ARTICLE XI Violation, Penalty,, Enforcement SECTION 1: Any person, flrm> or cor- poration who violates, disoboys, omits& noglocts, or refuses to comply wlth or who rosiste the enforcement of any of tii. provisions of titl Ordlnance shahl, tapon, conviction be flnod Rot leua than ToenDollars <Slb.0b> nor more than On. Hlundred Dollars (8100.00) for each offense. Bach day that a; violktion. la permittedl to exist- shall constitute a separate offense. Tho Building Comms- sionor là hereby deslgnated and author- £aed te, enïforçie this, Ordinance.. SECTION 2:, In case. any -building or structure la erected, conustructed recon-. structed, àltered,. repaired, convoýrted or maintalned, or any building, structure or land la used ln violation of this Ordi- nance,ý the Building Ceimmlssioner, in additio oohr eeis may institute any property action or proceedings in. the name of the.Village of Wilmette to prevent such unlawful o rection, -con- atruction,. reconstruction, alteration, ro- t..naane .aa*n use..> »U or SECTION 1:. should anly provieion of this Ordinance by a court of competent jul b. lnvalid. such decision ei fect 'the valdity of the O1 a whole or any part thereof, the part so e celared tobo ln, ARTICLE XIII memnbors of the pros established by the fore in force shali and durlng their Office. SECTION 2:-,Whe a violation of any ulations of thus 0 the Bloard .cf Âoi wl.fnr1 Trwo -pou" O f Mr. Gdsii choclats. in a b4mndoome Mothea?. Day ,Gift Box. NICHOLAS P. MII.LER, village Clerk. APPROVED.BY THE PRESIDENT 81 THE VILLAGE 01P WlIiLMET thsâth day of Ap>ril, A. 1). 1935. C.. P. DUBBS, President of thi Village or Wlmett., Ilinsois. ATTEST: NICHOLAS P. MILLER, Village Clerk. Publlshed in Wilmotte Lite Ma.y stit NICHOLAS P.'MLLR 744 EAm: Streef, 366 Central, Avenue,- Highland Park> 634 Ckurch Street,. Evanston Highand Park 1717 Graenleef 68U8 N PA TRONIZE OUR AD VER TISERS TE TOwE-R COCW[Form.erly COKAIL quatumLibet D IN I NG LOUNGE (No Mn'ms Land) RBOOM' LIQUOR -STORE-,111 ~G&W $IVW4 STAR Riundd 1Fhikey G & W Seven Star il amongteçbestsellenr everywhcre and il a favorite wiîen a blcnd of rich, meflow whis- key il in'order. G-4& W. 7 Star, $1.8plut $3.07 qurt Visit The Tower. The restful atmosp here of the cocktil lounge will delight you. The well-appointed dinmng room, with its mrodernistic interior, urges you to dine. And when the menu is presented you'l lid a wondeïful variance of American and Italian dishes at popular prices from- which to choose. So drop in at The Towcr for 'a cocktail or a full meal. A. hearty welcome awaits you. 6'& 6:YRk. OLD:BONDED Bourbon r .Rye $215 cent 10%). nur r ue quired totai'lot area by more than five per cent (5%)-întpemta (b) Such variation shalntprta Frèe DeIiveay Miles Çeu*.r 2S22