B3ernard Lynch anid Robert Little, co-chairnen of keno, are to be assisted by: E. Kelly, C. Rogers, C. Foley, W. Mcjunkin, N. Zeck,' H. Prosser, 11: Hammes, and J. Dawdle. George Arns, chairman of the game, novelettei i assisteçI by James Corns, Francis Oelericb, Ed Schager,, Frank Collyer, John 'Ronian, joseph Kutten, and Marshall Kearney. G Glderman, entertainment icom- mnittee chairman, bas 'a committee whose members are Frank Kutten, joseph Lechner,. 'B. ýLantgi, l M. Bruchbauser, and D. Coyne. George Hahn and Carmen Tortor- ello, co-chairmen. of the floor com- mittee, are assisted by Len Meyer, W. .Obermejer, Ed. Murphy, J. Lechner, P. McGurk, C. Keipers, R.,Stil, J. Fonthami, F. Meter, and A. H. Rohol.ý William Lynch and Bette, Peter- hans, co-chairmen of the young people's réception committee, are assisted by joseph Lynch, James Tarlcton, Robert Zeck, Arthur Zeck, Dick Dillon, Don Oelerich, 0. G. Corus, jr., M. Bruchhauser, F. Stov- er, the Misses Marion Ortseifen, Dorothy Marshall, Ruth Joyce, Nancy Butler, Mary Dillon, Dorothy Brooks, Kay Bermingham,. Helen Lynch, Catherine Harvey, Clara Meter, Mary Oraper, Ruth Clohisv, aiid Edith Coyne. William Leary is 'chairman of the program committee.-E. K. commitees willDCb suDmitted, and the siate of officers sigge.sted by the nominating committee will, be voted upo1n. Wednesday of next week the club wilI have a. luncheon bridge party at ý 12:30. An outline of the ne* scoring rules will be placedon each, table,' for the convenienc e of its players. Play begins at, 2 o'clock. Double Benefifî The Third division, of which Mrs. Walter F. Schur is chairman, of the Woman's 'Aid society of the Wil- mette Parish Methodist church spon-, sored a dessert bridgeý both in the afternoon -and evening yesterday at the home of 'Mr. and Mrs. H. Guy Taylor, 541 K-enilworth avenue, Ken- ilwortb. Entertains Mrs. Robert O. Law: 321, Kenil-, worth avenue, Kenilw%,orth , enter- tained at a bridge dinner Saturday. Gilests of honor were 'Mr. and Mrs. îThomas Morrison of Chicago. On Sunday Mrs. Law was hostess to a small group of friends at a buffet supper. * Bnjor 1000minesof crulsiag down . he,.lted St. Lau' ronce SSeway.:Thon, a quack dauh &Cros&. COInpiemmps tou fodor£atms.Fan, direct coamecdons wi&di iln at Moatroal <Daichesmd Moeas sp> s Qibec Ask about Ail-Expense personally conducted Tours. YOUR. FUR COAT,.. deserves the -care of our craf tsmen admodem i.facilities *Large'selecti1 of Spring Hats were $8.50 ta $ 12.50, now $5 706 Cburch S treet, Evanston Phone Universty 1781 125WASHINGTON AVENUEWLET Et arriet W o o/wo rt/i SALE of DRESSES :and.SUIT S Storting Monday, May 13'