$Pace WHY NOT SHOP HERE FOR EVERYTHUNG GOOD TO EATr AND DRINK? There's- a goodly assortment..of. goodl S. O.00,se things at. bargaini prices , an our stores, No'.Y. Staite Apple Sauce tAis week. A Il sorts of suggestions, for 1U uyon pckae f .os. 8-PAD bekfslucendner-dssrsWhy bother fo Makei' ifwhen this Jeliclous conn.d C o n pa , C ica geo * . & r a f s , u cp» d n e e s rts ,t a rm and @end top,,toTrhe S.O.SL and in-between snacks. Make out your bouçht Lcn for cgh CompaSnk yi6. for a tadtlpoeu-' eliver with- 'so reasonably. No 2e. fo1c, Ontadditionai charge. 1 o 5r FUNEST WUNES a nd L19UORS Ow Saule. ai 3959. Broadway OnIy CHAMPAGNE C lcquot-Rheikis Anibassdor ... Shafford's Inperial Aristocrat-Special 'Dry SHERRIUES Bertola-Spain Oioroeo-Sp-àin Garvey Vino de Pasto .... BRANDY Foucald-15 yrs. old Martel"-3Star Hennessy-3 Star Mornay Cognac AVctSrayer 1ourboD1-i yrs71. oUS Seagrani Ancient Rye-6 yrs. old GIN collège Inn.. . . Eastga.te.... Gordon'a . Merrie Englaýnd Sth US9 lOth ..79 Sth 2.29 Sth 1.79 SthIJO.3 StIi 1.9 5t1.90 St1h 3.95 Sth 3.89 Sth 3.69 .Stii 1.79 .Pt.2.49 Pt. 2.09 *Pt. 2.98 Pt. 2.65 .$th 1.09 Sth 1.89 .$th. M8' SCOTCH Teackers. yam- Si %IIDwn ...... .. ... ýran'. 5 Crown ..............Pt- ram's 7 Crp wm ... .......Q Liquor Def.arme'si at 3959 Broadweay Open Evesiaogs RoyalAn.. heriries. So good for en impromptu dessert or for a refreshing fruit sld Chili before servincg. No. 21/2 fins 129c Sliced Pinea pie A handy tin to keep, on thie sheif for a >fruit salai.,'for. broiling or u pside clown cls No. 2-1/2 fins 2'for 49C Fr esh Telephone Peus Delicious ly sweet and tender and telepbon. peau are always3 .2 C large.3 b. 5 Fresh Wafer Cress A plateful of thbs fresh gru of sait or a cruet of French salad course s complet.. Hot Hous.e Radishes. Crisp- and fresh - serve with enoùgh of the green top to add color and flavor. 31bunches, IOc Um, are these rich and but- teryl Jus+ 1ke the old4fash- i o n e d butterscotch. Each piece separately 1 wrappecl. een cress, a. shaker à'dressing and the l unches toc Droste's Pastilles, A real candy d.Iicaciy., Perfect for the luncheon. bridgje party or affer-diniier sweet. 1/2-1b. box Fresh Spinach Makes the baby hale and husky. 69<' . peck J Broccoli Trjm and peel the stalks-soak in sait water for about an hour-cook in boiling water and serve with dlrawn irpIud.u Fia. Judce Oronge!s, Sweet and j uiI:t 3 doz. ,d Fresh Limes 79c IL19< ILC APRIL 25, 1935