The munic, for the il O'clôck worship service neit Sunday morning je as fol- lows: Organ (10:46)- .Hy u................... Iiszt "ePatorale"s o"intermesso" <Pastorale Sonata)- Rheinhorger Um Marie Briol Introt:., "Cast- Thy Burden upon the Ljord" .....ýMendelssohn Antheni: "I ArnApha and Omega- Stainer Oftrtory solo: "Spirit of Ood"- NTeIdlinger Mr. C. Rollin Smith Organ poatlude:, "Fugue'i. REheinhorger The Church.achool meets oaci' Sunday morning at 9:30. o'clock. There are classes for aIl ages, froni tho nursery to the ad uit department. 7%e IHigi School Èpwerth league and Miets. Upsilon Rho will have a* joit of high school age, coliege age, and eider are cordially lnvited to attend. Thé.proparatory membership class wil meet Mondae lmmediately after school. The Junior group la pnder the direction of R1oert Baldridge and the Intermedi- ate g*'oup is led by Truman W. Potter. 4,1M 1U examînation wil ho gven by 'tie jster on Monday, June 8, The. clasa Il ho received Into fulilniember- shlp on Pentecost Sunday, June 9. Contway or the national staff W'111 se the speaker. Choir rehearsal Io held each Thursday evenlng at 8 o'clock under the direction etf Miss Marie Briel. The. rummage sale, sponsored by the. Woinan's Ald society, la heing held Thursday and E'nlday. May 9 an '10, atl 1141 Greenleaf avenue. Chairman: Mrs. C. B., Burgess, Wllmette 4051. the guill. IYlLe yur ne8iJdgr,*an frienda. Sunday, June 9, le Pentecoat Sunday. The preparatory. memnbrship clse anid adulte wil ho received Into the member- ship of the church. Children's day .will h 1oboserved on Sunday, June. 16.- Children w111 ho baP- tized at that tUme. he minister will, ha happY to receive the naines of children to ho baptized. Glil cou t Troop A will observe the troop's oleventh hirthday on Tuesday, May 14, at 3:45 p. mi. ln the Girl Scout rooi., The mnothers of ah 'troop mei- bers are cordially invlted.* Badges willi b. presented and a registration ceremony will, hohield. AU members of Troop 4. and the troop commnitte. members are urged te bring their national registration dues at that time. St. A ugustinfe'9s DIr, lUubert Carleon, rector 8unday, May 12, wilho the third Sun- day after Easter. There wlll ho Holy Communion at 8 a. nm., Church echool and Bible classes at 9:45, and inorning pirayer wlth sermon at il a. m. The Women'u guild will meet ln the parish hous tomorrew (Frlday) with luncheon at noon, followed hy a business meeting. The annual oZut-E&ter rally for, Duju oe, 45. There will ho a I sentative mon of women aIse who ai and conter with 1M firn 0f'Gates and1 the roi i anda dte m, tes of The. Aduit Bible cls in tudying heIP- fui truthe from the life and lotters of Paul, and we. invite you, to'Jôin us. The Tuxis soclety will ,meet at 5:30 o'clock. Refreshments wIll be ser'ved. The topic for -discussion will be "Qualt- ties ln Folks Which We Mont Admire." AU the. young people are l nvited. The Forum will meet May 12 at the churchý 'Te willl h. served at 6':30 e'clock., The topic *111 b. "Social1 Ineur- anco," with YYrancisBrown and Henry von der Hoff as leaders. The Board of Trustes will hold its regular meetding Monday evening. Boy Scouttroop No. 5 wiil meet Mon- day evenling at the qhurch.