Borni Waukesha, Wis.,- Dr. Chal- mers has lived most of his life in Philadeiphia and was educated i the east and i England, graduating from Brown, Harvard, andOxford univer- sities. His undergraduate work was, completed at Brown university, wbere he was adnitted to Phi.IBeta Kappa in, hiîs Junior year, and whére he received his Bachelor of Arts degree in 1925,* magna cuîii laude,. withfinal honors in Fniglish.. Fromn 192 6 toô 1929 he studied as a Rhodes scholar, at* Oxford, joining sev- eral literary societies thtre,, a nd con- tributing: to their publications. The Bacéhelor of Arts degree, with- honors agamn in English, was awarded',him ini. 1928, after which..he studied philosophy in preparation 'for his doctorate f rom Harvard. H~e joined the Mount Holyoke col- lege f aculty after his return to the United States, and continued bis studies for degrees from Harvard. In 1933 he. was awarded both his Master's de- gree and his Doctor's degree in Eng- lish, f rom that university. Dr. Chalmers is a member of the Arnerican Association of University Prof essors and the Modern Language association. FLOGAN-1HOWVARD The -annual, meeting of the Logan- Howard Parent-Teacher association was held Tuesday afternoon, May 7. Election of officers was hield, with the nominated siate being made tbe ecedballot. The annual reports of, the secretary. finance and social chair- men were read at this time. A report of the 36th annual convention of the Illinois Congress of Parents and Teachers. was given by the publicity chairman. -. Silver Anniversary ~4j Ylt fË Sharp lIoduedona on Coats Dresses The annual june luncheon will be held june 5. Watch for further an- nouncenients. Mrs. Burt Crowe, 234 Raleigh road, luncheon for a bridge foursome. -last Tuesday. 25 YEARS 0F Eai T -NI 4 Suits Hats Or g - you e. ru i a ,