'sheldilin the cleh nh.'re,ýdav wîth intermnt !i *ÀMenui>,iaýl P.îrk ee Kenilworth Union ,!~Ill be "The. Vppeî'1-ooi," a th4einaý . ap)p1olate 1o th îelebi-ati ilfth Commumnnion ser-vice., Thé eh îîreh evr. is aI lil o'elok. A î'urdial hivitaI bsn is extended 1.n I hose not attend ing <'linëbch lseç,here to <-oieaîî woî'hi with ml:. This 1i;, p unlion ('hUl'(h. ts lll'i'Ship includesý people fi'oîn val'on enoninations. -It pr<cl listhe esserîtial ttrnths of the for the commîîîîity the îbe of wîor- ship, r teligitbins edn<'ation aind socialI The Spi g ('hun îh lit ier t-a nd annuti, i meeting, will, l i hld <oni \Vpdiesoav- evninMa y 15, a t 6:30 1).ni. a t ti'.' Kenil or h l îh.i leaseresei've thiis dat e. -T'h(, Simîîda sî'ul i vîwlini4etI al 9:4-5 'lhere aîare clixsses l'or,<hi Idî't'n tw the ages n i lb.kind(et'ga ltttîî a îîd th,. hg r so. V jlsitl,.s ae weloibino.. Knit Shop Is Moved to Larger Premises Mfiss' Harriet Shipp. owncr of the Knità Shop, annotunced this week tthat- shc; is mnoving the shop froin its present location in the Linden re building to nieiv and larger .quarterq at 417 Fourth street opposlite the "I. *terminal. The sho.p handies hosýierv tioga yarns and notions. * Miss Betty BewlaY of Cleveland. OQhio, was the guest of Mti,.s ViVianl .&Tigshb. of 247 Maple avenue over th i Eaister bolidavs. The girls arc room- mates at the Universit.v of. Kenituckv- ;If Lexingtoni. 3(0t~ N. Michigan avenue, Chicago. M.,iss Franices Donnelly, art direc- tor of the XVilmette Public schools, bas been instrumental in having bier èighth grade pupils at the Howard and 1 Stolp s.chools submit some very' 1beauti f!l .healtb 'posters. ,Eightb grade J)upils in charge of Sister M\ari- nella of.St. Joseph's school also ha:ve suibnutted'posters. These, posters are on exhibition at the Wilmette Healtli ýCenter. Miss Mary G,'reen. R.N ., shool tnurse of the Central-Stolp school, M rs. Emma Stopka, R.N., school nurs5e of the Howard sclhool. anid Mrs. Ine;z (' . ,Bliss, ,R.N., Coinmunity nurse, have worked togethler :Iniinak.- 1 ing this contest a lhealth educationi project. MOTOR SOUTH [)r. Alice 1). Tuttie and lier daugh- ter, Miss ')orcas, 913..Central avenue. left Tîiesdav mnorning to niotor to IFlorirla to visit M,\rs. -Jamnes Martin ând Nriss c alie Wiiev, Dr. Tuttl's. mother andI sister. They plan to mo- +or back througli Asheville, N. C., and the Smiokvy Mouintains. Dr. Arthur T'uttie %-ilI.assumec Dr. Alice's practice' wvih1c slie is away for about five -weeks. DAUGHTER BORN MNlr. and 'Mrs. Percival Huniter Ir'., of Chicago annlountce the birth of a ýd'a 1ghter 'Moniday. April 22. at the Pas1sav'ant hospital. 'Mrs. Hunter is the former jane jacqueline H-enning of Glencoe. MIr. Huniter is a formfer \\VIitnetkan. iMr. and Mrs, Manchester Boddy of los :Angeles wý%ere \week,-enid guests -of thlie W. A. M oultons, 235 Raleighl road, Kenilworth.. MEA&T SPECIALS IONA BRAND SWEET ýCORN.. IONA.BRAND Tronatoesu 3 NO.2 IONA BRAND SUGAR PEAS INO. 2. 2 CANS IONA CUT GREEN BEANS, 3 NO-2 RAJAH SALAO DRESSINO. 32A RO 2.9c DCK 0. B. 17c ED COFFEE LB. i.~ ~ e AG * *. 3CANS 2 9c, ORANGE PEKOE. YE4LOW LABEL LIPTON'S TEA ... ' L.* P G. OVALTUNI **.... .14-OZ. cAN 87c e-Obz. CAN. 31C BORDENS CARAMELS ............LB. 9c OUR OWN TEA.... L. lKr..21 CL SWIFTSPREMIUM SLICED, BACON %-LB PKG.17c BOILED HAM. .....L 17e BACON SQUARES-. . . . 201/2C SALT PORK...... ...L.1.l 1/2C A PENN 100% ýPURE PENNSYLVANIA MQTOR OIt. ..... .2-G~L. CAN $1.0 PLUS Bc TAX 1 MERICAN FAMILY FLAKU...... 0BR 5 AMERICAN FAMILYI FLAES ......21-Z.PKG. 20e UNEEDA DAKERS SALE I LBS. CRACERS . . . . . . LB. PKG. 17C 80X. PKG. 10c JOHN ALDEN MOLASES COOKEES MILES STANDISH 'U cH4oco"LAE COOSIES pIg.21c PRISCILLA BUTrERCOOKIES VANILLA. CHOCOLATE OR ZUZU GINGER SNAPS ft MACAROON WAFERS . 3 PKGS. 1-4C CHOCOLATE CROWNS ..L.I9Cý 2 SIiced Bacon 19cB **LB. lOt i0 1 -