to cloe esaie... .. . :'a Brick, 9 rms.. 3 bs., slp. pcb., lot lOQx2ou, near lake, greatly redued forii,, mnediate sale.......322,500 Brick, 6 rms., 1 b., slp). pch., oil, 2-car gar., large lot, near lake s1ý - Frame Bungalow, 6 rnis., 1 bathi, H. W, lit., good condition, east. Frale,, 6 rms., .1 b., Hi. W. H., good locat- tion, near transp. Easy ternis. 5>i 'ra"'e, 7 rms.,, H., A. H.j, lot SO0xlTS, good. for rémodeiing, 3 1,000 cash,. bnl. A0 ver MO. .............. ....$5.250 Frame Cottage, (Northbrook), 4 ri-rs., 1 b.,. 1-c, g., lot 60xl5O, (owner inoving to NgrwaY> ),will sacrifice, 31,00() down payment, balance $25 per rncnth. Only ..... 2,5009 B. H. BARNETTI 526 Center St. Winnetki î!4 11ILT5I1 tp Summer Shack in the WVoods WITH TEN ACRES, WATEII ELEC- tricity, telephone; good gravel road; west of Highlaýnd Patrk-; taxes $25.00. Can be bought for less than the mort- gage on terms; price $4,500. MeQUIRE & ORR, Inc. Over 40 Years of Depéndable Service 530 Davis St. (;r,.'lOSO EVERY MODERN CONVEsý1S-ýCfl adds to the charni of this reniolelled Colonial bouse with white picket, fence and beautifully planted yýard in \ýVin- .,netka'sbest location. 4 'bedrns., .bath, scr. pch. ani heated, slping. pcî.. gar. Under 315,000, Mrs. Fuller & Wm. Pickard 746 Elm Street Winnetka i6O3 1iLTN5t-1tc N. Y. C. OWNEII ' UTS PPRICE ON(2' most attract., nearly neuw 6 ri. brk. hse. witb 2-car garý. to> $5,500. Mtg. waiý $7,500. Lot 100x200. Steal of the yr. Mrs. Fuller&\V . Pickard Excls. Ats.Winnetl<a 360:,' WELL ARRANGED 5 BEDRM., 2 bath Colonial. îre att., sun and sleeping porches. East Kt!nlwor-th locýa- tion. Owner leaving city. Real bar-gain. $13,000. ]Phone Winnetka 1800. 111LTýNSlt RED BRK. COLONIAL. INDIAN HILL. .Section. Most ecolonical oüperàtioý.. 4 Ige. bedrms.,, tile bath, lav. lst. fir., brkfst.ý nook, 2-car.gar. l3eautifiul land-i scaping of evergiens -s E1ppn helm, Winnetk .156. 111LTN51- ,t) DESIRABLE CORNER SITE. LAKýE Forest, % block froin Sheridani Road. 4 lots, 7 room bhouse, 2-car garage. $5500. Phone Lake Fo'rest 782.. î N5-t MONEY FOR [IOANS NOW AVAILABLE! LOANS ON NORTH SHORE HOMES Up to 60% of value. Monthly repay- ment. Pay out in 5 to 15 years. Gel details from Fîrst Federal Saving A. Loan Associ ation of Wilinette, 1137 Cen- tral avenue. Mr. Ch! ton,. Secrtary Wiimnette 863. 1?7.-LTN47-tfc LOANS WANTED WE HAVE SPECIAL FUNDS AVA.Lý-, able for inimediate commlitment on, banrs. See us for quick action. $2,000 to $20»0O ýmcG;UIRE & ORR, Inc.. Over 40 Years of Dependable Service 530 Davis St., Evanston- Gre.'1080 127A-LTN5-ltc H *LOANS 'WANTED, HV E PRIVATE PARTY WIT.H funds, available for smail l ans, 12,000 to $10,000. for Immediate action.. COLLENDER & CO. 905 Chicago Ave. -Greenleaf 4060 127A-LT5 -Itc FOR UALE-HOUSEHoLP Goobs *For Sale-Cheap WA.DINING SET, OBLONG TABLE', arm chair, 3 side chairs, suitable small roor $25; sin parior chrs., $4 ea. sun laxnp $6; youths' roll top desk and chr. $7.50; peranbUlator $10; vacuum clean-, er; gas stove, porch rug, portable vie- trola, ice box, garden hose, lawn rnower, miste, items. Winn. 2067. l929LTN51-ltp FOUR POSTER BED ' DRESSER, chiffonier, niattress, sprlng, $25. Din- ing table, 4 extra leaves, 6 chairs, &15. M,ahogany rocker, $2. Piano .bench, $z. MNahogany frame davenport, 335. Fire ýscreen, $1. Sniall mabogany desic, $5. Kitchen table, $1. Wardîobe trunk, $8. Phone_1720 Winnetka, 2LTN51- lic ITALI1N CHAIR, TAUýLE, BRIC-A- Brac, and ornanments. Unusual coliee- tion, make offer; White elec, sewing mîachine, M. W. cabinet, cost $175 like nle, seil $75; $60 studio coucb $29.50; 1biose cushion chair $7.50); humidor $3.95; 1 ir-e screien $5; 3 pr. draperies $12. 