KENIWORT 2%I!b&T Bargain 8 rau. Brick ColoaW, gaz -li. -car att. garage. $100. 10. rife., 4 bath., gs ht., -car gar, attractive y0ard.$135. GLENCOEC-H*IGIIAD *PARK * uBnalow, IL W. ht. $55. Irm., Brick colonial, 2% bathe, att. gar.1 lt. lrgelot. 81ie. cberaAlng n ~c orne o* ns. bbah, ohlit, large lot. 8150.- liAN 3IRE LL IZES &PRICEs BAIRD & WARNER, lmc., 133DAvis st.., ETANSTON Greenleaf lm355 Hollyoort 1855 58pARK DRIVE, KEILWORTH-, Xenilwor 4785 ROger"Prk6151 846 ARKAV]oNUE, GLECOE Glenco..15kBriaxte 1855 97LTN1-ltç SELECCTION B ST VALUEMSOtTR ENIRE LIST IJNFRNISHED '$5 10 rns., 3 ba.,oh, tir. lake .........15 ,4,rmis, 2 ýZ pk, . . ù.... -.....115 7 ris., 2 bu., H. A.H. Ol ....... 7 7 rnis., 1 b., H. W. H., nr. al çonv. 60 6 nus., 1 b., sun pcb., H. W. H., newly dec. .................... b0 4 rnis., 1 b., H. A. H., pcb., 2-c, g. .. 45 6 ris., 1 b., stove heat, nr. transp. 35 FURNIBIIED 10 rnis., 4 bs., ex. loc., att. furn. ..$200 8 rnis., lake, .niod ..........10 7 rmn.: 2 .1>.,. 81P. pcb ...........115 8 nan., 2 ho., slp. pcb. ... ý......... 8 6 rms., 1 b., sun pcb., 2-c, g ....... 75 OTHER GOOD VALUES, F'URN. AND UNFURN. ALL SIZES. B. H.BARNETT_ Nortb Shore beadquarters for choice .va.cant and furnisbed borne entale. $50 to $200. CALL US TODAY FOR DETAILS 97LTN1-ltc 4 BEDRM., 1 BATH, H. A. COKE, SUN porcb. $80. 3 BZDRMS.. 2 BATHS, SUN AND sleeping pcbs., oilI t., H. W. 011 heater, 1-car gar., large lot. $85. Othen furuished and unfurnlshed houses along the nortb shore. 4 tsi . r,1u.utefuH u nseUý Jeeeel pori. fiflOe trouS and gaWdO1i privacy; 'z 'blks. frogiD]ELW. UtO.. No d*0eM. Bargain. lirs. J. C. Welt, 937 Gordon .Ter., Wnnetka. 1 98114î BEcAUTlIFU]L ARTISTIC HOME Studio lv. rra., 4 bedrms-., 2% baths. $135. OTHERS $660 AND UP '0 RALPE M. JAJGER WINNETKA90 9SLTN1-îtP SUMMýER RENTALS... WB ARE HAVING, INQUIRIES ON furnished hornes and.apartmnefts for the -summer montho. if iyour proPertY là. not'listed with Un, please Phone either Gre. 1166 or Wilmnette 3740. THE BILLS REALTY, Inc. 529 DAVIS S-T., EVANSTON. WANTEpD; inWINNETKA - 133ULL FptjRNIsHED HOUSE TO RENT FOR 'l TEAR OR MORE. RENT MUST BE MOIDERÂTU. ÂKAUUTENANTS. APPLY pERSONAILLT TOGC. GET- GOOD AT WINNETKA. 538 FRO(:M 9 TO 5 DAILY. 101L-ltp FOR YEAR OR MORE, IN GLENCOE or Ravinia. ý5 mas3ter bedroornu, 3% baths, butler's pantry, and oil beat. $175. lire. Winslow, Winnetka. 3450. 1OLTN1-ltc E3LDERLY COUPLE WITHOUT CHIL;- dren want rnedium sized furnished bouse and garage for sumnier. Reason- Ahie et of i'tferences. Phone WIl-. 3fine bedrooms2 ts n UI5, e sun and sleeping porch,'ý........ $12,600 Will rent-immediate occupaiicy $85 Mo. Englisak home- of SITNEà. and STUCCO in fine residential' section near the HIGH SCHOO1L and Indian 11111 Station. 6 large roonis, 1% bathe. Attached 2-car garage, easy to-add another roor n sd bath . . ..... . .». .. .. .13,600 Will r-ent-irnnediaté occupancy $85 mo. GRAY SHINGLE ENGLISH COLONIAL in Wlninetka.. 6 >Bunny and spaclous roorne open screen porch and Sleeping porcb. ........................ $65 Mo.' CHARMING 10 roorn ENGLISH BRICK HOME in the hèart ofWinnetka's ex- clusive ESTATE SECTION for rent. $175 rnonth..11'N-t R. B..WHITAKER CO, WINN~twKÂ Désirable 9 rooni bouse for ernaîl farn- *ily on large wooded lot close to lake, tbree blocks to transportatioh. 011 heat iecently installe.