Red Brick COLONIAL near the LAKE. q 6 LARGE rooms, also HEATED break- fa.stt roo-m, and SLEEPING PORCH. Host Water OIL Heat. 2-car garage, .$13,500.00 "i Might rent........... $8-5.00 month' ENGLISH B R IC . IN, HUI3BARD WOODS, 4 bedroomrs, 2 TILE baths, breakfast nook.,tollett and lav. Hot Wa- ter OIL Heat, 2-car garage,.$16.5-00,00 ATTRACTIVE WHI11TE BRICK BOUSE, NEAR TIUE Skokie Golfclb at a bara ag living rooin, beautiful dinning rooni,4 bedrooîns and 3 bath,; on 2nd fi.. 3rd 'il. insulated and heated. ,Main nmaster bed- iooin bas a woodburning ireplace. (>11 buirner, 2-var gatrage. To be i«ld at -itr-ess price FRE,4DE RJCK A. COOPER 1507 Chiicago Ave. Gré~.a0:10 WVin1netka Horne M Be Sold COETO, SCHOOLS ANI) TRA-NS7- liortation. seven-room bouse on ai beautiful %woided lot 45 by 187. Four large' bedroomns, . living room, dining room*i kitchen, nd den. A real buy at $7,500. Setis one today. QUINLAN & TYSON, Iné. 1571 Sherman Ave. Univ. 2600 * . T11LTN50-lte CHARMING HOME N EVE 1 >B E FOR E OFFERED, TH-IS Winnetka resi dence.bas indiN7idu.ilityý, studioj rm., book rmi., 5 mnaster bedrms.,, a bath, 2 servants' rins. and bath,. and yet isý compact. In perfect condition, beauti fui landscaping. Only $45,000. Fred'k B. Trhornas, Exc. Ag-'t 74 lmSretWinnetka 2850 111LTN5-tce 975 FOREST AVENUE P OLENCOE Eniglish.Farm House style. 8 large rms.. 3 bathà, wooded haîf acre. Only3 blocks, to transportation and lake. Bai-gain for cash., SMART & GOLEE, Inc.- EXCLUSIVE AGENTS 1664 ShermnanAve. University 028"ý HAVE YOU VISION? ýed to 82 is now te Fale. McGUIRE & ORR, mc. Over 40 Years ,of Dependable Service 530 iai St., Evanston Ph. Gre. 1080 316 Park Ave., *Glencoe Ph. *Glen. 13, 114LTN50-,te 2 LOTS,, 40x133. ALL IMPRO VEMýVENTS in. Worth 6 times 'the price asked. Property located 1 blk. west of Glenayre Sta.,, Sýkokle Valley Line. Private party. For further particulars, Write, B-176, Box 40, Wllmette, 111. 114LT'N5-tp 50 FT..WOODED LOT IN choice Winnetka east side location, at a v1ery 10wi prie' RALPII M. JAE!GER WI'NNETKA 907 .1I4LTN5Oltp Best, east Winnetka location. 50-foot lot. $39700 XANCY LEVINSON WINNETKA 269 _____ _______ I14LTNS-ltp 50 FOOT HOMESITES IN NORTH- field,. ready to build on,. Price $600. Telephone Winnetka 1111 or Wýrite. B-.21, Winnetka,, Illinois.. 14LTN5-ltc _____ SUMMER CAMPS ___ T M E ROCKY MOUJNTAIN BOYS' Camp ln qolorado. For boys 12 to 16. Phione A. C. Goodrich, Winnetlça 2217. 118LTN48-4tp 01OR SALE-CEM ETERY LOTS 4 GRAVE LOT In Memorial Park FOR $106 CASH Write B-174, Box 40, Wilniette, 111, 12ÙL50ltp BUSINESS PR*OPERTIEâ __ FOR RENT-BUSINESS LOCATION , blk. C. & N. W. R. R. with 2-story- hrick shop suitable for rug cleaning, general repair shop, etc. .Aso 5 rm. fiats with bath, furnace heat Phione Wilniette 1724. 122LTN50-Ilp REAL ESTATE LOANS MONEY TO LOAN $5,000.00 to $25,000.0,0 HOMES EVANSTON and NORTH Chas. H. Fleiseher & CO. Establislied 1890 616 Church St. Uni. 7768-Bnf. 7768 127A-LTN4S-4tp. MONEYFOR LOANS, NOW, AVAILABLE afternoons and ail evenings. 306 Wood- stoek Ave., Kenllworth,.Ili. 129LTN50-ltp LEAVING TOWN. MUST SELL PN ingrm. set, 3 bedrm. sets, kltchen fur.n., linoleum, parlor grand piano, and many other household pieces very reas. 1035 Liriden Ave., Wilmette. 129LTNS;O -îtp LARGE- VELOUR D A V EN POR T overstufted chair, Ottoman, davenport table, fire sereens, 3 Wicker porch chairs, and beautiful -hand-car-ved solid walnut needie- and petitpoint chair. -76M Lin- coin Ave. winnetka'1836. ý129LTIS50-ltc WAL'NUT DINING- ROOM ISÉT, LGE. mah. fiat. top desk, dresser, walnut set.of sofa and 3 chairs. Other pieces, also. Verjy reasonable- 158 Meirose Ave., Kenilworth. Ph. Kenilworth 256. 129LTrN50-ltp GENUINE MINTON DINNER SET, 1 bird and tree pattern. Will., separate pieces. 4-plece Sheffield Silver Tea Serv- ice, 'good condition. Very- reasonable, Lindwall's.'808 Oak, St., Winfletka. 