ictic association of the school. Ti juniors coilected *a total of 70 1/. poi nts. The seniors finished second with 34 1/3 points, the sophomôreý third.with 23,andthe freshmen fourth with .17 1/3. Jean 'Clark won first, place .in the 20-yard breast stroke and> Banda Watts in the 20-yard back crawl In the_20-yard free style event there was a first place tic between Jean Stnickland, Katherinie Johnston and Antoinette Hearne. Jean. Strickland won the 40-yard free style, event. Five on Senio'r Teami Only -five, girls - Jo: Balhachet, Katherine Johnston,. Margaret, Bird, Priscilla Hawley and Barbara Behr- comprised- the senior teami On, thé junior team wer 1e.,Nafalie Waidner, Jeanne Geither, Bobette Ormisbee, Peg Lively, Frances Orcuitt, Nancy Boldenweck, .jean Clark,' Elleen Russ el; Antoinette Hearne, Kath- erine Shank, Marion Danner, Mary J., Donahue, Lucile Fredgke, Ruth Dur- ham, -* Rachel Merrifield, Marjory Lynn and Dorothy Wilder. To niake these teams a girl must qualify in four events. Clogging la Popular- Clogging is another activity. spon- sored by the Girls' Athletic associa- tion at New Trier. It is open only to the junior and senior girls. The following girls are on the beginning and advanced clogging teamis: Beginning-Jeanne Geither, Vin- giia Cotilter, Virginia Buchanan, Antoinette Hearne, Catherine Bird- salI, Elaine, Munster and Lois Cav- eniy. . Advanced -G er tr u de "Trudy"' Schnur, Jo Balihatchet, Joan Mc- .Adamis, Helen Shane, Julia Livingsto n, Barbara Behr, Ruth Durham and Barbara Eder.. Denionstrate Dancing. At the recent Mid-West Physical Education association convention at Milwaukee the following New Trier Rin1l uave 2a<emonstflat2rion f rv ie'ence, the llinois SaeGeologica (3 study. of the geology and geologic his- dtory of Chicago's noith shore région, ýto -be held Saturday,-May 1l, with ýhprof. j. Harlen Bretz, noted Uni- Versity of. Chicago geologist, in charge: e: The, fiçld trip group will assemhbl a at N'ew Trier High school, at 9 o'clocl 1. on the da.y of the trip, and will spend .e most of the' day observing the geology of northern Cook and southeril,[Lake n counities. The miajor events of the dGreat Ice Age and their effect in :Jshaping the topography and drainage of the Chicago. area wilI be otlined and discussed. This will include the tinteresting history of the formation 1and disappearance of ancient. ILake - Chicago, whose beach idges, outlets eand shore lines can stili be traced with ease. br. Bretz bas recently com. pleted :a %;eryr detailed survey of the geology of. the Chicago area, the, re-* suifs of whiých will be published this year by the State Geological Sur-eV The field'trip on May Il is being organized by Arthur C. Brookley. of 'Thornton High schoot. at Harvey. Mr. Brookley was elected chairman oi the northeastern Illinois field trip dis- trict, following a similar >trîp leld lIast year in the région south of Chi- cago. Canadian Rockies Cal to Trail Rider, Hiker The growth of interest iin trail rid- ing i s the' most' notable fact about events of the coming surnrr's (lanadian Rockies calendar. 'The an- fluai ride of the Trait Riders of the Canadiani Rockies is to last five days instead of the usual four. For hikers there is a four-day trek f rom B3anff through the Egypt Lakes région to Castie Mounitain Bungalow camp. For loyers. of. cowboy and Inidian lore, there are the Calgary Stainpede and Banff Inidian Days. Mo u nt ain climibers ca.ii join the Alpine club of Canada's encampinent at Mount As- siniboine, and golfers can enter the - l1greatest team in the country, the d ePhbt Blue Ribbon bowlers. ini an S- xhbiion match with the Northvest nSuburban Traveling league team rep- h resenting Bleser's Bowling academy on M onday night, April 