N4ew Post Office Booms Wilmette Building Record Building construction work amounlt- ing to 'an estimated $96,72 was authorized.by elevenl building permits issued in Miniette during the first 23 days of April.' This is the first time, that the total b las approacbed the $100,000 mark for maiiy' months.. The largest building prolect is the, new post, office at 124,1 Central ave- nue, a permit for whicli was issued on, April 18. The estimated« cost of the structure was gi ven as $70.000l. Three New, Residences Three permits were, issued for nlew residences in Wilmette *thus far this month. One wbich. is, to be huilt for iH. Xorel,. 1354 Jarvis avenue, Chi- cago. will cost $10,1500., It %vill' be erected at 2019 Beechwood avenue. in the Kenitworth Gardens subdivisioni. George W. Kiewer is the architect. James Crabb was given a permit on April 15 to build a $9,000 brick veneer residence with attached garage at 229 'Maple avenue. Robert, Rae is the .architect. A $3,000 homeis5 to 'bc built for Ira Rosenberg at 1822 Elmwood a ve-. n~ue. The permit for this was iss de on April 17. F. Sýchrnidt is t*le architect. Bui1ds Addition * A franie addition at the R. E. Lu~d- ford 'residence, 2205 Che'stnut avenue, wilI >cost $1,800. 'l'le permit for the job was taken out ou April 3. S. N. Peterson is the architect. * Two perinits %vere issued for iieNâ garages. Olie is to.bebuilt at 201 Golf terrace and will cost.-$500. An-7 other is to be erected for J. P. Bal-" man, 1524 Elmwood avenue, and ifI cost$40 1A garage addition to be built for L. B. Huguenor, 1319 Ashland avenue. %vill cost $500, and a two-car garage rebuilding job for Frederick A; Lind. 133 Washington avenue,' wil. cost POSTOFFICE )B PROGRESSESI s- A Iterations Lead Winnetka Permit .Record for A pril Spring building >activities in' Win- netka. which led off, in March with the issuance of a permit for the new $225,000 édifice being erected by the Congregational. church and six -per- mits for remodelling jobs costing $6,es5, 'followed with ',an, active April program featured 1by six. permits,' aIl for additions and alterations, but with a total valuation of $24,30 one of. the April permits was' issued to Stanley G;. Harris, wbo is making. alterations and constructing a .tw*o-story addition to bis residence at 1096 Crescent lane, costing $20,000. A ~permit: was issued to The Wal- dorf company for alterations.'to the residence, at 60 Pine street'. costing $3.000. Godfred Lundberg as making a.. porch addition to his residence at 435 Birch street, costing $450. Anne H. Wilson tookç out a permit for an' addition to the residence at 556 Cherry street, costing $400. Mrs. J. A. Horak was issued a permit for an addition to the residence at 1101 Asb street. to cost $250. Charles J. Merriam 'is making alterations at 757 Foxdale avenue, costmng $200. Witb three of the six building per- mits issued ini Glencoe during' April representing contracts of a major nature, the total cost of the rnontb's improvements reached tbe gratifying surn of $45,950. The Lake Shore Country -club 'is building a swimming. pool and pa- vilion costing $20,000. Melville N. Rothschild of'1109 Sher- i'dan road took 'out a permit for the erection of. a pavilion and to deepen à~ swimn1inI pool, aIl at a cost of is building a two-storY stone veneer. dwelling, with attached two-car gar- ra oc n elcn h rn OET age, at 144 Tudor place. arear t p rch ndrepid ng the6front- 'M VEn T(s A. W. Wakëley took out aemtprho h eiec t64A r n r for an addition to a one-story brick otsford road, at a cost of $l6f. their two sons, veneer residence and attached garage ', William B. Fitch is building a old, and Gordon, at 234 Leicester road, costing $4,500. frame two-car garage at 416 Cum-, anston recently tg Kàtherine B. Siappey is building a inor,,road, coasting $560. nue, Wilmnette. s.Gary Young and. modities, tnat type o usine~5I1~s' Gary, Jr., 13 years keep,' constantly before' its client 11, moved from Ev- The improvenlent includes the ai to 322 Greenleaf ave- tion of window display place on Wilmette avenue, frontage..