12LN50-t LEAVING TOWN - WILL SELL BED- rm. und dnig. rmn. sets,' davenport, chairs. Iamps, rugs. Shown Saturdav only, 260 Mary St.. Hukbhard Woods.' 1291,T50-ltp OFFICE DESK, 1MAHOlG., FLAT TOP 60x34, glass top; office, table; doUble brass bed, box sprlng (wî for single bed),,chairs, etc.,Winfletka Z154. 129LTN50-ltp B-RCH.AND MAPLE BED WITH spring and mattress. 8-tube:radio, setý of baby furniture, 75-lb. ice b:ox, etc. Al in, good condition.. 973 Cherry St., Wininetka. 129LTN5ý0-1tp BOY'S BICYCLE, BA-)BY BUGGY, 42" electric Ironer.. Double: and single beds, tioor lamps; desk-s, bird stanlds and other articles. Phone Wilmette 3080. 129LTiN50-1tc SOLID M'%Ai. DINING ROOM SET: Gateleg table, ladder'back chairs with rush seats, serving table, suitable smail roomr, $!à. Old china, pictures and silver. W'Ninnetka 2067.. 129LTr.N5-tp 75-FOCOT% G A R D -EN HSE, LAWN lmoWer, hickory table and 4 chairs. Large two-door Frigidaire,.like new. Elec, Vietrola. Phone mte 1205- 129.LTN5-ltp GRAND PIANO, E X T R A PIANO bench, f1ireplac 'e fixtures and a hall runner'. Pli. Wilnmette 40-59. 129[,TN5-ltiu CIA A4w1iAV !'1iJ 'l' 1i" M-1(7~ 28 SQ. YARDS BROW;N CARPET; 5 Prs. white taffeta. drapes; garage oil heater. Al 3 montha.old. Phone Win- netka 3054. 129L5-ltp DINJNG TABLE AND BUFFET. AIiSO. glrl's bicycle, srnall size. Phone Wll- mette 2390. 129LTNSO-ltp CASH FOR Y01UR USED FURNI- ture moderm or antique,. and othet houehold articles. 1j ý1ý Will also accept your furniture on con- slgnmnent- basis. CROST FUR1MTTURE STORE 11.Established 1898 1004-6 Emerson St., B-vanston 'Uni. 0189 130LTN43-ttc WEBUY FURNITURE. RUGS. STOVES, M~ENWS & WOMEN'S clothlng, àhoes, etc. Ph. University 0103. 13OLTN5û-4tp -. FOR SALE-MISCELLANOUS CHEMdItAFT CiHEM. SET, IVES. elec. train and acces., portable Vic- t.rola, black - board, 2 desks, many toys ln excellent cond. Lawn roller, mower, day bed, wheel barrow. Shoe skates, size 7, football pants and helmet. Reasonable. Flood-'Wilmette 3319. 11TS-t FURNITURE - PORCH, DINING RXE Electric washer, chest drawers, blank- ets, dunnage bag, foldlng cot, carivas trunk, tools. Ph. Winnetka 1282. 131LTN5-tc COMBUSTION OIL BURNER. EX- cellent condition, $150 lnstalled and guaranteed one year by manufacturer. Burns low cost oul. Private party. Kenil- LARGE SOLID W AL N UT OFFICE desk, glass top; and leather seat Swi- vel Chair. Almost n.w. Ph. Glencoe .681 131LT50-ltp 1934 81/2 H. ]P. E-VINRUDE OUTBOARD motor. Practically new, used only 10 hrs. ,Just nicely broken ln. Sacrifice for cash.- Davis 1540., 131LTN5-ltp PLAYGHOUND SL IDE O0F fWGG.ED ýand durable, construction. Price $.7.50. Telephone Winnetka 2986. 131LTN50-1te _WTD. TOMUY-MISCEI.LANEOUS WE PAY EIGJ{EST CASH PRICES FOR OLD GOLD> JEW- elry, watches, silverware, gold crownu, bearooms, 3 baths, 011 l heat. East s iUe,- 129LTN50-ltc ENGLISH TYPE OAIJ- DININC near 'IL" terminal, schôols, churches.seatqefnharotew Recently financed. Favorable termns. se, nebuefiis, Grandne. BULIL--424 MAPLE AVE., WILMETTE. We r BabyGrn Piano ice box, stove, kitchen table. daý 11ILTN40O-tfc Mahogany finish. Bargain. dresser. Wlnn. 3328. 129LTN A FINE HOME WITJ{ VIEW 0F THE WINNETKA 2497. MOVING, WILL SELL GEII~ lake. 2 battis, 4 bedrms., fine interior - 129L504ltp household goods and gardon flrulsh. Only $13,000, worth'imuch more. BUREAU, CHIFFEROBE, MAIl. GATE- Phone Wilmette .4680.~ 129LTN Ecxclusive Agents, Wflmette. IRealty Co., leg table, ,oddchairs, child's desk and 4-POSTER MAHOGANY FULL S 513 -«Wt St., Wllmettoe 192i chair, baby bed, doîl bed and carnaýge. bed wlth box. spning and mal 11ILTN5Oltp Pli. Winnetka' 2511., 2950-t Phone Kenillworth 3764. 12T, bed, ,* 4* 'M .. 2 -LAT TOP DESKS STEEL FILE CABINET RAL Phone Wlnnetka 1643 3ols. 132LTN50-ltp -ltc WANTED-A BABY BUGGY ZED ln 'good condition. reasonable. Grey or ress. tani Engl i sh carrnage pref. Also used -ltp furs., Winnetka 1235. , 132LTN5-ltp