means LARGEST STOCKS and BEST VALUES IN USED CARS Whatever make you want you'II find t Un your Ford dealer's used car display at a price made e by Ford's big lead lu new car sales Ford dealers are leaders. They sell America's leading car-the 1935 Ford V-8. Owners of all types of cars are doing business with Ford dealers. Big cars and small cars and medium sized cars are all being traded in at Ford dealers in bigger volume than elsewhere. A Ford dealer's place of business is now a department store for used cars. Ford dealers are i the habit of giving extra value. They do it every time they sell a new Ford. Go to any Ford dealer's yourself the big advantage in dealing with a leader, who offers extra value. See how Ford's big lead in new car sales means money and trouble saved A C. Lynch. Prei.dent 435 Moin SfreetW ossib