Fademsa&<rd Mothers! If you want a real game for your boy=- just try The BADGER e"' MINIATURE FOOTBALL GAME Teams, actually play ,real football Your boy will be crazy, about ite If he isni't .we'l1 return your m oney . ORDER BY MAIL. .Price Five.Dolrirs-Taxüâ4jd THE BADGER "O" COMPANY, WINNETKA, ILLINOTS IF UT S C LEÀNMABL E -WE C LEAN W PORTIERES HANGINGS LACE AND CASEMENT CURTAINS WIND ow s8uppJJ iinga rt pii V tu bummc selectiQ of clothes which are to 'be Preparations have been made to re- modeled by eight active mnembers of ceive registrations for the camp periodj the sorority. The girls acting as bv girls between the ages of 10O.anid inanikins are:, Hazel WVhite antd Vir- 14 years, giillia White, Glencoe ; Eleanor Thomp- Tecm slctdo soni, Evanston ; Eleanor De Young, he cmslctd'o ejsl Gret Lkes MaronLaxe. udry narSister Bay, bordering -Green, 'Meer Jae larý nd aTt Ritchey, Bay, 275 miles north of Chi cago, -'Camp activities,' untder the super- ail f rom Chicago. vision of specialized dirtectors, are list- Alfreda. Gessner. Jane Clark and ed as follows: .Hgiel WVhite are in charge of arrange- L. Sports-Tennis, ,ir(he.ryl,-l.ti nients for' the party. volley ball,: gamnes; inving Itr Phi' and teirfrindspretativeý,tap ; Miss , janet -Il p. Uv- Ail Gamma icaldiréetor, Wiltnette Public cîH,, ni the Chicago area .are 'invited. a nd a.nenber of Red C'ross Sc'enh)î- Jif.. Tickets nia-, be purchased at the door 2. Sinîming, diving, ]if(,aVIIg Of-the Evanston Country club on PF1a.4eîed,-111 ersiyo is. Saturd'ay or thiey nias- be ordered b,,..!ited Ç'ross Life guard. mail o in prson at the sororiîat *Danai-retvfmaI> , mal ri p ;pantonimne, poetry 'aPlre<iaIti îII, tr Lake Forest college. Lake Forest. hour; Miss Mildred lke',<lamti - ~~~~teacher, WilmettePuleshl. 4Art classes-sketeh ing, eiliî'. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE SERVICES mrwn, ay niodelin91 soip i iî .Probation After. Death" ill, be the 'îs AeaLaison,IItsixth '-graidc art sulject at the services iin First, Church ~ Tours-(a) Fising grotinds unt . . of Christ, Scientist. in Wilmette Sun- ifit (b)* Svedlish Pi-zaut-(1raft lî day nmorning, April .28, atIil o'clock. < > istoriea'l POint-s ý l 1 andi uî<.1li1 1 rheen Bay-: (d) Pellinsffla St:tt.- 8 heki in the 'edifice a.t 1003 Ce-ntral av'e- 1l(e') Auto t*riflarmidunil îflstil;i f.,)b' .ý nue. Sundav 'schiool convenies aI 9 :45' lng Gýree-n Bay andj Laki. Miehi9ga n. 0 clock. A registered nurse \vil1)b. Ilicn -- ýtaI1t attendance at thîe camip.1o gtîizl M\rs. Alfred 'Mcflougal. 325 Abbotý,- ilic îaltl' of tl e gir. ford road, kenilworth, left last Fn 'hlýIe cam Ip 1prograniincld vaari-, day by rnoor for Decattur wherc shee cjpr)gra , o f 'soil âtieîs 10ô met lier sister, Mfrs. E. J. Brown.i augmlent t1ue prescribcdatiti. and lier cousin, Mrs. Cecil jack bie- Campii begins Julie 29 and .(.11<15 fore motoring to the \'irginrla gar- lguî25. 'App)licationîs u5usîle (lens. mlade onl or before Mas' 12 alnd in1- -for-niation - mav be obtaIn-ed 1w 1pli(1 - nrg'. Greenleaf 2358. as w r.,Illinois Country 'Club drivinq Opens Formally April 27 north 'l'le Illinois Country club will for- mnallv open the. 1935 golfing seasoîî i Saturday evenmng. April 27, With-a. -SPring .forma.I dinner dance. George WVelIs. chairmian of th>e ettertalumniit conmmittee. reports that. Earl: Voyles,' orchestra ani.d the famed Embassy FotiFour have been engaged for tuhe. occasion. iEarly reservations indicate uniusua I interes't in the club's social calendar ]and the gay. festivitiies of the Çirst NO TOJLL (CHARGE1 Chlicagos and North Shoreus Largest Cleau..', *Confral Ave..at Sheridan Rd. Phone Glenco. 110 0 HighIaind.Park *Vift Our s#odel room a" The cast' for the second pla-y ln- ludes Mrs. Paul C. Clovis, Thomas Vakely, Dean Hole, Jacksoni Mac- .0W and Leon T. Ellis. Tickets may ýe purchased at the door. There 'are ýo reserved seats.