BE IT ORDAINED BY THE PRESI- DENT AND> BOARD 0F TRUSTEZS 0F TUIE VILLAGE 0F WILMETTP: That an ordinance entitled "An Ordi- * nanoe ta, classify, regulate and restrictý the location of trades and Industries and the location of buildings desigried for speclfied. uses' and ta regulate and limit teheight and bulk of buildings here- after erected, ta rogulate and limit the riteiyof the use of lot areas and ta reuaèand detorine the area of yards courts, and other open spacos within and surroundinig sucht buildings and ta, establish the boundaries of dis-' tricts foe the said purposes and prescrib- Ing penalties for the violation of its proý- visions," passed, by the President and * Board of Trustees of the Village ai Wil- mette on the Twenty-third day ai Febru- ary, A. D. 1922, as amended, ho and the samç la hereby -amended ta read as fol- Iows: ARTICLE I SECTION 1:- For the purpose af estabhishing and carrying Into effect the several, powers, duties and priviloges conferred upon the Village of Wilmotte in, under, and by a certain Act of the Gênerail Asem~bly of the State of Ilinois approved june 28, 1921, in force July 1, 1921, and entitlod: ",An Act to. confer certain additlonal powers upon City Councils In cities, and Presidents and Boards af Trustees In villages and incor-* porated towns concerning buildings and structures, the intensity of use af lot areas, the classification af trades, Indus- tries, buildings, and structures with re- spect to location and regulatIon, the cre- ation of districts af different classes, the P establishment of rogulations and restric- tions applicable thereto, the establish- moent of Boards af Appeals, and the re- view of the decisions af such Boards by the .Court" and ail amiendments thereto, it is horeby provided as follows: A RTICLE Il Definitions SECTION 1: For the purpose of this ordinauco certain torms are herewith do- fined. All words in the present tenso shall include the future; ail words'In the singular shaîl Include the plural, and ail words In the plural number include the 4ingular number; the word "shal"' s mandatory and not directory. 'ACCZSSORY BUILDJINGý: A subur- dinate building located lu and occupying notmore than ten per cent (10%/) of the lot on *hich the miain building 19s situ- ated, and the ridgke of which 10 flot rer thaný eightoen (18> foot lu height.ý A 1T 1I *- A public tharougiare means ai regultions governlng the use, heiglitj and area of buildings and promises are1 uniform.$ DOUBLE F'RONTAGE LOT: A loti liaving sa frontage on two streets, which frontages do flot Intersect, as distin-j guished tfram corner lot.. >1 11 FA MILY: Any number of individualsl customarily living together as a single housekoeping unit on thesaine promnises.i .FILLING STATION:. Any building,: structure, prermises, enclo8ure or other1 place used for the dispensing, sale ýor1 offerinig for sale at of any automo-( bile: fuels or. ails, having pumpe and star- age tanks located wholly withinthe lot( ,nes.. When such dispensinir, sale or1 offering for, sale is incidentai ta the.con-1 duct of a public, garage,- the promises shall be ciassifiod as a public garage. M FONTAGE 0F BUILDING:. Thé, front lineofaithe building,,thali ho the line of the main wall nearest ta. and fac- in g on a street, including sun parlars, vestibules 'and roof porches apen or closed and excluding anly open stops or entrance-ways. HALF STORY:- A story directly un-1 der a -gable, hip or gambrel roof, the us-1 able floor area af which does not exceod1 seventy-five *(75) per ceont. af the story imrnodiateiy below it andwhichdoos.nat4 contain an independent apartmont. j HEIGHT 0F BUILDING.: Except in1 kccei,5bY buildintgs, the vertical distane measured fram tho sidewalk level, or its oquývalent established grade, opposite the mniddle af tho front of the building ta the highest point af the roof for fiat roof s; ta the mean height levol (between thoe eaves, and ridge) for, gable, and hie roafs ; to the dock linoe for mnansard raafs. Whore a building is locatod upon a natural terrace or siope, the helght1 may bo nieasured fram the average ground level at the building walIL The height of accessory buildings shall be measured to the highest point of the roof. 17EIO HT 0F COURT OR YARD: The~ vertical distance from the lowestj leývel of the Court or Yard ta the highest point of any bounding wali. HOI«,'OCCUPATION: An occupa- tion for gain or support conducted en- tireiy and onl>y by membors Of one fani- ily withln- its place of residenco, pro- vided that no article is rsald or' offered for, sale, except such as may be pro- duced lu the housohold eby mem'ibers oÔ,f the fainily and provided that nu display announcemlefit or sign la ,usedý to adver- tise guch occupatiafi. SHOTEL: A' building in which board and/or- lodging . is pravidod and offered to the public for conipeisatiaii and whlch Is open to transient guests, in contra-distinCtion. toaa boarding house or lodging house . INNER COURT: An open unoccuplod space surroundod an ail sidos by walls or by waiis and a lot lino or, linos. ~LENGTH OF OUTER COURT: The meuhorizontali