& Price ....................... $12,00 WILMETTE 8 Rooni English hore ne uwell estab- Ilshed section on East Side. 011 Heat. 2-Car Garage. Price.......................750 Many other properti .es avaiable for sale aud reut tbrough our PHOTO-TOUn. Why not take advautage of our modern facilities in selecting your future home. SMART & GOLEE, Inc. 1564 Shermani Ave. Upiv. 0283 111LTN-ltç VERY UNUSUAL VALUE Brick, 6 rins. 2 b&, H. W. H. oil, Ige. 1ot, 1-c. g, newly financed, offered'for quick sale, aboýut >% .orig. value... ...9,500 OTIFER G0001) VALUES, ALL SIZE B. H. BARNETT .626 Center st. Wlnnetka 965 i11LTN-ltp Overlooking and Adjoiéning Skokie Cou.ntry Club IMPOSSIBLE. TO DUPLICATE .. etheir location or landscapfing..- The bouse slendidly .built. The price rtiht. Nearly 2,-acres. Corne and see for your- self.- Kimbail,. 770 Bluff St., Glencop. Glencoe 170. 11LTN tp OPEN SÙNDAY 2T0 6 539. KENILWORTH AVENUE, KENIL- *worth. Cbarrning home, 8 rnis., 3 baths, breakfast rooni. A marve- loue buy. Mr. Remingtoni. BAIRD & WARNER 346 PARK AVENUE, GLENCOE Glencoe 1554 Briatgate 1855 111lLTN1-ltc, THE PERFECT HOUSE, EAST KENILWORTH. 5 BEDROOM S, 3%, baths. 011. The bouse' and grounds in fineet condition. Owner leaving city. Make offer.. NANCY LEVINSON- WINNETKA 269, 111LTN-ltp mette 62. lOLTN1'KItp R. B. WTHITAKER CO U . 150 _________________-140 Center St. Winnetka 3250 E. KENILWORTH HOME, 4 BDRMS WANTED TO REr- RGBopen Week Days 9 to 9 2 batbs, brkfst. rrn., oil ht., large -Welf WA?4=UD 111LTN1-ltc wooded lot. Price reduced for quick GARAGE SPACE FORt ONE CAR. E C U IELSIG sale. MLO .RI Phone 605-Madison St., Qlene<*7 ge. nmus., 3 601 1LOke Ave. Wilmette 771 1OLTN1.tP niôd. baths..Engllsh rick colonial. *11LTN-tp FO T-T* A4DOFC Attcb. gar..... ............20000 816.000,OR A REASONABLE OFFER FOR_______________AND________ 765 Ploxdale Ave.. Wnnetka-7 rnis., 4 will be acceptecl on my South Winnetka F OR RENT. . WINNETKA gol-etzed bedrooanh, 1% batI, st 8 roonihome, o11 ht.,6 t lot frontage, STORES IN CARLTON BUILDING, 240 Center St., Wlnnetka-WBiit offer for sell now. Phone Wiunetka 1800. corner Oak Street anid railroad. Low 7 ra. rnod. brick coloniaL 4 bdrnis. 1lILTN1-ltc rentaI. Atteh. gar. ALS SPCIOS PARMEN... $0 69 Cmno R., en1*ôrhtIdeal NwATTRACTIVE C O 1,O0]N I A L HOME, ALSOSPAIQU APATMET.. $4 600Cumor d.,KiilWOtilNSw ood neighborhood. 7 rrns., 2 bathe, England Colonial for 9saUm familY' htd. gun poreh; oil ht., o1llb. w. beater; R.B HT K RCO. 3 bedrmi1s 15. large attie. 2-car gar.. $12,750. -lire. 140 Center St.W . Winuetka 3250 QtJINLAN &. TY SON, mC. Lang. Wiuetka 1194. 111LTNI-ltb OpenWeekDays9 to 9 ý 14LTN1-ltc f571 Shermian Ave. Uni. 2600 LOOK-à' RM. HOUSE, $7,000. GLAZED _________________________ ilTJ'N-ltc and screened sun rrn. a.nd sleeping FOR SAI.E-AP-5.ul..wE s --ch. LIv. rnf. 13x30. Beautiful woe 4 MILES WAEST- loK it. 2-car garage. See it today. Phone BRICK 2 APARTMENTS 'Wiîrette 2479. * iZILTN1-ltp ~c ~7fl< ~COUNTRY PLACE _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ -- - 7;-M dl. . A T V% 0-A P_ . AI..VAeASIVN ~Greatly reduced- $10,500. on Frances J. Winscott N( -.902. Spruce St. Winnetka 1267 523 kt ake Extremely weli b'uilt Ail outdoor sports. nbrick 7 bedrms., 3%1 bath,; In____ ___ East Wlilmette. FPulliformuation [Ueet. FOR AL~ ' TWO 4-GI 'ITH HOR REA Memrôial Park, [nnetka Ave. Winn.: 81--Wil. 819 $150 cash each. I1LTN1-ltc Wilrnette,, 111. section. Boit40, rËB.-i 1