The camp, to be known as Pribbe- th, now's Day Camp, opens for a ten- m.n week period June 15. The camp site Ico is located on a beautifully wooded 40- acre tract at DesPlaines. As it bas bcen used for camping for the past' ,several years, it -is greatly împroved, and boasts the Most modern facilities.1 Among -the ,outstanding attrac;-1 tiong for cbildren is -a. huge S.wimming pool of pure water. "Thereý will beI plenty 9f. this sport so enjoyable to children," Mr. Pril>benow says. "But it wil ail be uûder careful suipervi- sion.ý Besides: this 'outstandiîig..feature, the camp ivili serve wholesomne meals prepared by a skilled dietician. Othier lacilities include. a mess and recrea- tion hall, -cabins and tents. Trans-1 portation wili be furiiished,.which wvil takc the children to the1 camp iii ýtie. m omings ;and, retumu, them at nighit.1 A prograrn is being worked outby Mr. I>lribbn.ieu and bis, staff of as- , istars to gîve eyery chiki full benc-1 fit of the well-rounided progr ams of- i fered. Mr. Piibbenow empjhasizcsý the. fact that the children will be led naturaily tolbettér bodily he,ath and j -mental a lertness.. rhey will nàt be' forceti into ,ulkt activities, yet. thiose 1 ich they paeticipate ini w11 have a vemy definite bearing uipon thec ultimiate s.ccntîfic dce'eIopnînt, of the individual. Thle programi is safe and ail por- tions of it will be carried out under thec trained eyes of the. staff. It wiII includle swiïnintg instructio:1, arch- ery, handicraft, nature study, Sun bathing, horseback riding, 'gaines, hiking, camping and posture work. 1 believe," Mr. Pribbenow pointed out, -that znost parents realize the advantages of a day camp for their children, but find themn out of reach. ln:. myrew camp jI.arn putting within the. reach of 'ail p arents the finer» things of dlay camping at a yery niot- etprice. Slash Running Time of "400" April 281 IeapUils d4 j:w. cJ cK l'-bi- at 3:30 leaving Milwaukee at 8:45 and arriving 'Chicago at 10 o'clock (Il o'clock Daylight Saving Time). The' severe test given the, E-2-A steam locomotives during months of heavy snow and below zero tem- peratures in Januar February and. March convinced officiais of the Chi- cago and North Western railway that Ld WREN TIMI~E CMNTS-TJEL1EPIINEI When, yoiu want to taik to an sanie eal. In business, time, 1and get I LLI N SI S R E LL TE LE PIlON E ce.