distance betweefi the Intended or used for, tue ,nausîïg of hoisa for the, perÉonal use of the owner or oec upaftt and flot for hire or rem'u- neration. SPUBL:IC STABLE- A building or promises designed, litended or used for the housiug of horses'for remuneration or hire. REAR YARD: An open space (unoc- cupiîedexcept byaecessory buildings> on the âmré lot with a .building, btweien tho rear lune of the building and the rear lineo f the lot, for the full *wih of the lot. SET13ACK: A minimum horizontal distance, between the. street lino and the neareat lino of the building or any pro- jection thereof, excluding only open stops or entrance-wiys. SIDE YARD: 'An unoccupiod space on the same lotith a building, betwoen the building and the side lino of the lot and extending tram the front lot lino ta the rear lot. lino.': SINGLE FAMILY DWELLING: A detached building designed, Intendod, ar- iranged or used for the occupanCy of' one family enly. STREET jLINE: The division uine be- tween a lot, tract or parcol of land and a contiguous publie street, lnicludiflg iu such streots ail property dedicated for street purposes or subject ta public ease-, monts therefor. STRUCTURAL ALTERATIONS: Any changes ln the supporting membors of buildings, such as bearing walls or par- titions. columns, béains or girders. STORAGE GARAGE: A building or promises designed, lntended or arranged or used for housing only' of motor- driven vehicles ', pursuant to previous arrangements and flot ta transients, and w.herg> autominhle uels and ails are.noti Districts and Bounds.ries. Thereol SECTION ,1 : .* lu order to classity, regulato and restrict the location ai trados, industries and .the location ai buildings designod for specified uses; ta regulato and limit the height and bulk oi buildings liereaiter erected or altered; ta, regulato and limit the intensity ai the use ai the lot areas; and to regulate aind determine the area af yards, courts, and other apen spaces within and surround- ing such buildings, the Village ai WIl- mette, linois, ls hereby divided Into the, tollowing districts: *"A" SINGLE FAMILY, DWELLING DISTRICTS T. 42 N., R. 13 B. 3r4. P. IN. Lots il ta 26. both Inclusive, Wouter- fleld's Resubdivision of Block 27., Wil- mette Village, T. 42 N., R. 13 E. 3rd P. M9. Lotsj 12, 13, 14, 15, west laIofa 18, lit 20, 21, '22 23, 24, 26j and 'M6-ln Dlnge¶s Resubdivision o! BIoek 26, Wilmette V Il- la . .>42 N.,R13.8rP.M Lots 1, 2,3, 4 and 56 MeGure and Oirr' s oUdiiof ai Lots 1e, -17,, and east haIt ai 181 lu Ditigee's Resubditvlstip of Block 26'Wilmette Village, T. 42 N.ý, R. 13 E.ILr3 Pý M. Lots A and B la Resuid*ivLiin of Lot 61, tagether with'a twelve (13) foot- strip 0f land south ai and adjalufag s"id Lit 6 lu MeoGuitre and Orr's Resubdivision a~ Lots 16, 17, and east * lfItoe 18 là D]>l- gee's Resubdivilln'et Block 24.,wl mette Village, T. «2 N., R. 13 E. 3rd P. 3L Lots 2, 3,,4,, and 8,,Dingee's Resubdl- vision aiflock25 -Wilmette Village,, O. 42 N., . 13 P. 3;dP. M. Lots 4. 5. 6, 7, 3. 9, and 10, ]Brethoilda Resubdlvislon ai' Lots 6 and 6 lu Din- gee's Resubdlviienný, Black 25, Wilmiette Village, T. 42 N., R. 13 E. 3rd P. M., Lots A. B, and C In Resub*iviltien of Lots 1, 2, and 3 ai Brethold's Rosubdfrt- slan ai Lots 5 and 6 lu Dingee's ]Resubdi.. vision ai Block 25, Wilhette. Village, T. 42 N.. R. 13 E. 3rd P~. M. Lots 1. 2. 3, 4, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, sand 13, Block 18. Wilmotte Village, T. 42 N., R. 13 E. 3rd P. M. Lots 1 ta, 10, bath . inclusive, Child's Subdivision ai Lots 5 and 6 ai Block 18, Wilmette Village, T. 42 N., R. 13 E. 3rd P. M. .Lots 1; 2. 3, 41 5, and 6, Block 17, WiI- mtte Village, T. 42 N., R. 13 E. 3rd P. M. East twa hundred five (2Q5). foot of LÔôt 1, County Clork's Division, Iin the west hali ai fractianal Section 33, T. 42 N., R.L 13 E. 3rà P. M. (except Seger's Subdivi- sion and Springor's Addition ta Wil- mette). Lats 1 ta 6, bath InclusIve, Block 1, and Lots 1 ta 4, 1bath Inclusive, Block 6, Se- ger' a Subdivision af the northeast quai'- tom aif the northwest quarter of Section. 33, T. 42 N., R. 13 E. 3m& P. M. Lots 1 ta 4 bath Inclusive, Block 1, and î.aots 1 to, 5. oth inclusive, fllock 4. Pine horizontal projoctod area£>U jJL.XýZja ibuildigfai.sucn Iltswnenau&= n q----- os1-,3,4 n ,MDailsSb and its accessary buildings, oeudiiig other and used. as one parcel. No open lat ..3 4ant,.wc'ni 8uu- onl cmiesprjetig 'tmore than spaces necessary for conipliance with vision of Lots 1 and 2, Block 5, WilmetteA thlrty (30) luches, open stops and ter- the area requirements for one main Vlae .4 . .1E m .M races. building or use shall bo counted as open Lot 3, Block 5. Wilmette Village, T . 42 di BUILDING LINE SETBACK: The. space accossary ta any other main build- N., R. 13 E. Smd P. M. d minimumn horizontal. distance betweenIi ng or use. Lots 1, 2, 3i, 4, a nd 5, Muelr's Subdivi- nr the street lino and the nearest lineofe the LOT LUNES: The linoes bouurding a sien o! Lot, 4. Block fi, Wilmette Village; 1 bidn.lot as defined hemein. 'Lots 1. 2, 3. 4, 5, '0, 7, S. 9, and 10, Bret- t of asfoiows: I.