15ç Srdinian Donkeys, height 30 to 37 nches, capable of carryiog 12 5 poundi. to Irish Donkeys, height 37 tO 44 Inches, can> carry zoo or m ore poands. Bouli the Sardinian. and Irish 'Donkeys are gentie, tractable and entirciy saf e for. emnail children to, ride or, drive. Photographic descrip- tiv e iqt On spplcation. Prices.f rom $60 to $100. HARRY T. MORGAN no09 merehandirne Mart isuperlor 7846 k- rooms are at your disposai. Q SHIORE LUNE CLEANURS Whfmffe 3400 Gienc,, 1300 1215 Washington Ave. ».;ýl,1 10:~40 a. m.-Preparatory service for Holy Communion. Il a. mi.-Second ser-vice with 1-olY Communion. On Sunday we begin a series of four sermons on "Failures W'ho Succeeded." The tiret in the group sMuoses, thle uthers being D)aeiel,, Peter, and Paul. Those.desiring to partake of the Lords'5ý Supper in the Il o'clock serývice wili an- nounce their intention at the parsonage on Frida 1y between 1 and 8 p. li. The preparàtory service ivill beginat 10 :40 a. M. On Friday afternoon, the Junior. Wal- ither leaguers are having a bicycle out- ing to Dami No. 1.- They will lewie the church at 1 :30 p. ni. Next -Sunday the Northern lilinois district le conducting a mission rally. at- Concordla. college, River Forest. There .vill be addresses at *3 and 7 p. mi. by foreign .and home missionaries and a lecture, by the Rev. O. C. A. Boecîer of DesPlaines on his recent survey of the new mission field In Nigeria, Africa. Next Tuesday the Ways and Means circle of the Ladies, Aid will meet in the home o! Mrs., John IDethiofi, 892 lnl street, Winnetka. On Thursday, July 11, the MUartha Guid will have a picnic in a nearby forest preserve. Cars wil. leave the .hurch at 1 p. ni. First Presbyterian Ninth street at Gýreenleaf avenue Jamies T. Venieklasen, minister The mninister will xreach at the niorn- ing worship service at il o'clock on the theme, "The Observant Friend of Jesus,"1 the story of une of the discipiles of Jesus wvho seenîed to uniderstand best thle Imuer life of Jesus. We cordially invite you to worship with us. The Sunday scliooi. wili niieet at 10. o'lock. Please note the chagnge in timie, itnd it s hoped that everyone wilil be present on bine for this shiortened ses- sion. The Adult Bible class willi meet at 10 o'cýlock to study further the "Life and Letters of Paiul," and their nmodern appli- cation. There are no nî-idweek services through the $uMmer. The p)astor- is availabie for pastoral services to those in need, regardless of denonination. Phone 38î6. will be the sermon topic of the Rev. John G. Hlndley at the union service ln the Baptist church this Sunday mornlng at l o'clock. This will be the tlrst in Dr. Hindley's serles o! sermons'on the reli- grion of famous Amertcans. 'ne union serices wlll continue An the *Baptist k on the S. S. regular mornflg union service Is bvtna .held at the Baptlst church. Russell Compton is in charge of the chut-eh school. Englisiz Luther an' Seventh street:at Greenleat avenue l'House of Worship' The Rev. David ..Kabele, pastor SUNDAY SERVICES Early service................. 8o'clock Church sehool............. 'j.9o'clock Second service .........lo'clock The'rmusic' at the services next Suit- day will be as followis: Organ - Solenin Prelude..... ...Noble Quartette - .Coîne Now, and Let Us Reason 'Together ......... .... iriant Solo-I Wiil Sing Unto the Lord,. 1liard s Mrs. J. 'H. Hopp Organ Offertory-Roiiance..Mac Duweliý Postlude -Hymnus ............. Cole The Wonîen's society wil meet on Thursday afternoon, July il, at 2 i&clock at the chuùrch. Bible camp and Summer school foi church workers. will be held ai Long~ Lake Bible Conférence Girounds, Jui3 22 te 28. The camp is planned etspe- cially for Luther leaguers, youngi peoffie, and church workeÜs. Board and rouit, for the, entire week, 2%onday to Sundas afternoon as lo-wv. as $9. Plan, to atteitu this profitable and enjoyable week ai Long Lake. For further information see the jpastor. We invite you te worship with us. THE DOG NUISANCE june. 26, 1935. Editor, '11 iLmoTTE LVee: *As a taxpayer I wish to express mny views on the dog nuisance iin our village. One cannot walk dowNvàany street tow.ards t hezvillage.,1without being jumped on or, frigbtened to death-, both children and adults-by ,dogs, to say nothingabout the bowling of somne of these pet mongrels. 1 have ived hiere for fifteen years, and was iever so annoyed going to trains or village, by dogs, as the past year. Mrs. A. Terrance, Property Owner of Wilmette. Ja mes Aider, 931 Greenwood ave- nue, returned Friday from aà two weeks' fishiing tripat Big Lake,,Wis.. N ancy Brown will spend her va cationi in England, while Ballenger and 'fread- weIl will disembark at Hlamburg, Ger- many, on july 5, and spend ten weeks bicycling through GermanY, Austria, Switzerland, France, Belgium and The Netherlands, with forty members of The Ainerican Youth Hostels associa- ti!on,' as < ihemhers aise . of the Interna- tional Youth Hostels, of which there are 2,6W0 in Europe and thirty ini New England, with six million: members.. George L.. Treadwvell. and Carleton W. Washburne are members of the National Advisory board of Thé American Youthi Hostels association. 1Warren -Treaawell enters' the* junior class at Deerfield Acadenîly,. Deerfield, Mass., this faîl with advanced credits preparatory to entering Amnherst ini 1937. Mother of Wilmette, Man Passes Away on June 2& Dr. and Mrs. T'homnas L. Grisainore, 411 Lake avenue, returneci last weck from Centralia, Ill., where thicy- had> beeni called by thé dcath of Dr. Grisa - mor e s mother, Nfrs. Mary Gnisaniore, who passed away ou june 26 at thé age of $3. Mrs.. Grisamore wvas ont of fi fteen children wliose f ather sett lu( miany years .ago on a far oôf, 1,500 acre 1s in, Centralia. M.\rs. Grisamore lbas.two 1brotiiers Still living near there and two children, Dr. Gisamiore, and adag ter, Mrs. W. C. Fisher, a resident o Centralia at whose. home she passe(] away. VISIT HERE Mr. and M1rs. John Cullings of Peoria spent the week-end with, their relatives',the Albert A. %IcKeigliàn- famfily*at'1025 Greenlèafaveniue'. Mr. Cullinigs graduated fre'i the Uni- versity *of, Illinois. with thc class- of '35, t aking .,,a degre in, civil en- gineering. For the p)ast two or threc years he bas been emnployed by the government on the lakes to gulf deep wat erw ay pr oject, beiîig lately of Des Moines, is spending tbe sumn- mer witb them. Mr. and Mrs. J. AIfrn Pearson (Avis Lundahi) of Gosheh, Ind., were week-end, guests of Mrs. Pearsofl's parents, Mr.,and Mrs. Herbert Liind ahi of 224 Raleigh.road, Xenilwoith