndaâll nsjdeat 5 IROOM F na.vlan preferred. Ph. Winnetka 929. ieat Vr e 71L¶'N50-ltp OUR MAIN OFFICE Vine reà GENERAL HOUSEMAID, BETWEEN XVIFSCOTT. MOTORS-,81 Em.a 25 and 30 years. Whîte, ëxperienced. 1245 Chicago Ave.- Ph. Greenleaf 80)00 .5' ROOMJ 4 adults. No washing or cooking. $10. SEE'MR. STEWART Garage$ Winnetka 1665. ý7ILTN5-tp. 77A-LTI'50ltp PhneWI -6n 0h- 5 2008 Schilli IT, IST FLOO. >e Ave., Wilme tte. I16 IJi. 1 abbard . .. . . . . . . . . . . . .