1 Wtnn. 2067.129LTN51-lrp 1 HAND-CARVED AND - UPI{OL- Sstered high back chair. 1 marble top andý hand carved occaskrnal. table. 1 marbie statuette, "La Pei*la,.' One 4- piece set reed'porch furniture. Win- netka 2808. 129LTN61-lte 4-BURNER ,RELIABLE WHITE ZE1,A- DINwiNG* BOOM 8 1AND BEDI ln good eQudition. 4-BURNER IN GOOD, ROOM. WINNETKA t379. 195-t KERMANSHAH, ORIENTAL, BEAUTI- fui pattern size 15'r»xZo' Original cost $4,500. 'Will oeil for $1,256. Can be seén at Rensch Warehouse, 621 Main St., Wilmette, Iii. 112L51-tp ENGLISH TYPE ,OAK DINING ROOM SET, ANTIQUE WINISH-, ALMOST NEW.. DAY BED, DRESSER. WINNETKA, 3328. ___________________129LT.1-tc REMBRANDT UPRIGHT PLAYER piano, ini good condition, fireside inridei.- Will sell reasonable. Phone Glencoe 1060. 129LTN51-ltp DRESSER COT. QAS STOVE, IiT- chen table, mise, articles. Good con-. dition. Phone Wllmette 4809. 129LTN51-ltp DAVEN PORT, FLAT WRITING table, chair.,and re'voiving smali table. Phone Wnnetka 156. 129L61-tp *WTD. TO SUY-HSgHOLD. 600D8 CASH FOR YOUR USED FUIMNiÎ ture, miodern or antique, and ot1,o: tiouuehold articles. WilI also accept your furniture on con- ilgnment basis. CROBT FUR1IUqR1J STORE Established 1898 100-S6BEmersoni St.., Evaaston Uni. 0189, 1301/fI!43-tfc WE BUY FURNITURE' RUGS. STOVES, M.EWNS & WOMEN8 clothlng, shoes, etc. Ph. University 0103. 13OLTN50-4tp FOR SALE-M IBCELLANOU* 6 CYLINDER 1927 BUICK COU PE, seats 5. in excellent condition, wlth 2 new tires. $100. Judd electrie wash- ing machine in fine shape $15. Mahogany victrola wlth 60 fine records, mafly op- eraties, $10, Cash only. Phone Glencoe 1250 after 8 p. m. 13LTN1-te CONTROL.1 SELL FOR Mr. and Mrs. Hayes McKlnney, who bave been living in the city for a time, are returulng to their home at .1035 Chestnut avenue the, end of this week. -0- Mr. and Mrs. William H. Siegel ad their son, Dick, of 2032 Wilmette ave- nue, spent Sunday and Mondgy visit- ing friends 'in Appleton, Was. Mr. and. Mrs. Joseph Converse, Jr. and their baby daughter have moved: to Nles Center. MrS. Converse is the former Sue Carpenter of Kenilworth. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Botthof, 156 Abingdon avenue, Kenilworth, enter- tained their dinner bridge club last, Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Dwight ,i=ons of. Syracuse, N. Y.,: are visiting Mr. Simnions' parents, Mr. and Mns. Fred ~Smons, 338 Woodstock avenue, Kliitl- worth. Mrs. Harold Tideman, 138 AbiIg- don avenue, Kenilworth, will be host- ess at luncheon Wednesday, 10 the' members of her bridge club. 0O Mrs. John O'Connor, 149 Kenil- worth avenue, Kenilworth, will be hostess to her bridge club at lunch- eon Friday. Mr. and Mrs. G. Yeardley Havi- land and their twenty-iuonth old son, G. Yeardley, jr., moved recently f rom Evanston to 2034 Chestnut ave- nue. WTD. TO PUY- MISO .LANE@US WE PAY HIGHIEST CASH PICUS FOR OLW GOLD JICW- elry, watches, sllvei'ware, gold erownm.. Jos. F. Kuss 641 Chestnut St. Wlnuetka 8671 Opposite the post offce 133J.'N47-tfc generar122i TNx5v, ut' Phone Wilmette 1724. 12T5-t AcRAEA NDUIIW House and One Acre ,NEAR NORTH-BROOK. 3 CHICICEN bouses, 26 fruit trees fine garie'i, good 6 rmn. lse. with bath aind lav. $8,000 for, qulck sale. Can buY 2 acreg âadjo!ning cbeap.,Write p. . Box 12, IHubbard 1Z!LTN1-Itp 742 uster, uEvanston uni av Z Z FORSAE, CHEA P.. . 132LTN33-tfe St., Winnetka, 111. Phone S 521 Mèm Street, WiISI.tte I _________129LTN5-ltP SMGLM N MANY BOOKS P4OSTLY PAPER 25c, MAGOAZINE 3me, RAGS $1 *Dm 2 UIEET71 Nlnth Street, 'Wtllette. per 100 lbs. Phone WlIhette 5417- * m Namy71 iULTNàSI-ltp Wiuuetka 87»0. onINE-t u..mmmsUuuuuuum