annRual vtVVI aa is year's bt. Francis Xavier party wiIl be held Sat- urday, May 18, at 8 o'clock, at the Shawnee Country club. Part of the proceeds of this event wilI be used to promote Catholic Youth activities: in the parish. Anyone in- terestedi inYoung people realizes the importance of proper recreation in-their developniènt, and it is the hope of the. chairman and the committees that this dance and card party can be put o'ver. ini a big way to'fuirther the good that is being donc for the Young of" the commÜnrity. * ood music for ancingadnat tr active prize foreach table,, for cards,. are proinised I)y'the committees ini charge. Mfrs. Godfrev Gelderman is chairman oï the-l)atrofless cotmnittee, and Mr.. Louis Peterhanà is ticket chairman. The j uniors an(I voting people are assisting on the various comittees. A repýresenltative group of the ti of. the 1arish attend(e(l the .last meeting and are furming iiiits for active serv- ice on the night of the party. Rev. John Keenan,,general chairrnian, * is calling anotiier meeting for Mondaýv, April 29, at K: 0'chîck. at St. Francis, school hall. >Ail members (if 'the Par- ishi are .rgedj to attend. lowers Fromn Your Garden By Molis. Quinn * On a table lt.lhze bedside. 0f a. zick child -Stood ,a, plant, A eolorfui foliage plant. 0f a large City hospitai on a mue ih-used stand, A pin k, bine and yeliow, bouquet. fioweù ,rweet scented On a table set for tiny tots, In a kindergarten hone, Were oranges arranged ivith apples, * Tempting, brilliit, and beautif ni. A jar of jaik For the gifi of flowvers. Were, the floivers from your gardet mditor's Note: This verse is written for. the Chicago Plant Flower, and Fruit gulld fer Lilac day by* ?rs. Charles Van Deursehi chaiman of the guild's Mil-1 for the Equestrienne FROM FUELD'S EV.fANSTON STrORE The sports room becomesý the pride'of -the fourth floor with its grand array of equest.rienne, fashions. . . 'jodhpurs, hats, jackets, boots-We'll even order your equipment if you wish. W even have a life size wooden horse so that you can, make sure tliat vour togs fit perfectly. We auggeat an outit. A perky feather percbed on a jaunty feit riding. hat is as smnart as can be. A turned brimn coù- plete s it.- Price...........$1 Lots of* roomh-lots of comf ort in this suede jacket with the action back. And you'l like the two large pockets ....................75 b. on the forti, 1 oppareI. Mnday,