- The Woman's, society willi meet Tues- da.Swng wil oI hreo pk No. .5.Mru. Johç . eZ, chaîrman. Lunchenwil8 sre b pke No. 4, Mrs. Wilfrd 1ilis,Ichairmn. The devotional. will be e yMs harlotte Pritchard. The tpie "Oietais ln American Life," l ho ed byM rs. Stan- ley ]PeS!ffln ?he womeof et ii hut'eh and comniuiÏity are cerdiaily Invited. At the mldwek service, Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock, the next ln the er- 'les of studios, "Great Events ln Sacred History," wIll be dtscussed. The theme wlll be "The Rise of CIviIization.1ý We invite you to join us ln these studies and devotions. The choir will rehearse Friday eve- ning at the church. Girl Scout troep No. 5 will ineèt at the church Saturday aiternoon. * limette and Forest avenue$ 1Lev. George D. A.lison, poster Today <Thursday) le Girl Scouts, day ýy at the church, with Mrs. Alfred Heeréns, t mies Margaret Richards and Miss Har- r net Keith in charge. It le also choir re-. "hearsal day with Junior, and Senior le groupe meeting at the usuai hiours, with 'n Me yi oh etr oe Mis-daKch iet le I'omorrow <FrIday) will ha the annual, Gilkey. Tuesday, 10 :45-Women's session, Mrs. F. P. Langhornle, preaiding. 1 :15-Address by Dr. Avery A. Shaw, president of Northerft Baptist conven- tion. 6 :15-Young. People's Feliowship %lin- 8-Addi-eis by the ReV. George L. Col- lins. of the University of Wisconsin, -Where Shall Youth Mardli?" AU membere and, friends. of Wilmette Baptist church. are invitod to reserve Wednesday evening, May 16, for the an- fluai dininer and arniversa.ry program of the' church.. It wil be a joyous occasion. First Con gregationali, John G. Hindloy, rnifflter «'On Our H-onôr"1 le the subject of thé Rev. Mr.2 Hindley's sermon on Sunday mforning, at the il o'clock service.. The musical program, for that service le' as follows: Prelude: "The Belle of 8t. Anne de Beaupre"............. Russel Anthem: "The Soft Sabbath Calm"-'t- Schniecker Solo:- "God le In Egverything" .. Clokey Mise Pitsch Postude: "Finale, B Mnr"- -Jameos Rogers The Woman's guild will hold ifs inonthly meeting this week on Friday at the church. Luncheon wil hoe erved at 1 o'clock and members of the East End circle wilho hostesses. Bernard Flood and Clinton Carponter of the gramm4ir school orchestra .will play several seec- tiens, accompanied by Mrs. G. E. Neu- kranz. Mrs. Blils of the Wilmette Health conterwill talk on the work of that organization and a ropresentative of the Goodwill Industries of Chicago wiil explain their work. The Cozy Corner cîrcie willVhave Its annual progressive lunýheon Thureday, May 16. The ealad cou4 will boe erve&' at the home of Mrs ,-William H. Hayt, 1310 Maple avenue; the main course at Mrs. Lionel P- Bush's home and the des- sert course at the home of Mrs. Don IR. Ransburg, 3025 Normandy place, Evans- ton. A program will follow at Pllgrini hall: 'Oello selection by Eleanor Steen, acbcompanied hy Ânn Olson. Mrs., Lloyd Paxon of Wlnnetka "Ii review a cur- rent New York play. For tickets and' transportation, caîl Mrs. Robert Mc- Clure, WiI. 1968, or Mrs. R. N. Perrill., Wil. 683. The Junior Camp Fire Girls fleet Sun- nonce soie, The hIiiWhlghte of the prograin are as Chor iehearsal, MondaY, 7:45 P. m. follows: Meetig of votlng members, Tuesday, Monday. 10 :45--"Marching Tegether," 8 P. mi. the Rev. S. J. Reid and the Rev. Erdian "AMtOODa Smith. 'AMohr' a Bouquet" will b. the Monday, 2 p. m.-"'Importaant Sectora. suhject qt the sermon ln the. il o'clock e f the City Front,",Dr. A. M. MeDonald service, iln which Mother's Day W111 ho and representatives oe, varied types of observed. À message for father os weIl *Ork. as for, mother, and ment of ail forte ormS