morning., The plane, known as a "crop duster," belonges to the In- dependent .Crop.Dusters, Inc., of San Francisco. ]From. Curtiss field it we.nt to De _KaIb, 111. -Several months ago while"dsng cotton' in the South. Vincent C. Taylor, formnerly a flying instructor at Sky Harbor airport, was injured whellbis planie crashed. He, was ini the bospital for two weeks. Crop "dusting". is extremely hazard- ous because the -plane has to fly close to the ground to enake the dsig jobý effective. Saa Cse -Tv.m - Wmdmlbe iHat BOX«. ' I'oted astern Surgeon KABHLER LOCK & TRUNK SHOP'4 Arrivesý in Bellanca 14U1 Sherma Avenue, Evamaton UNI. 5037 Dr. Rkhard U. Light, noted surgeon _______________________________________________ of New, Havyen, Conn., madle a- stop at Curtiss airport last week. He~ was Oh . . fr IAU C COW fyi Belianea Skyroeloet owiied by' Oh a WllaceBéery, movie actor., From wlththatIlavrfulCurtiss he planned to go to Kal- withthatflavtyalamazoo, Mich., and then back to New '400 CL U B""Haven. He Lad a passenger with him. Last summer and fail in bis own R O O T B EE Rship, also a Bellanca, Dr., Ligbtan R O O T EE Rbis mechanic macle a tnipraround the So tastyl So pure! So refreshing a treat world by easy stages. The ship was to set before your sununer g u e a t s 1 equipped witb pontoons. It was the SiMply use a same Bellanca which cracked up near smnail heping of Chicago H-eigbts a year ago last ic. çream in*aChristmas and which was rebuilt at taff a1riss ndfifl k abrarot iyun, 8/à Greenwoou avenue, '..ecncoe, whose heroic efforts in saving a- plane and its passengers ~ in Alaska were de- ~*z~tailed ini these col- umns recently, is a Spilot for INorthern ~'~Air Transport, one of five- air lines ope rating ;out of Fairbanks, Alaska. Hie forznerly w'as in the Naval R. 0., -T. C. at North- western university, where he wvas grad- uated in130 After John E Lynu taking prelimiar flying training at Great Lakes, Mr Lynu spent a year at Pensacola, Fa., ,and then was in the United States Fly- ing service at, San Diego, C41if., for a year.before going to Alaska. Carry 3,600 Pasb.nger 1s i3 Weeks in Indiana The big tri-motoeed Boeing, owned by Jerry Wood and rebuilt at Pal. Waukee airport recently,, carried 3,600 passengers in three %veeks on;a recent tour of Indiana. Cities visitedà included' LaFayette, Indianapolis, Marlon and Muncie. Wood was at Muncie last week and planned to go from there to cities in Ohio, The 3,600 passengers were carried in the You Con see "40 Club- RBverigs mode in eur o pe n.v ie w sémitary Plant. .Cub" Itoot IBoer. S For other spaikling drinks, rnized, or straiglit, try "400 Club" Ginger Ale, Lime Eickey, Grapefruit Rickey, Sparkling Water, Club Soda, or other flavors. At Cemtrefla and Other Quaity Food S tore. PEACOCK ALE, CI at Resort in the Ozarks Richard Beeler, Beechcraft distnib- utor with headquarters at Curtiss air- port, spent last week-end at Bella Vista, Ark. He went there by way' of Des.Moines,' Iowa, Lincoîn, Nýebr., and Wichita, Kans., transact'ing busi- ness in these three towns.. I3eeler; was given honorable mention for his p art in the annual Indiana air tour, in which he participated recently. Hel Gus Palmquist Flics to Stinson Factory June 22, Gus Palmquist, formerly a pilot at Pal-Waukee airport and now mane- ager of the Chicago Aviation cor- poration hangar at the Chicago mun- icipl aipon, mace a bus ines s trip to. the Stinson factory at Wayne, Mich., on June 22. He flew over in a Stinsoni. C. WV. "Slim" Freitag, satesia-n for the Chicago Aviation à - - -à-%J va imm A I Y VLIA L L. Coke of Winnetka and his MAKES OVER-NIGIjT STOP pilot, Clarence Clabaugb, 1kw to Mr. Enroute from Selfridge field, Micb- Cooke's faim near Havana, Ill., last igan, to Kansas City, Lieut. James week. They macle the trip in Mr. Crabb, stationed at Selfridge, macle Cooke's Stinson, whicb is hangared at an. over-nightstop at.Curtiss.,airport Curtiss airport. last week. For w,,- Il call Mr. Jàcklson Winnetke 2400 Daily Evninge, Univeruity 6448 b. Ion a