Day. This year, in addition to the' sentimental significance of the day, there will be a nation-wide effort to reduce the hazards of childbirth through education of the lay public, first as to the facts in connection with maternai deaths, andý second, as to what could be. done to, make child- bing safe for mother and child. It is' estimhated that approximately 16,000 women. die every year in the United States fromn causes connected with. childbirth. -Wheréver scientific methods of maternity care have been applied,, there has been a practical dernonstration that 'fully one-haif of these maternai deaths are unneces-, sary. 'In Chiéago. the work ,of the Infant Welfare society among*needy expectant motheirs furnishes such a demonstration. OtInfant ey's sWoak In the nftW elfar ociety'S stations, the expectant mother re- ceives. reguar 2edical su~pervision from the obstetrician in charge of the prenatal con ference and help and ad- *vice f rom the nurse, both at the sta- tion and in her home. Efforts are made to teach fathers as well as mothers the need for making plans *early for the care of the mnother and of the niew baby. In both conference and home service, nutrition and mental hygiene play an important- part. of. the baby to see that the mother is in good condition. Repo rt Phenomuenal R«eit The society provides this adequate ,maternity care in twelve of its eighteen stationls. Last year among 1,734 mothers cared for with 990 de- livered cases d~uring the year, there was only one deatb, or a death rate. of one per thousand live births coni- success of the Infant Welfare So- ciety in saving the mothers in the congested sections of Chicago indi- cates that with the application,' of- similar methods the lossý of life in- cient to- childbirth in the United States Iast. year would have been, not môre than 5,000 instead of 16,000. -In addition to saving mother lives the Infant, Welfare society's service means that the baby, starts life in better physic al condition with -a 'fr greater chance of. useful adt2lt lifée Urge- Umvermsa. Action There is nothing connected wilth the Infant Welfare society's program that c6uld, lot be duplicated 'almost everywhere if'people realized, the, Wilmétte Rebekah' Lodge, No. 610, wiIl etitertain the state and district. Rebekah officers at a special after- noon and evening meeting, Monday, May 13. Dinner.will be served at 6 o'clock. Dancing will follow, the even- ing meeting. The Old Fellows or- chestra of Waukegan wiIl furnish the music. 0o Mr. and ýMrs. George Benson, 210: Mieirose avenu e, Kenilworth, enter- tained of Chicagofriends at a dinn'er dance> at the Chicago Ath- lettie ,club Thursday of last week. The Chamber decided to vote to hold the next regular meeting on june 3, and to, hold rio meetings in JuIy'and August. *Ii i i Selection of glasees that care be 1coming Io you is easier ai. Aimer Coe & Company. You have a wider choioe, and the advantage of expert adylce. Ahner'Coe g'COnipan OPTICIANS: los M. Wabauh Av., 78 F. Jackson Blvd.1à Bo. La Sou.9L 18", OrdagqtoXa 5 v.. Evm to the opening Tuesday evening, May I 4th, Of Evanston's newest and smartest restaurant,.. The Vera Megowen ... at 164 1 Orrington avenue, Evanston. The Colonial Dining. Room, the French Empire Dining Room, the Jonquil Banquet Room and the. Grenadier Soda Bar provide perfect surroundings for a soda, a snack or a dinner. . *. . 1641 Orrington Avenue Evans ton Our Thousands of - Frtends Are Invited. la ý 1