22,, at 9. o'clock at the Bleser. alleys, 1901 Schiller le street, W ilrnette. Adolph Carlson. a member of thePabst tearn. is often yAniierica. .flhc Bidwell Boosters have %von a series. e SPORTSMAN LEAGUE 'Lawrence Schneider ýbowled highi The Kricr Buffet teani regainedý gaine for thenight, 236. Ton%- Liî- e Sole Possession of first place in the dovice, lead-off* man for the. Kuss d. Sportsmnan league last wéeeb' in11 Jewvelers, wvon second high gaine witl e ning aIl thréee Of its gaines with the 216...Pins. Other 200 gaines: Paul ilat place -C cein taJ, w ie H r Bleser, 209; 10e Kneip, 205, and Joe e ry's Budweiseri %which had tied- Krier'.8 Lechner.202. Sfor first place,, dripped one of its.tlîre , "h eults of zîext week's oin gam es with Edelweiss. Bleser's 1re-I doubt w~ill determnle c ca tained third place by winning two OUIt pionship of the.league, as 1 lhe first of' three front the W ilm1ette Tail. I place Georeht ea i~ jl m e and the Sunset Villa, in fourth 'place, WelrsNrery tearn il,, what IProin- kept pace--by- takinig two fron i Hugo ises f0 . be a ýgood match. *and Bingo. Standings of the* teamsl, ii(îuiî Krier's Buffet liad Iiigh series for gaine of Apr'il 11: the everiing, with gàmes of 904, 922 (,g Vîtsgoe~ 4- *and 915 and a total of 2,741. Ed Bieser Weiler's fltrser-y52J of Harry's Budweiser teai ha'd high uss eweîe" individual senies, 615, and. George Bungalow Tavé'. il47 2 Bleer f Kiers Bffe ivs scon Lyarn Teacos.43 41 with 606. idwveIIBoos-ters 36 58 Whealan Boosters 2~~ The following high individual gait-s werc recorded: George Bleser, 24,3; SundayCu ni Ed Bleser, 225 and 201 ; Willia'yCu nie Teichert and Shano Solheim, '214 to Easter Observanec apiece; Bob Braun, 206 and 203; Johin Flaster mlusic Iby the choir of 125 Schindler, 209; Lloyd Botker, 209 : anîd a quartet of solo'st 'Ill featui-e Paul Bieser, 206; Richard Bleser, 205: the Chicago Sunday Evening clu!>s. Phil. Bleser, 204; Ray Barteli, Genie service of April 21 ini Orchestra hall. Matteoni, John Leçonte, Vic VcItz Another important annotincemerît ns and "Pinky" Adamis, 203 each; Scott.ithat Dr. H'arold Leonard Bowmnatî, 202, and Wagner and Deitz, 201 each. !pastor of the First Presbytenian The tean standings: chuirch Miii Woodlai%ùnwill give the ad- <re' uftWon 1, -, sdress of the eveigThe soloists wo Blse's52 *jboth th.emeàrly[ad: main 8 o'clock Sunset Villa 51 i eetings are.-Esther Hart -and Lupcille Edelweiss 47ud4.e Hugo and Bingo 4ï. Hdieg, Eidiin Kemp and William Willnette Tailors 17 Russe~l]. Music is under the directi' cycle Inn ;o f' Edgar- Nelson, conductor fthe Ct"choir. thegame fo hé haa Ihe i4eIweiss boys, by witnilng Jooster team, are now only onie garne behind, the third place 'Kuss Jeweler team. Bidwefll Win Tw. Gasme* The Bidwiell. Boosters surpriscd al tlhe bowlers on the, alicys, inicluding theniselves, by taking two out of three' gaines- from Lynam's Texacos. This LEAGUE avenue, entertained a stuall groiup'of ' :~" fniends informally at a bridge lunch- con Tuesday of Iast week. Joseph B. Coainbs, Jr., a freshmnaii ---o-at the University of Chicago, is Mrs.Geoge eeh oftheOrring returning this week for his Easter Mrs.Geore Kehn o th vacation, which he will spend with ton hotel, was hosfess t0 her Keil- hspretMr n Mrs. J. B3. worth, Bridgeclub Tuesdayi. Cab,15 sn, avene The lcague leading George \j.t grocery ., team wonthree. stra C X gae rm the 'Bungalow Tavern a_______________ last weeks and by doing SQ picked up o I - iame01-1 one game on the second place L.eiler .2 anatet Wlet Nureryteai.The Weiler boys won I* two out of threc froni the. Kuss a PhOnes.I Je-welcrs-., The Jewelers tried their 'WILMETTÉ 32 UN>IVERSITY 7317* best f0 Ivin the odd 'gamne, but luck i i ç .1 1 5ýUN5Eý