"""- orCasfed alvertisemnen ts w ill b. aa's.Sew cpted uto ITueday 9 P. M. foi IM IMETTE LIFE or ail three papers,; Weneady .9 P. I& t'or WINNETKA TALK and Thuruday 6. P. M. foôr GLBNCOU -NEWS Telephonesà: W ihette 4300, Wlnnetka 300.,(Winnetka M0 after e P. M.). IlGreenfleaf 4800 or Sheldrake 1218-1217. LOANMD PUND LOST- MARCH,31, IN ST. JOSEPH's Church, Certer, aisie'nr. the front, a smeli crucifix, 2" long. Rienibrance from deceased. parents. Trustlng the party finding It willi read this and cal Wtlmette 2067, ask for Cecella. 3LTN-ltip LOST - AIR GLÀSSES IN CASE, VI- clnlty Central Ave. Reward. Marilyn Prussing, 1632 Central Ave. Phone Wi- mette 1192. * LTN-ltp LOST - GOLD WEDDING RING, SUN- day, evening at Cooleys or Orrington Ave., between Church andDavis. Phone Wllmette 3989. ý 3LTNI-tc LOST - A 9x20 ROSE CARPZT ON Qrooegbay xoad.,between Winfletkua and Highland Park. Aeward. Highland Park 3902. 3L-ltp LOST - PAIR~ EYE GLASSES BE- tween Hubbard Woods station and Monroe St ', Glencoe. Reward. Ph. Glen- coe 971. 3LT-ltp3 LOST - BLACK LEATHEe PURSE, silver jnounted, near or ln the A. and P. store In Hubbard Woods., Reward. Tel. Glencoe 447.. 3L-ltp If found please caîl Wilff BUILDING AND REPAI PARU' POUCE MILK 8c QUART* SAVE 20% ON DAIRY PRODUYCTS T. B. TESTED AND PASTEURIZED Locust Farm Products. 1225 Wllmette Ave., 806 Ridge Ave., Wil. 908 Linden Ave.,-Hubbard Woods 24LTN52-2tp NOTICE -RI CH -BLACK 8011. guaranteed not to bake. No-waste, nio lumps. Golf Clubs use this soîl for. greens. .This so lihas proven to Mgiveý great resulte. WILMETTE 2770 P. . BALMES * .27LATN62.5tp 1 ORESTE AMICI Qenei'al Landscape and Garden Woi Contract or by Hour. Best refs. RE CALL EVENINGS OR NOON HOU Gýlencoe 1397 422 Oakdale .A 27LTN52- BLACK DIRT 3 YDS. $5. SOI) 4c SQ.1 Cow manure $10 Ioad. Hardwood fireplaees $8 ton delivered. Gus And son, 435 Ridge Rd., Wllmette 452. 27LTN51- i îî P Phone FOR SALE-UPRIGHT PIANO Very reasonable. Phone Wilmette 4643. 40LTN1-ltp PAININSANODEcCOnATINSe Paint, Paper. 5 Rmis., $34.50 CEILINGS CALC., $1UP SANITAS AND CANVASING WORIC. Rfi. wallpaper cleaned, $1; bathroom enameledi $5 up;. kitchen.painted. $6 Up. 5 rmis. irs. washed, varniished, $S. Outside painting.. Porches, $15. Windows,' 50c, Rtefs. Free estimates. Materils furn. MELVIN SKOLNIK WIL.ý 3413 WINN. 2511 ______ ______ 42LTN1-îlti) ROOMS..PAPERED, $3.50 CEILING CALC. $1.50. ANTIQUE wails wshd., stchd., $2.50 up; bath.rm. enam., $6.; aiso outside pntg. Reas. Use pure white lead. Also stucco p)ntg. with bindix.' We have dccorated many fine homes in ýWinnetka and Glencoe, wo uld appreciate your cails. Wk. guar. Best references., LOUIS WILMETTE 5 034 42TNTI-lt rk QUALITY DECORATING eas.OLD LOORS REFI-NISHED WITIJ elcremachine, specl sprlng rates. Wefnance your work throughthe Fed %ýe eral Housing Act. Quality decoratinrs le istrue economy. P'T. FRED BROBERG for BflIARGÂTE 1061. Osc; -PAIN' We dloI R AÀ. AND' NG AND DE( LTN51-ltp ZSON ATINQ rpaintlng. B&uik Bldg.0 . ston. (ire. 3100.' «D'T.mpwa é.e *MPLOYMINT AGENCIES Pauline's *.Empi. Agencies *NO. CHARGE TO EMPLO0YER Ecfficient Service for North Shore Homes. WE INVESTIGATE REFR.ENCES COMPETENT HELP. Wilmette 2171 Davis 7777 Fourth & tinden 634 Davis Op. "I 'Termh.Evatnston. I111. >66LTN-lte Carlson's Empi.,Agency WINNIET A3328 Moved té larger* quarters where we. can give you better -service. PRIVATE ROOMS FOR INTERVIEWS Now at 8hElm St. __________________ 6LTNý5m-te COLORED DOMESTIC HELP A SPE- ciality. All nationalities. l42WiInsott Empi. Agency 148 ileteAve. Wilmette 4144 66LTNI-tp SITUATION WANTED-PEMALE DOMESTIC HELP RELIABLE - EXPERIENCED WE INVESTIGATE REFERENCES No CHARGE TO EMPLOYER WE HAVE AVAILABLE 1ST CLASS GENERALS, NURSES, SECONDS, COOKS AND COUPLES. .Frank's Domestic Bureau 421 Richmond Rd. Kenilworth 5,221 68LTN-ltt OsLk Sti: interet. t my price. P 2634. 15A. -UUBINESB SERVICE STONE FOR FLA( Paul Kruger 730 Center St. Gaz Witinetka 1530 N. Y. BlIue Stone-Tufa Bld GGING Dry, Walls den Walls Rockerlis INBTRUCTION> YOUR CHILD SIIOULD HAVE THE BEST THIS SUMMER Private Beach; shade trees; ýscreened, buts and lavatories. Swimming instruction. Correctiv ,e exer- eites; games. teninis, S~ 7 Vr4. vernight trips Haif days. ason. Sadvisable to Nflrthbfruèo [)e20, W-9 W. C., HUGGINS Painting-Decorating-Remodeling 100 l3th st.. Wllmette Wllmette 3558 42LTN49-4tp INTERIIOR DECORATOR WITH 20. years' exp., paper hanginig, paintinlg and daleimlning. Price reas. Work guaranteed. CaîI C. EC. Lumley, Glen- coe 73. 42LTN49-4tp PETS ______ .£ IS %-11%. 748 EIm St. Winnetka 3391 6SLTN28-tfg DOMESTIC HELP RELIABLE EFFICIEN1 Shay E mploy.nie.nt, Agency Establîshed 2() years Two offices in Chicago 109 EM. Oak St. 14 W. Washinirtox Sup. 6608. Central 9800 -68LTN1-ltg DOMESTIC HELrP Elm superior ,richnesa and qualuty of Mellody ,Warîns Dairy- Milk. FREE DELIVSflY TO'ý YOUR DOOR Mellody Farms Dairy Lake Forest * Wlite4489 24I&TN1-ltC1 cANt i 1 ere, urem to order. . jGlencoe 14j p cre for small cilic, iiait tays. lica- sonable salary, Phone Wilmette 2582. 68L*rNl.ltp A WOMAN WHO IS AN EXCELLN e worker, would like two more days ot Pcleaning. Phone Wllmette 3947. p ~68LTN1-lte Irt wor] r i.