Howard Pupils Enjoy Program bldian Ghîef Here are two versions of thelpro- gram given recently at Howard scbool by, Cbief Evergreen Tree, noted -In- dian. A Foa.rth Grader's. Versijon Chief Evergreen Tree, carne. Ail thecbiidren of Howard scbool had been waiting. At- last he carne. He sang a song the way the Indians did. He acted like a lot of birds and toid how they prayed Io the sunl. *He, told how he got more people in bis tribe.. His men had wanted a wife. But they couldn't because an- other carne and rnarried althe Indian girls. So Chief Evergreen Tree had his men go to marry ýsix wornen and .bring them baclç to the tribç. and that is how they got their wives. Oh, everything was interesting.- Patsy Peterson, Howard 4th grade. Au Eilih Gradcr's Version Recently Cbief Evergreen, Tree, a noted Indian, made an exact copy of bis home village. Howard scbool had it in tbe social hall. The foliowing Friday he gave to our assembiy a very interesting program. He told us about bis borne town in Mexico. After a while he sang niany songs. tated the eagle, boownîte, robin, crow, sandpiper, wbippoorwill, red-beaded woodpecker, flicker, blue jay and rnocking, bird.. ,He showed us bis bow and arrow. He had Indian blankets and head- dresses. He iritated animais, the priredog and woif., We, enjoye bis native danices and:al b is interest- ing native customis.-Winifred Hoif- man, Howard 8A. here to read and enjoy.-Yvonne Woerner, Stolp 1C. ANNUAL CONCERT MAY 10 The giee clubs have beeri practic- ing for the annual spring concert . may 10. Thei ail hope it wili 6e at succes.-Winifred. Hoffmian, How-i ard 8A. LIIBRARY NEWS I have just read: a -book. called ITs. t was written by Mary Rob- erts Rinehart and is very bu morous., t ig about a lady 50 years old and bher two other, companions. The things that make it bumorous are the various sports a 50 year oid womi- an attempts todo. For instance she] learns how to ice- skate, ride horse- back, and also goes on a' couple of camping trips. You can get this book at the Wilmnette Free Public library and aniyone wbo enjoys..bu- morous stories will enjoy tbi.-Ber- nice Stein, Stolp 1C., If you are ever ià tbe library look< ini the Amierican Girl magazine. There vou will find rnany interesting articles. Arnong thlese is "You and Vour Dog" 1- l by Esthier G. Price. Illustrations by Diana Thorne are véry interesting. Tbis article is very interesting and I. arn sure everyone would enjoy it, so look it up.-Marilyn Stube. TRACK flEGINS MAY 1 May 1, track wiIl start and it wil be fun to run, hurdie, broadjump, highjump and do lots of other things, that are fun. Itikaltoboys will try out for' thé' teami.-Dick: Cochran, IHoward. >C. Club Compares Old Sereen With New Wednesday, April. 17, the Stolp 1Assembly club niade a comparison of tsold screen with a new one. Somne pictures were sbown first on the old 1screen. They.,were quite dimi and flotý clear at ail. The new screen that thé club, was trying but mnade the, pic- tu res seem brighter. The, demionstra- tor explained. that tiny bits, of glass are woven1 in this new type.of screen, wbich,,enables it to reflect so superi- orly.. In spite of this the majority of the Assernbly club votecl for keeping the. old screen becaùse of the. ex- pense. Thée club, will discuss this matter further n ext week.-Janet Iichl, StolpiC ;Htighcrest Pupils GIad They Get -to Sec, Indian ,Friday morning, April 12, at Il :20 d'cock, the upper grades of High- crest schooi went to sec a reai Pueblo Indian in the auditorium of Howard scbool. His name was Chief Evergreen Tree. He imitated the voices, of different birds and animiais, sang Inidian songs and gave an In- dian war dance. We certainly were glad Miss. Groves irîvited us to corne over to see the Indian 's acts. I'm sure that everyone enjoyed sceemg tbein.-Elizabeth Bfeliles, Highicrcst 8th grade. Science Glass Finds It Fun to Identify Pictures Miss Stevens, the science teacher, has made a new project for the newrl termn. Miss Stevens selects a picture of a person or instrument, that dealsi with-science. She passes the 'picturei a roundý the rToomr and the oies. who knw whoit is, put it down on their papers. If they.get'it right theyget ive points. Lt is a great deal of ftun, and they ail enjoy it.-June Gonzales, Howard 8A. WORK ON PUPPET PLAYS For the last few weeks in Miss Theman's room the boys and girls of 6C have been working on puppet plays. They have 'been writing the toesto the plays ani are now ready to, make their puppets.. The y hope to give these plays about next moenth.-R'ob Dodids, Howard 6C.< Manual Glass Starts Making Marbie Statues hi manual trai.ning the 'boys .have been making a new project. Lt is a marbie statue. First you have. to moçiel the statue out of dlay andi when that i's ail fin-, ished and srnooth, then you pour a sort of rubberyi liquid over it. When that hardens- you have your mold. Then you can stretch it off the d1ay model and then pour a marble. corn- Pou nd in and when it hardens yo'u stretch, the rnold off and you have your, statue. Some of the boys Who are -making tbern are John Hopp, Bill, Steen, Fred Witt and Charles McCandlish.-, Charles McCandlish, Howard 7C. Stolp Athletics Con quer Browns by 22-14 Score On. April.18, the.Athletics and -the, Browns of Stolp scbool l)layed a b aseball game, with the Athieties %v;uniing 22-14 in seven innings. F'acli tea.m had seven men, which probably accounts for the, high score. The muen on the Atbletics were Lawvrençe, captain; Hirscb, Gregory,. Daley, Phllips, Cordts and' Ellis. The. Browns hiad Moiter, captain ; Noon, Lewis, Casterline, Mayer, Kernier: and Wiegei. The' basebail teams at. Stoip have becn given names of. major league tearns instead of their regular letter nanies.-Richàrd H-irscli, Stolp 1C. CAT STEALS BOY'S TONGUE Saturdày I went to the Cinderella play at the Woman's club. Itwas a. good show. I liked the cat'best- of ail.- His narne was Ashés and he stole a littie boy's tongue.-Virginia Ives, Howard 4t1, grade.