MEN'S WEAR-WOMEN'S WEAR FOR.CIN OUT Thousands: of Do1tars Worth of Quallty Merchandie2 igStoks 1Involved in tis Sacriflc-M en's, Storeeat 1152 Wilmette veu and~~~ Ou i r od tock at 1 146-48 WIlmette Avenue, MU ST - BE SO1LD ,:ýQUJCKLY' to; fit in, w*th new mrhandi- ing policies ýwe -aire adopting. A , À. .A.A .A. À . À . AA , . A A . A . A. A . A . . A . A A . A .A.A . A . . A . A Steven's Turkish Wash Rag Rugs Linon Crash Bath TowelS Cloths Hif and Miss patt.rns. '24x48 18 inches wide, fancy border. Srn obl hed 2x4Sl.I2x 12 size, fancy borders. sîze. Ssii reoulaely at 39c. Now is the fime fo purchas. your A regular 25e value. NOW summer's supply. 29c values. Nice heavy clotbs. Forcing ouf prk.e 18C 5 or$1.0 6for 45 2.5C. w.-~~~~~~~~ V*---vvv v v~ ~ ' . ,, ~ -w.w wV -v'v vv- 'V V V 10v v- --vyy-"v-~' y WATCIU FOR OUR LARGE DOUBLE.PAGE CIRCULAR EXPLAINING THE! DARGAIN TREAT H O U S E MEN'S STORE-i 152 iette AvenueW ME ' FROCKS omewSprng HOSIER'Y Beautiful new pattern PRINTS. w Spr q Sfrong cloth, no-fade, trimmd in a v.ry attractive manner. 1 . * Best weII known brands of stan, $1 .25 qualifiles. FORCINÇ7* ard kosiery. The wanted shade OUT pr.ce*4 Eresse Fresb, new merchandisel es. Beutiful shades.1 Avenue ING OUT prks. 'v 'v -v 'v -~ 'v $1 Sheer Chiffon Hosiery SiIk to the. top. fin. qualify. Exceptional values af ou FORC- ING OUT price of oni..........83,c. WILMFTTB1 LIFB 97c cyd. - i